HP Hewlett Packard Network Card A3694A User Manual

Du a l-Bu s 4-Slot HP -HSC Exp a n sion I/O  
In sta lla tion Gu id e  
HP 9000/K570 En ter p r ise Ser ver s  
Ed ition 1, E0797  
Part No. A3694-90000  
P r in ted in th e U.S.A.  
J u ly, 1997  
© Copyright 1997 by Hewlett-Packard Company  
Rea d er Com m en ts  
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SERIOUS ERRORS, such as technical inaccuracies that may render a program or a  
hardware device inoperative, should be reported to your HP Response Center or directly to  
a Support Engineer.  
P r efa ce  
This Installation Guide contains technical information about HP 9000 Computers. The HP  
9000/Kxxo family of computers includes the following models:  
HP 9000/Kxx0  
HP 9000 Wor k sta tion s  
Ser ver s  
The Dual-Bus 4-Slot HP-HSC Expansion I/O Card may be installed ONLY on  
HP9000/K570 systems.  
1 In sta lla tion P r oced u r es  
HP9000/K570 systems, as with many other HP9000 systems, have a primary HP-HSC  
Expansion I/O slot for upgrades. This slot is immediately to the right of the Core I/O card  
as viewed from the rear of the system (refer to Figure 1).  
HP9000/K570 systems can optionally use the slot to the right of the primary expansion I/O  
slot for additional processors or as a secondary HP-HSC Expansion I/O slot. The A3694A  
Dual-Bus 4-Slot HP-HSC Expansion I/O product adds an additional four I/O slots in this  
Electr osta tic Disch a r ge  
CPU cards and computer systems contain assemblies and components that are sensitive to  
electrostatic discharge (ESD). Carefully observe the precautions listed in this section and  
use the ESD wrist strap, ESD sheet, and ESD foam pad provided in the ESD kit (part  
number A3024-80004). The following precautions can significantly reduce the risk of  
system failure or component damage due to ESD.  
Always wear a grounded wrist strap when working around a system or handling the  
CPU card.  
Treat all assemblies, components, cards, and connections as sensitive.  
When unpacking cards or components to the system, keep the item in it's conductive  
bag until it is ready to be installed.  
Keep body movement to a minimum, this generates static electricity that causes ESD.  
Avoid working in carpeted areas.  
Try to select a work area where potential static sources are minimized.  
An ti-Sta tic Wr ist Str a p  
The anti-static wrist strap is a bracelet like strip that goes around either wrist. The other  
end of the strap connects to a convenient metal surface on the computer cabinet.  
An ti-Sta tic Ma t  
The anti-static mat can be either the conductive bag, the ESD sheet, or the ESD foam pad.  
The anti-static mat does not have to be connected to the cabinet. It should be placed close  
to the computer while performing the upgrade tasks.  
Tools r equ ir ed  
To accomplish the upgrade procedures to the computer the following tools are required:  
A Torx #10 driver. (This is the preferred tool)  
A flat blade screw driver. (this can be used if a Torx driver is not available)  
A3204-80004 ESD Kit  
Flashlight or alternate light source (recommended but not required)  
Installation Procedures  
Installation Procedures  
In sta lla tion P r oced u r es  
A 2-slot or 4-slot HP-HSC Expansion I/O product must be present in the  
primary HP-HSC Expansion I/O slot before adding the A3694A product to the  
secondary HP-HSC Expansion I/O slot.  
1. Log Off all users and stop all active applications that may be running.  
2. Perform a system backup of the entire Operating System and data base. If this is not  
feasible, perform a backup of the data base. (This should be done at a scheduled interval  
as common practice for protecting any new data or changes to the existing data base.)  
3. Perform a system shutdown. Enter "/etc/shutdown -h" at the prompt.  
4. Turn the computer key switch to the STANDBY position.  
5. At the rear of the computer, unplug the power cord.  
6. Remove the cover plate on the Processor/Dual Bus HP-HSC Expansion I/O slot next to  
the primary HP-HSC Expansion I/O slot (see Figure 1) by loosening the two (one top  
and one bottom) captive mounting screws (see Figure 2) and pulling the cover plate  
away .  
Ba ck p la n e Ca r d Slot Color Cod es  
The following color bars appear above the slots on the system backplane:  
Color Cod es  
Ta ble 1  
HP-HSC Expansion I/O (primary)  
Split Magenta/Purple  
Optional HP-HSC Secondary I/O  
or additional Processor slots.  
Processor slots.  
a. HP9000/K570 systems only.  
I/O and processor cards have matching color codes to assist in correctly  
matching the cards to the right slots.  
Installation Procedures  
Installation Procedures  
Figu r e 1  
HP 9000/K570 Rea r View  
7. Remove the adjoining processor slots cover plate by loosening the two (one top and one  
bottom) captive mounting screws and pulling the cover plate away. (This is necessary to  
gain access to the system board.)  
8. Reach into the computer cabinet and remove the plastic dust cover from the HP-HSC  
expansion connector on the system board.  
9. Remove the plastic dust cover from the Dual Bus 4-Slot HP-HSC Expansion I/O Card  
10.Align the Dual Bus 4-Slot HP-HSC Expansion I/O Card into the card slot and slide it  
into the computer.  
11.When the card makes contact with the system board connector, press the edge of the  
card to fully seat the card into the computer. Tighten the two captive screws to secure  
the expansion I/O card.  
12.Replace the CPU cover plate and tighten the two captive mounting screws.  
Installation Procedures  
Installation Procedures  
Figu r e 2  
Scr ew Loca tion s  
If this completes the upgrade, proceed to Upgrade Verification.  
Up gr a d e Ver ifica tion  
Before performing the procedures in this section, make sure that all cover plates that were  
removed are reinstalled and secure. This is for proper seating of cards, as well as cooling  
1. Reconnect the power cord to the rear of the computer.  
2. Turn the computer key to the ON position.  
3. Observe the Front panel Display and console for any error or fault (FLT) messages.  
Installation Procedures  
Installation Procedures  
When all procedures are complete, with no errors or faults, the system needs to be  
re-configured to add the new HP-HSC path addresses. Refer to the Owner's Guide for  
configuration instructions. The HP-HSC Slot path addresses are also the same as shown in  
Table 2.  
Ta ble 2  
HP -HSC Slot Ad d r esses  
Loca tion  
Device Typ e  
Ad d r ess Pa th  
Core I/O card, Optional I/O connector HP-HSC I/O card  
10/8 (device addr.)  
P r im a r y Fou r Slot HP -HSC Exp a n sion I/O  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 0  
HP-HSC I/O card  
HP-HSC I/O card  
HP-HSC I/O card  
HP-HSC I/O card  
8/0 (device addr.)  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 1  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 2  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 3  
8/4 (device addr.)  
8/8 (device addr.)  
8/12 (device addr.)  
Secon d a r y Fou r Slot HP -HSC Exp a n sion I/O (K570 on ly)  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 0  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 1  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 2  
HP-HSC I/O Expansion card, slot 3  
HP-HSC I/O card  
HP-HSC I/O card 12/12 (device addr.)  
HP-HSC I/O card 14/8 (device addr.)  
HP-HSC I/O card 14/12 (device addr.)  
12/0 (device addr.)  

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