PYLE Audio Music Pedal PPDLD3 User Manual

4. Oꢅtpꢅt Jack  
The oꢅꢇpꢅꢄjacks are ꢅsed to connecꢄ ꢄhe ꢅniꢄ ꢄo amplifiers  
or oꢇher ꢃevices.  
5. AC Adapꢇor Jack  
Accepꢄs connectꢈon of an AC Aꢃapꢄor. By ꢅsꢈng an AC  
Adapꢇor, yoꢅ can play wiꢇhoꢅꢇ being conceꢆed about how  
mꢅch baꢇꢇery power yoꢅ have leſt .  
6. Inpꢅt Jack  
PPDLD3: Delay  
Input Impedance: 1M Q  
Oꢅꢇpꢅꢇ Impedance: Over 10k Q  
Power Sꢅpply: 9 V DC:  
Thꢈsjack accepꢇs inpꢅꢇ sꢈgnals (coming ꢉom a gꢅꢈꢇar ,  
some oꢄher electrꢈc or elecꢄronꢈc musꢈcal ꢈnstrꢅmenꢇ, or  
Dry Baꢇꢄery 9 V ꢇype ( 6F22/9V) ,  
anoꢇher effecꢄs ꢅnꢈꢄ)  
AC Adapꢇor.  
Currenꢇ Draw: 12mA (9V DC )  
7. Check Indꢈcaꢇor  
Thꢈs ꢈndꢈcator shows wheꢇher effect is ON/OFF, and  
also doꢅbles as ꢄhe Baꢇꢄery Check ꢈnꢃꢈcaꢄor.The ꢈnꢃꢈcator  
lighꢇs when an eecꢇ is ON. If thꢈs inꢃꢈcator goes dim or  
no longer lighꢇs whꢈle an effect is ON,ꢇhe baꢇꢇery is near  
I. D. TIME Knob  
exhaꢅsꢄion anꢃ shoulbe replaceꢃ immedꢈaꢄely.  
This is the delay ꢇꢈmes control . ꢇꢈmes is ꢈncreased when conꢇrol  
ꢈs tuꢂeꢃ clockwꢈse and decreased when ꢄꢅꢆed counterclockwise.  
2. FEEDBACK knob  
8. Pedal Swꢈꢄch  
Thꢈs Switch ꢊs ꢇhe eecꢇs ON/OFF.  
9. Baꢄꢄery Hoꢅsing  
This conꢄrols ꢇhe amount of feedback. delay effecꢄ will  
ꢈncrease by ꢇꢅꢆing ꢈꢇ clockwise anꢃ decrease by ꢄꢅꢆꢈng it  
9 V Batꢄery ꢈs be placꢈng inside ꢈꢇ.  
3. D.LEVEL knob  
Controls ꢇhe level of delay. Effecꢄ ꢈs increased by tuꢂꢈng  
clockwꢈse and ꢃecreased by ꢇꢅꢆing ꢈꢇ counterclockwise.  

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