HP Hewlett Packard Network Router HP 37722A User Manual

HP 37722A telecom analyzer  
HP 37732A telecom/datacom  
Technical specifications  
Specifications for telecom testing using the  
HP 37722A telecom analyzer or the  
HP 37732A telecom/datacom analyzer  
Telecom specifications  
Bit rates: 2.048 Mb/s, 64 kb/s;  
Timing: Recovered (loop timed),  
2 Mb/s receiver  
optional 8.448 Mb/s, 704 kb/s, sub- internal, external.  
64 kb/s.  
Internal clock: 2.048 MHz,  
64 kHz, (± 10 ppm).  
Timeslot monitor: Displays  
contents of single data timeslot,  
FAS timeslot, NFAS timeslot (bits  
1 to 8 for all odd-numbered  
frames), MFAS, single signaling  
channel or all signaling channels.  
Frame structure: 2 Mb/s  
unframed, to ITU-T G.704, G.706,  
G.732, G.704: with no multiframe;  
with CAS multi-frame with/  
without CRC4 multiframe;  
2 Mb/s transmitter  
64 kb/s codirectional; independent Output  
setting for transmitter and  
Interfaces: To ITU-T G.703 and  
Ternary: HDB3 or AMI.  
Binary: TTL, data NRZ, clock  
normal or inverted, .  
Binary/ternary: 2.048 Mb/s  
± 100 ppm (nominal).  
Terminate: 0 to 30 dB.  
Binary: TTL, data NRZ, clock  
normal or inverted.  
Error insertion  
Bit, code: Single, variable 102 to  
BNC: 75 ohm, unbalanced.  
3-pin Siemens: 120 ohm,  
Frame error add  
64 kb/s receiver  
FAS word, NFAS bit, CAS MFAS  
word (CAS multiframe mode);  
CRC MFAS word and CRC bits  
(CRC4 multiframe mode).  
Mode: Burst, continuous.  
Modes of operation  
Transmit, receive, through mode.  
Codirectional data input:  
64 kb/s ± 150 ppm (nominal).  
Terminate: 0 to 30 dB.  
Auto setup  
Bit rate, line code, framing and  
Alarm generation: AIS 2 or 3  
zeros in 512; AIS all ones, remote  
alarm, remote mutiframe alarm,  
no signal.  
Test patterns  
PRBS: 211 1 (ITU-T O.153),  
215 1, 223 1 (ITU-T O.151)  
(inverted or non-inverted).  
Word: Fully programmable n-bit  
Signaling bits: Set ABCD  
signaling bits in CAS multiframe  
word (n=8 to 1024); all ones, 1 in 2 to any 4-bit pattern (all channels  
contain the same pattern).  
Timeslot selection: All  
timeslots, single timeslot, n  
timeslots for n = 1 to 31  
(contiguous or non-contiguous).  
Receive timeslot as for  
Overhead bits: Individual setting  
of Si, spare MFAS, NFAS bits 4 to  
8 (Sa) for all odd-numbered  
transmitter, or independently set.  
Deselected timeslots: 26 1  
PRBS or all ones (transmit only).  
64 kb/s transmitter  
HP 37722A telecom analyzer  
Test period: Manual, single:  
15 min, 30 min, 1 hour, 24 hour,  
user defined:  
Codirectional data output  
Octet timing (to ITU-T G.703):  
On, off.  
1 to 100 seconds, minutes, hours,  
Bit error add: Single, variable  
102 to 108.  
Datacom testing using the  
HP 37732A telecom/datacom analyzer  
Datacom specifications  
Asynchronous mode  
Rates: 50, 75, 110, 134.5, 150, 200,  
300, 600 b/s; 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 4.8, 7.2,  
9.6, 19.2 kb/s.  
Datacom interfaces: V.24,  
V.11/X.21-leased, V.35.  
Terminal emulation: DTE, DCE. Character length: 5, 6, 7 or  
Timing modes: Synchronous  
from 50 b/s to 2.048 Mb/s;  
asynchronous from 50 b/s to  
19.2 kb/s (except X.21-leased).  
8 bits.  
Parity: Odd, even, 0, 1 or none.  
Stop bits: 1, 1.5 or 2.  
Data polarity: Normal or inverse.  
V.24 breakout  
Isolation switches: TD, RD,  
DSR, DCD, situated between  
drivers/receivers and interface  
Four-state indicators: TD, RD,  
DSR, DCD and monitor.  
Patch points and voltage  
Error add: Single, variable  
102 to 105.  
Test patterns  
PRBS: 63, 511, or 2047 bit, 215 1,  
220 1.  
Fixed: Permanent mark,  
alternating mark/space inversion,  
FOX message (asynchronous  
mode only).  
Word: User-defined word, 8 to  
1024 bits in 8 bit intervals.  
V.11/V.35 activity indicators  
Data and clock: SD, RD, TT/  
Control circuits: RS, CS,  
Test period: Manual, timed  
interval (1 s to 100 days), bit  
interval (10n bits, n = 4 to 10).  
Synchronous mode  
Clock sources: Internal  
synthesizer, datacom interface.  
(Selectable clock inversion.)  
Interface clock rates: 50 b/s to  
2.048 Mb/s, ± 10 ppm.  
Synthesizer rates: 1.2, 2.4, 4.8,  
9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 48, 56, 64, 384, 256,  
512 kb/s, 1.024, 1.984 Mb/s,  
variable (600 b/s to 2.048 Mb/s).  
V.24 rate limited to 128 kb/s.  
HP 37732A telecom/datacom analyzer  
Telecom and datacom measurements  
Telecom measurements  
All measurements are simultaneous.  
Datacom measurements  
All measurements are simultaneous.  
At 2048 kb/s have error count, average error ratio, error free  
seconds, % error free seconds of: bit (64 and 2048 kb/s), code,  
frame bit, CRC4, REBE (remote end block error – E bits).  
Bit error count/ratio, block count (the block length  
can be either 103 bits or PRBS length), block error count/ratio,  
asynchronous ES, %EFS, clock slips.  
ITU-T M.2100 analysis  
ITU-T M.2100 analysis  
ES, SES and availability for maintenance monitoring of transmit  
and receive directions. Receive only for out-of-service testing  
(includes PRBS defects and anomalies).  
As for telecom measurements.  
ITU-T G.821 error analysis  
As for telecom measurements.  
ITU-T G.821 error analysis  
SES, %SES, ES, %ES, UAV and %UAV (telecom only), percent  
availability (datacom only), US, DM, %DM, long term mean error  
ratio. Also G.821 Annex D and user-defined thresholds.  
Alarm seconds and LED display of: data loss, power loss,  
pattern sync loss, clock slip.  
Frequency (synchronous mode only)  
Range: 0 to 2.048 MHz.  
Resolution: 1 Hz.  
Alarm seconds and LED display of: AIS, LOS, LOF, CAS MFM  
loss, CRC4 MFM loss, remote alarm, remote MFM alarm, pattern  
sync loss, octet loss, power loss.  
Control-circuit timing analysis  
Graphic display of the status of control circuits RTS, CTS,  
DTR, DSR, DCD and Mon (monitor in V.24 mode only).  
Range: 0 to 9 MHz.  
Resolution: 1 Hz.  
Between user-defined start and stop events.  
Start and stop events: Transitions of RTS, CTS, DTR, DSR,  
DCD and Mon (user-connected monitor point for V.24 only).  
Ranges: 100 ms, 1 s, 10 s.  
Slips and COFAs  
Number of pattern slips in available time and changes of frame  
alignment (COFA) are detected and counted.  
Round trip delay  
Resolution: 0.1 ms up to 1 s, 1 ms above 1 s.  
For 223 1 PRBS at 2 Mb/s.  
Range: 0 to 1023 ms ± 3% (nominal).  
Resolution: 1 µs.  
Specifications common to the HP 37722A and 37732A analyzers  
Graphics and printing  
Results and settings  
Graphic display and printout  
Barchart (results v 1920 time  
periods) for current or stored  
measurement period. Showing,  
for telecom: bit error count, code  
error count, frame error count,  
CRC error count, REBE (remote  
end block error – E-bits) error  
count, M2100 ES, SES count,  
Dimensions mm (inch): 190  
(7.5) high, 340 (13.4) wide, 208  
(8.2) deep including front panel  
cover or datacom module.  
Weight: HP 37722A 4.5 kg (10 lb);  
HP 37732A 5.9 kg (12.5 lb).  
ac Supply: 90 to 260 V, 60 VA, 48  
to 66 Hz.  
Internal results storage  
Automatic, for up to 10 periods  
with a maximum of 80 days  
capacity or total capacity of  
approximately 5,000 events. Data  
retained when instrument  
switched off.  
Results stored at end of  
measurement period  
Telecom and datacom error  
results, ITU-T G.821/M.2100 error  
Temperature: 0 to +50°C  
operating, 40 to +70°C storage.  
or datacom, any of: bit error  
count, block error count, alarms.  
Bar resolution: 1, 15, 60 minutes. analysis, alarm seconds.  
Instrument settings storage  
Printer and remote control  
Connector: 25-pin female  
Printing: Results, time, date and  
instrument control settings to  
external printer.  
All current settings and results  
saved when the instrument  
switched off. In addition, up to  
five complete telecom and five  
complete datacom setups, with  
names, stored for recall.  
Remote control: Full duplex  
RS-232 control via a terminal or a  
Specifications of options available  
for both analyzers  
8 Mb/s measurements  
Test patterns  
X.21 data access  
(Option 002)  
PRBS: 29 1, 211 1 (ITU-T O.151). External drop/insert.  
Word: Fully programmable user  
word (octet aligned); 14 bits for  
X.50; 16 bits for X.58.  
External pattern: Via X.21-  
leased port.  
Rate: Unstructured n × 64 kb/s,  
n = 1 to 6.  
Adds framed and unframed  
pattern generation and  
measurements at 8 Mb/s. All  
specifications same as 2 Mb/s  
Rate: Structured sub-64 kb/s  
(option 005 only).  
Single X.50, X.58 circuit mux/  
demux to 2 Mb/s, mux to 64 kb/s  
via X.21 interfaces.  
Deselected sub-rate channel  
X.50: F0000000; F1111111;  
F1111110; F0000001.  
Clock: 8.448 Mb/s (internal),  
500 kHz to 9 MHz (external).  
Line code: HDB3.  
Mode: DCE.  
Connector: 15-pin D-type.  
Ternary data input: 8.448 Mb/s  
± 100 ppm.  
X.58: 11111111; 01010101.  
Audio access  
External drop/insert.  
Error add  
600 ohm (0 dB TLP nominal).  
A-law codec. Single timeslot.  
Connectors: 3-pin Siemens.  
Input and output level: +3 dBm  
to –50 dBm (nominal).  
Bit: Single; variable rate 10n  
where n = 2 to 6.  
704 kb/s measurements  
(Option 003)  
Frame: 1 to 32 consecutive frame  
bits (burst).  
Adds framed/unframed pattern  
generation and measurements at  
704 kb/s. All specifications same  
as 2 Mb/s except:  
Frame error add ratio: 10n where  
n = 2 to 6.  
Internal talk/listen  
Errors: Bit, frame.  
Alarms: Frame loss; pattern loss; and measurement  
remote alarm.  
Tone generation  
Clock: 704 kb/s.  
Frame error simulation: No  
CRC4 mode.  
Timeslot selection: For n up to  
Timeslot monitor: No CRC4;  
MFAS replaced by timeslot 0  
frames 1, 13, 15.  
(Options 005 and 006)  
User channel interface:  
Conforms to ITU-T X.50 divisions  
2 and 3, X.50 bis, and X.58 as  
appropriate for 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8,  
9.6, 14.4, 19.2, 48 kb/s. Circuit  
numbering to ITU-T X.53.  
2.048 Mb/s only  
Into n × 64 kb/s timeslots  
(n = 1 to 31).  
Overhead bits setting: Si,  
unassigned frame, spare service,  
spare MFAS bits.  
Level: 0 to 55 dBm0, 5 dB steps.  
Fixed frequencies: 404, 1008,  
2100, 2804 Hz, ± 1 Hz.  
Octet monitor  
Displays contents of any selected  
8-bit envelope. Monitors  
Variable frequency: 100 Hz to  
information bits and network bits. 3.9 kHz, ± 15 Hz.  
Sub-64 kb/s testing  
(Option 005)  
Generate and measure: X.50  
and X.58, AIS (all ones).  
In selected 64 kb/s timeslot.  
Code word: Measurements with  
Testing of sub-64 kb/s data signals  
to ITU-T X.50 and X.58.  
Timeslot access  
Structured bearer signal: Either (Options 005 and 006)  
64 kb/s codirectional signal or one  
Signal level: 80 to +3 dBm0.  
Channel frequency: 40 Hz to  
3.99 kHz.  
timeslot within a 2.048 Mb/s signal Adds external X.21 data access  
(without CAS multiframe).  
and 600 ohm audio access, and  
internal talk/listen to a (64 kb/s)  
timeslot of the primary data  
Relative frequency  
and bit slips  
(Option 010)  
ITU-T M.2110 and M.2120  
(Option 210)  
2.048 Mb/s only  
Measurement start at user-  
specified time. Summary print of  
current settings and counts.  
Measures relative frequency of,  
and bit slips between, two ITU-T  
G.703 2 Mb/s signals. Results  
displayed as +ve and ve peak  
wander (UI), cumulative bit slips,  
frequency offset (ppm) and graph  
of bit slips (256, 16 UI).  
Reference input level: 0 to  
20 dBm.  
Connector: BNC 75 ohm,  
ITU-T M.2110 analysis  
(for bringing paths into service):  
1-day and 7-day tests.  
Wait/pass/fail test relative to user-  
defined percentage path  
ITU-T M.2120 analysis  
(for in-service monitoring):  
15-minute and 24 hour-contiguous  
measurement of errored and  
severely errored seconds based  
on user-defined path allocation.  
Enhance your network test and maintenance strategy  
For more information about Hewlett-  
Packard test & measurement products,  
applications, services, and for a current  
sales office listing, visit our web site,  
contact one of the following centers and  
ask for a test and measurement sales  
Hewlett-Packard Company  
Test and Measurement Call Center  
P.O. Box 4026  
Englewood, CO 80155-4026  
1 800 452 4844  
Hewlett-Packard Canada Ltd.  
5150 Spectrum Way  
Mississauga, Ontario  
L4W 5G1  
(905) 206 4725  
European Marketing Centre  
P. O. Box 999  
1180 AZ Amstelveen  
The Netherlands  
(31 20) 547 9900  
Hewlett-Packard Japan Ltd.  
Measurement Assistance Center  
9-1, Takakura-Cho, Hachioji-Shi  
Tokyo 192, Japan  
Tel: (81-426) 56-7832  
Fax: (81-426) 56-7840  
Use the HP E4540A distributed network analyzer software to increase  
the effectiveness of technical support. Now, when your field-  
technicians contact your support center for assistance, the technical  
support team can access the remote analyzer and help resolve the  
problem interactively. In addition, your field-technicians can control an  
analyzer locally for simplified testing using easy-to-construct or  
preconfigured test sequences and configurations.  
Latin American Region Headquarters  
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive  
9th Floor  
Miami, Florida 33126  
(305) 267 4245/4220  
Furthermore, this powerful software lets you monitor network  
performance at remote sites long term, to identify intermittent faults or  
detect degradation before your customers do. Results are returned from Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.  
31-41 Joseph Street  
Blackburn, Victoria 3130  
remote instruments for incorporation into detailed quality-of-service  
1 800 629 485  
No programming skills are necessary for this easy-to-use, Windows®-  
based software. For more information on the HP E4540A distributed  
Asia Pacific:  
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific Ltd.  
network analyzer software, refer to brochure 5964-2240E.  
17-21/F Shell Tower, Times Square  
1 Matheson Street, Causeway Bay  
Hong Kong  
Tel: (852) 2599 7777  
Fax: (852) 2506 9285  
For more detailed information on the HP 37722A and 37732A analyzers, refer to  
brochure 5965-3192E and configuration guide 5965-3194E.  
© Hewlett-Packard Limited 1997  
Printed in USA  
Data subject to change  
5965-3193E (01/97)  
Windows is a US trademark of Microsoft Corporation.  
Hewlett-Packard manufactures the HP 37722A/37732A analyzers under  
a quality system approved to the international standard ISO 9001 plus  
TickIT (BSI Registration Certificate No FM 10987).  

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