Kicker Speaker 10ZXM4502 User Manual

Long-Range Tower System  
English Version  
Versión Español  
Torre de Largo Alcance Sistema  
Deutsche Version  
Long-Range Turm System  
Version Francaise  
Long-Range Tour Système  
plastic mounting inserts  
supported diameters:  
stainless steel socket-  
head cap screws  
1.625” [42.3mm]  
1.75” [44.4mm]  
1.875 [47.6mm]  
2” [50.8mm]  
(1/4” Allen wrench)  
2.25” [57.2mm]  
2.375” [60.3mm]  
2.5” [63.5mm]  
place and screw  
the mounting  
bracket bottom  
to the top of the  
KMT60 enclosure  
place mounting  
mounting bracket bottom  
stainless steel socket-  
head cap screws  
(1/4” Allen wrench)  
plastic mounting inserts  
bracket top  
place and screw  
the mounting  
bracket top to  
the mounting  
bracket bottom  
mounting bracket top  
place remaining  
mounting inserts  
Wiring: If pre-existing speaker wiring is not available in your desired mounting location, it may be necessary to  
run the wire through the wakeboarding tower or roll bar on your vehicle. The speaker wire should be kept away  
from sharp edges to avoid the possibility of getting pinched by moving mechanisms and be out of the way of all  
passengers and party-goers. If you must drill a hole to run the speaker wire through any location, be careful not  
to drill into other wiring or existing mechanisms. Any time a wire is run through a hole, it is necessary to insert a  
rubber or plastic grommet to protect the wire from damage. Check your local building codes for the necessary  
procedures and precautions for running low voltage wiring in your home or indoor skatepark.  
Once the speaker wiring job is finished, plug the speaker wires securely into the positive (red dot on the speaker  
connector) and negative (black dot on the speaker connector) five-way speaker terminals on the top-rear area  
of the KMT60 long-range tower system enclosure. Maintain proper polarity between all KMT60 speakers. Most  
speaker wires are marked with a solid or dashed line on one of the two speaker wires. Use this solid or dashed  
line as the positive polarity throughout the entire speaker system. The other end of these wires connect to your  
source unit or amplifier in a similar manner, observing proper polarity.  
rear view  
Modern high performance speakers have a lower working Impedance than what used to be available. The  
KICKER KMT60 speakers are rated at four ohms and work with any source unit or amplifier designed to operate  
at a four ohm load. If you want to use two KMT60 speakers on each channel of your source unit or amplifier  
wire the speakers in series. This will improve the sound quality, lower the total harmonic distortion and lessen  
the thermal load at the source unit or amplifier, as it will be an eight ohm load. This may prevent an amplifier from  
shutting down due to over-current protection circuitry.  
If you have any questions about the installation of your KICKER KMT60 enclosure speakers, see the Authorized  
KICKER Dealer where you made your purchase. Please E-mail [email protected] or call Technical Services at  
(405) 624-8583 for specific or unanswered questions.  
KICKER warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for a period of  
THREE (3) MONTHS from date of original purchase with receipt. When purchased from an Authorized KICKER Dealer it  
is warranted for ONE (1) YEAR from date of original purchase with receipt. In all cases you must have the original receipt.  
Should service be necessary under this warranty for any reason due to manufacturing defect or malfunction during the  
warranty period, KICKER will repair or replace (at its discretion) the defective merchandise with equivalent merchandise  
at no charge. Warranty replacements may have cosmetic scratches and blemishes. Discontinued products may be  
replaced with more current equivalent products. This warranty is valid only for the original purchaser and is not extended  
to owners of the product subsequent to the original purchaser. Any applicable implied warranties are limited in duration  
to a period of the express warranty as provided herein beginning with the date of the original purchase at retail, and no  
warranties, whether express or implied, shall apply to this product thereafter. Some states do not allow limitations on  
implied warranties; therefore these exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights; however  
you may have other rights that vary from state to state.  
Defective merchandise should be returned to your local Authorized Stillwater Designs (KICKER) Dealer for warranty  
directly. You can confirm that a dealer is authorized by asking to see a current authorized dealer window decal.  
If it becomes necessary for you to return defective merchandise directly to Stillwater Designs (KICKER), call the KICKER  
Customer Service Department at (405) 624-8510 for a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Package only  
the defective items in a package that will prevent shipping damage, and return to:  
Stillwater Designs, 3100 North Husband St, Stillwater, OK 74075  
The RMA number must be clearly marked on the outside of the package. Please return only defective components. The  
return of functioning items increases your return freight charges. Non-defective items will be returned freightcollect to you.  
For example, if a subwoofer is defective, only return the defective subwoofer, not the entire enclosure. Include a copy  
of the original receipt with the purchase date clearly visible, and a “proof-of-purchase” statement listing the Customer’s  
name, Dealer’s name and invoice number, and product purchased. Warranty expiration on items without proof-of-  
purchase will be determined from the type of sale and manufacturing date code. Freight must be prepaid; items sent  
freight-collect, or COD, will be refused.  
This warranty is valid only if the product is used for the purpose for which it was designed. It does not cover:  
o Damage due to improper installation  
o Subsequent damage to other components  
o Damage caused by exposure to moisture, excessive heat, chemical cleaners, and/or UV radiation  
o Damage through negligence, misuse, accident or abuse. Repeated returns for the same damage may be  
considered abuse  
o Any cost or expense related to the removal or reinstallation of product  
o Speakers damaged due to amplifier clipping or distortion  
o Items previously repaired or modified by any unauthorized repair facility  
o Return shipping on non-defective items  
o Products with tampered or missing barcode labels  
o Products returned without a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number  
o Freight Damage  
o The cost of shipping product to KICKER  
o Service performed by anyone other than KICKER  
KICKER strives to maintain a goal of 1 week service for all acoustics (subwoofers, midrange drivers, tweeters,  
crossovers, etc) returns. Delays may be incurred if lack of replacement inventory or parts is encountered. Failure to  
follow these steps may void your warranty. Any questions can be directed to the KICKER Customer Service Department  
at (405) 624-8510. Contact your International KICKER dealer or distributor concerning specific procedures for your  
country’s warranty policies.  
Note: All specifications and performance figures are subject to change. Please visit for the most  
current information.  
P.O. Box 459 • Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076 • USA • (405) 624–8510  
Contact your International KICKER dealer or distributor concerning specific procedures for your country’s warranty policies.  
WARNING: KICKER products are capable of producing sound levels that can permanently damage your hearing! Turning up a  
system to a level that has audible distortion is more damaging to your ears than listening to an undistorted system at the same  
volume level. The threshold of pain is always an indicator that the sound level is too loud and may permanently damage your  
hearing. Please use common sense when controlling volume.  
Versión Español  
Comuníquese con su concesionario o distribuidor KICKER internacional para obtener información sobre procedimientos  
específicos relacionados con las normas de garantía de su país.  
ADVERTENCIA: Los excitadores KICKER son capaces de producir niveles de sonido que pueden dañar permanentemente  
el oído. Subir el volumen del sistema hasta un nivel que produzca distorsión es más dañino para el oído que escuchar un  
sistema sin distorsión al mismo volumen. El dolor es siempre una indicación de que el sonido es muy fuerte y que puede dañar  
permanentemente el oído. Sea precavido cuando controle el volumen.  
La frase “combustible para vivir la vida Livin’ Loud™ a todo volumen” se refiere al entusiasmo por la vida que la marca KICKER  
de estéreos de automóvil representa y a la recomendación a nuestros clientes de que vivan lo mejor posible (“a todo volumen”)  
en todo sentido. La línea de altavoces y amplificadores KICKER es la mejor del mercado de audio de automóviles y por lo tanto  
representa el “combustible” para vivir a todo volumen en el área de “estéreos de automóvil” de la vida de nuestros clientes.  
Recomendamos a todos nuestros clientes que obedezcan todas las reglas y reglamentos locales sobre ruido en cuanto a los  
niveles legales y apropiados de audición fuera del vehículo.  
Deutsche Version  
Nehmen Sie mit Ihren internationalen KICKER-Fachhändler oder Vertrieb Kontakt auf, um Details über die Garantieleistungen in  
Ihrem Land zu erfahren.  
WARNUNG: KICKER-Treiber können einen Schallpegel erzeugen, der zu permanenten Gehörschäden führen kann! Wenn Sie ein  
System auf einen Pegel stellen, der hörbare Verzerrungen erzeugt, schadet das Ihren Ohren mehr, als ein nicht verzerrtes System  
auf dem gleichen Lautstärkepegel. Die Schmerzschwelle ist immer eine Anzeige dafür, dass der Schallpegel zu laut ist und zu  
permanenten Gehörschäden führen kann. Seien Sie bei der Lautstärkeeinstellung bitte vernünftig!  
Der Slogan “Treibstoff für Livin’ Loud” bezieht sich auf die mit den KICKER-Autostereosystemen assoziierte Lebensfreude und die  
Tatsache, dass wir unsere Kunden ermutigen, in allen Aspekten ihres Lebens nach dem Besten (“Livin’ Loud”) zu streben. Die  
Lautsprecher und Verstärker von KICKER sind auf dem Markt für Auto-Soundsysteme führend und stellen somit den “Treibstoff”  
für das Autostereoerlebnis unserer Kunden dar. Wir empfehlen allen unseren Kunden, sich bezüglich der zugelassenen und  
passenden Lautstärkepegel außerhalb des Autos an die örtlichen Lärmvorschriften zu halten.  
Version Française  
Pour connaître les procédures propres à la politique de garantie de votre pays, contactez votre revendeur ou distributeur  
International KICKER.  
AVERTISSEMENT: Les haut-parleurs KICKER ont la capacité de produire des niveaux sonores pouvant endommager l’ouïe de  
façon irréversible ! L’augmentation du volume d’un système jusqu’à un niveau présentant une distorsion audible endommage  
davantage l’ouïe que l’écoute d’un système sans distorsion au même volume. Le seuil de la douleur est toujours le signe que le  
niveau sonore est trop élevé et risque d’endommager l’ouïe de façon irréversible. Réglez le volume en faisant prevue de bon sens!  
L’expression “ carburant pour vivre plein pot “ fait référence au dynamisme de la marque KICKER d’équipements audio pour  
véhicules et a pour but d’encourager nos clients à faire le maximum (“ vivre plein pot “) dans tous les aspects de leur vie. Les  
haut-parleurs et amplificateurs KICKER sont les meilleurs dans le domaine des équipements audio et représentent donc pour nos  
client le “ carburant pour vivre plein pot “ dans l’aspect “ installation audio de véhicule “ de leur vie. Nous encourageons tous nos  
clients à respecter toutes les lois et réglementations locales relatives aux niveaux sonores acceptables à l’extérieur des véhicules.  
P.O. Box 459 • Stillwater, Oklahoma 74076 • USA • (405) 624–8510  
©2010 Stillwater Designs  

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