Sony MP3 Player D NE326CK User Manual

3-259-970-13 (1)  
CD Player  
Operating Instructions  
WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent Headphone  
Stereo products.  
is a trademark of Sony Corporation.  
© 2003 Sony Corporation  
Table of Contents  
Playing tracks in your favorite order  
(PGM play)............................................ 23  
Enjoy your ATRAC CD  
Searching for groups or tracks/files ........... 24  
Music sources playable on this CD player .. 6  
ATRAC3plus and ATRAC3 ......................... 7  
MP3 ............................................................. 7  
Available features  
Adjusting sound quality  
(Parametric equalizer) ........................... 25  
The structure of ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3  
and MP3 files .......................................... 8  
The G-PROTECTION function ................. 26  
Protecting your hearing (AVLS) ................ 27  
Getting started  
Stopping playback automatically  
(OFF TIMER) ....................................... 27  
Checking the supplied accessories ............ 10  
Locating the controls ................................. 11  
Locking the controls (HOLD) ................... 28  
Turning off the beep sound ........................ 28  
Saving power ............................................. 29  
Playing a CD  
Playing tracks continuously  
(SEAMLESS) (ATRAC CD only) ........ 30  
1. Insert a CD. ........................................... 15  
2. Connect your CD player. ....................... 15  
3. Play a CD. ............................................. 16  
Connecting your CD player  
Connecting a stereo system ....................... 31  
Playback options  
Playing tracks repeatedly (Repeat play) .... 19  
Connecting to a power source  
Playing all files in a selected group  
(Group play) (ATRAC CD/MP3 CD  
only) ...................................................... 19  
Using the rechargeable batteries ................ 33  
Using the dry batteries ............................... 35  
Notes on the power source ........................ 36  
Playing a single track (Single play) ........... 20  
Playing tracks in random order  
(Shuffle play)......................................... 20  
Additional information  
Playing all files in a selected group in  
random order (Group shuffle play)  
(ATRAC CD/MP3 CD only) ................. 20  
List of menus ............................................. 37  
Precautions ................................................ 38  
Maintenance .............................................. 38  
Troubleshooting ......................................... 39  
Specifications ............................................ 42  
Optional accessories .................................. 43  
Playing your favorite play lists  
(m3u play list play)  
(MP3 CD only) ...................................... 20  
Playing your favorite tracks by adding  
Bookmarks (Bookmark track play) ....... 21  
Playing the 10 tracks you have played  
most frequently (Auto ranking play) ..... 22  
Playing tracks you have played most  
frequently in random order  
(Auto ranking shuffle play) ................... 22  
Enjoy your ATRAC CD Walkman!  
Thank you for purchasing the D-NE800. This CD Walkman is called an “ATRAC CD Walkman,”  
because you can enjoy “ATRAC CDs” on it.  
You can make your own ATRAC CD easily.  
Step 1  
Step 2  
Install the supplied  
“SonicStage Simple Burner”  
Create a disc image and burn it on  
a CD-R/RW using your PC.  
Audio CDs  
MP3 files  
Audio data is converted to the ATRAC3plus/  
ATRAC3 format by the SonicStage Simple  
How to use the SonicStage Simple Burner  
Refer to the supplied booklet “SonicStage Simple Burner.”  
What is an ATRAC CD?  
An ATRAC CD is a CD-R/RW on which audio data compressed in the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3  
format has been recorded. About 30 audio CDs can be recorded on a CD-R/RW.* You can also  
record MP3 files by converting the files to the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format.  
* When total playing time of one CD (album) is estimated at 60 minutes and you are recording on a 700 MB  
CD-R/RW at 48 kbps in ATRAC3plus format.  
Step 3  
You can enjoy listening to your  
own ATRAC CDs on your ATRAC  
CD Walkman.  
You can also enjoy audio CDs on  
your CD Walkman.  
What is the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3  
Refer to pages 6 - 9 of this manual.  
Music sources playable on this CD player  
You can play the following 3 music sources on this CD player:  
• Audio CDs (CDDA format)  
• CDs with ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format files (ATRAC CD)  
• CDs with MP3 format files (MP3 CD)  
Usable disc formats  
You can use ISO 9660 Level 1/2 and Joliet extension format discs only.  
About CD-Rs/RWs  
This CD player can play CD-Rs/RWs recorded in the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3, MP3 or CDDA*  
format, but playback capability may vary depending on the quality of the disc and the condition  
of the recording device.  
* CDDA is the abbreviation for Compact Disc Digital Audio. It is a recording standard used for the Audio  
Music discs encoded with copyright protection technologies  
This product is designed to play back discs that conform to the Compact Disc (CD) standard.  
Recently, various music discs encoded with copyright protection technologies are marketed by  
some record companies. Please be aware that among those discs, there are some that do not  
conform to the CD standard and may not be playable by this product.  
• This CD player cannot record music content on recordable media, such as CD-Rs/RWs.  
• CD-Rs/RWs recorded in the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format cannot be played on your computer.  
ATRAC3plus and ATRAC3  
“ATRAC3plus,” which stands for “Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding3plus” is audio  
compression technology, developed from the ATRAC3 format. Though the ATRAC3plus format  
can compress music content to about 1/20 of its original size at 64 kbps, you can still enjoy high  
quality sound. The available transfer bit rates are 256 kbps, 64 kbps and 48 kbps.  
“ATRAC3,” which stands for “Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding3” is audio compression  
technology that satisfies the demand for high sound quality and high compression rates. The  
ATRAC3 format can compress music content to about 1/10 of their original size, which  
contributes to reduction of the media volume. The available transfer bit rates are 132 kbps,  
105 kbps and 66 kbps.  
The usable number of groups and files  
• Maximum number of groups: 255  
• Maximum number of files: 999  
For details, refer to the supplied booklet “SonicStage Simple Burner.”  
Note on saving files on the media  
Do not save files in other formats (except MP3 files) and do not make unnecessary folders on a  
disc that has ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 files.  
MP3, which stands for MPEG-1 Audio Layer3, a standard for audio files compression supported  
by the Motion Picture Experts Group, an ISO (International Organization for Standardization)  
working group, enables compression of audio files to about 1/10 of the data size of a standard  
compact disc.  
The major specifications of the acceptable disc format are:  
• Maximum directory levels: 8  
• Acceptable characters: A - Z, a- z, 0 - 9, _ (underscore)  
• When naming files, be sure to add the file extension “mp3” to the file name.  
• If you add the extension “mp3” to a file other than an MP3 file, the player will not be able to recognize the  
file properly.  
The usable number of groups and files  
• Maximum number of groups: 255  
• Maximum number of files: 999  
Settings for compression and writing software  
• This CD player is able to play MP3 files with the following specifications: Bit rate:  
16 - 320 kbps, and sampling frequencies: 32/44.1/ 48 kHz. Variable Bit Rate (VBR) file can  
also be played.  
To compress a source for an MP3 file, we recommend setting the compression software to  
“44.1 kHz,” “128 kbps,” and “Constant Bit Rate.”  
• To record up to the maximum capacity, set to “halting of writing.”  
• To record at one time up to the maximum capacity on media that has nothing recorded on it,  
set to “Disc at Once.”  
Notes on saving files on the media  
• Do not save files in other formats (except MP3/ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format files) or  
unnecessary folders on a disc that has MP3 files.  
• When a disc is inserted, the CD player reads all the information of folders and files on that  
disc. If there are many folders on the disc, it may take a long time for play to begin or for the  
next file to start playback.  
The structure of ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 and MP3  
Groups and folders  
The ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format has a very simple structure. It consists of “files” and  
“groups.” A “file” is equivalent to a “track” of an audio CD. A “group” is a bundle of files and is  
equivalent to an “album.” A “group” has no directory-type structure (a new group cannot be  
made within an existing group).  
When referring to MP3 CDs, a “file” is equivalent to a “track” and a “group” is equivalent to an  
“album.” This CD player is designed to recognize an MP3 folder as a “group” so that it can play  
CD-Rs/RWs recorded in both the ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 format and those recorded in the MP3  
format with the same operation.  
ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3/MP3 file structure and playing order  
ATRAC3 file  
MP3 file  
• A group that does not include an MP3 file is skipped.  
• If ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 files and MP3 files are recorded on the same CD, this CD player plays the  
ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3 files first.  
• Depending on the method used to record MP3 files on the disc, the playing order may be different from the  
one shown above.  
Getting started  
Checking the supplied accessories  
AC power adaptor (1)  
Charging stand (1)  
Carrying pouch (1)  
Rechargeable batteries (2)  
Battery carrying case (1)  
Headphones/earphones (1)  
External battery case (1)  
CD-ROM* (SonicStage Simple Burner) (1)  
*Do not play a CD-ROM on an audio CD player.  
User’s guide for SonicStage Simple Burner  
Remote control (1)  
AC plug adaptor (1)  
(Supplied with tourist model only)  
Locating the controls  
CD player  
For details, see the pages in parentheses.  
1 Display (12, 17, 19, 24, 37)  
2 OPR (operation) lamp (28, 29, 34)  
Color of the lamp changes according to  
the type of music source being played.  
Red: Audio CD, Green: ATRAC3plus/  
ATRAC3 file, Orange: MP3 file  
For some time after the CD is inserted,  
the lamp lights up in red, orange and  
green in turn.  
7 5-way control key (15, 16, 19 - 31, 34,  
u: play/pause  
>:AMS/fast forward  
x/CHG: stop/charge  
select menu items and enter  
the selection.  
This lamp also functions as the HOLD  
lamp and the CHG (charge) lamp.  
3 VOL (volume) +*1/– buttons (16)  
4 i (headphones)/LINE OUT (OPTICAL)  
jack (15, 31)  
Switch the function of the jack, using the  
5 HOLD switch (rear) (28)  
Push the control key toward u, >,  
. or x/CHG with your finger on  
( group) + button (16, 23, 24)  
9 f button (19 - 31, 37)  
Use to select a file, play mode, etc.  
( group) – button (16, 23, 24, 26, 28,  
Slide the switch in the direction of the  
arrow to disable the buttons on the CD  
qa EXT BATT (external battery)/  
DC IN 4.5 V (external power input) jack  
(15, 34, 36)  
qs Terminals for the charging stand (34, 38)  
qd OPEN switch (15, 33)  
Slide the switch to open the CD player  
6 F button (19 - 31, 37)  
Use to select a file, play mode, etc.  
*1 The button has a tactile dot.  
*2 Automatic Music Sensor  
Display (CD player)  
For details, see the pages in parentheses.  
1 Character information display (17)  
While playing an audio CD, disc name,  
track name, etc. appear in 4 lines, if  
recorded on the CD.  
5 Play list indication (21)  
For MP3 CD only  
6 Group indication (19, 20)  
For ATRAC CD/MP3 CD only  
7 Play mode indication (19 - 24)  
Shows various play modes such as shuffle  
play and program play. “ ” shows  
repeat play.  
8 SOUND indication (25, 26)  
Shows the SOUND setting which has  
been selected on the menu.  
While playing an ATRAC CD/MP3 CD,  
group name, file name, etc. appear in 4  
lines, if recorded on the CD.  
Menu items also appear in this display.  
2 Atrac3plus/MP3 indication  
3 Disc indication  
Lights up while the CD player is playing.  
4 Battery indication (33)  
Roughly shows the remaining power of  
the battery. If “  
” flashes, the  
batteries are depleted.  
Using the carrying pouch  
You can carry your player and its battery  
case together using the supplied carrying  
pouch. Insert them into the proper places in  
the pouch as illustrated.  
Remote control  
For details, see the pages in parentheses.  
1 VOL (volume) +/– control (16, 26, 28)  
Turn to adjust the volume.  
6 Clip (14)  
7 HOLD switch (28)  
2 x (stop) button (16, 26, 28, 37)  
3 Jog lever (. u/ENT >) (16,  
21 - 23, 25 - 31)  
Slide the switch in the direction of the  
arrow (a yellow mark appears) to disable  
the buttons on the remote control.  
8 DISPLAY button (24, 26 - 31, 37)  
9 P MODE/ button (19 - 24)  
q; SOUND button (25, 37)  
u (play/pause)/ENT (enter):  
Press during stop to start play, and press  
during play to pause play. When  
selecting menu items, press to enter the  
Use only the supplied remote control. You cannot  
operate this CD player with the remote control  
supplied with other CD players.  
Flick toward . or >: AMS, rewind,  
fast forward  
4 Display (14, 17)  
( group) +/– buttons (16, 23, 24)  
Display (remote control)  
For details, see the pages in parentheses.  
78 9q;  
1 Disc indication  
8 Play list indication (21)  
2 Track number indication (23)  
3 Character information display (17)  
4 Play mode indication (19 - 23)  
5 SOUND indication (25, 26)  
6 Battery indication (33)  
9 Bookmark indication (21, 22)  
During play, the indication shows a track  
has a Bookmark.  
q; Timer indication (27)  
Shows the OFF TIMER setting has been  
selected on the menu.  
7 Group indication (19, 20)  
To use the clip on the remote control  
You can remove the clip from the remote control and change the direction of the clip.  
To remove  
To attach in the reverse direction  
You can pass the cord of the remote control through this clip.  
Playing a CD  
1. Insert a CD.  
1 Slide OPEN to open the CD  
2 Place the CD on the tray and close  
player lid.  
the lid.  
OPEN switch  
Label side up  
to an AC outlet  
2. Connect your CD player.  
You can use the following power  
• Rechargeable batteries (page 33)  
• LR6 (size AA) alkaline batteries  
(external battery case) (page 35)  
• AC power adaptor  
AC power  
5-way control key  
to EXT BATT/  
DC IN 4.5 V  
We explain how to use your CD player  
on house current on this page.  
Connect the plugs and terminals  
1 Connect the AC power adaptor.  
2 Connect the headphones/earphones  
with the remote control to the CD  
to i (headphones)/  
Remote control  
3. Play a CD.  
5-way control key (u)  
VOL + / –  
Jog lever  
VOL + / –  
1 Push the control key toward  
1 Press the jog lever.  
2 Adjust the volume by turning  
VOL +/ –.  
2 Adjust the volume by pressing  
VOL + or –.  
CD player  
Remote control  
Push the control key toward  
Playback starts from the  
point where you stopped.  
Press the jog lever.  
Playback starts from the point  
where you stopped.  
Play (from a point where you stopped  
While the CD player is  
Play (from the first track)  
While the CD player is stopped,  
press and hold the jog lever  
until the play of the first track  
stopped, push and hold the  
control key toward u until  
the play of the first track starts.  
Push toward u.  
Press the jog lever.  
Pause/resume play after pause  
Push toward x/CHG.  
Push toward ..  
Press x.  
Find the beginning of the current  
track (AMS*1)*2  
Flick the jog lever toward .  
Push toward . repeatedly.  
Push toward >.  
Find the beginning of previous tracks  
Flick the jog lever toward .  
Find the beginning of the next track  
Flick the jog lever toward >  
Push toward > repeatedly.  
Flick the jog lever toward >  
Find the beginning of succeeding  
tracks (AMS)  
Go backwards quickly*2,  
Hold the jog lever toward ..  
Push and hold toward ..  
Go forward quickly*2,  
Hold the jog lever toward >.  
Push and hold toward >.  
Jump to succeeding groups*4  
Jump to previous groups*4  
*1 Automatic Music Sensor  
+ repeatedly.  
– repeatedly.  
+ repeatedly.  
– repeatedly.  
*2 These operations can be carried out during both play and pause.  
*3 After you have played the last track, you can return to the beginning of the first track by flicking the jog  
lever toward > (by pushing the control key toward > on the CD player). Similarly, if you are at the  
first track, you can locate the last track by flicking the jog lever toward . (by pushing the control key  
toward . on the CD player).  
*4 Only when you play an ATRAC CD/MP3 CD  
*5 These operations cannot be carried out when using an MP3 file recorded on a CD-R/RW in a packet write  
Checking CD information on the display  
You can check CD information by repeatedly pressing DISPLAY/MENU on the CD player or  
DISPLAY on the remote control.  
When you are playing a CD containing text information such as CD-TEXT, “track name,”  
“album name,” “artist name,” etc. are displayed as shown in parentheses in the following table.  
When you are playing an ATRAC CD, information you input using the SonicStage Simple  
Burner software is displayed. When you are playing an MP3 CD containing MP3 files with an  
ID3 tag*1, ID3 tag information is displayed.  
CD player  
Each time you press DISPLAY/MENU, the display changes as follows:  
Audio CD  
Track number, elapsed playing time  
(Track name, artist name, album name)  
File name*3, artist name*3, group name,  
file number, elapsed playing time  
Track number, remaining time of  
the current track  
File name, CODEC information*4,  
file number, remaining time of the current file  
(Track name, artist name)  
The total number of tracks on the CD,  
the total playing time of the CD,  
the number of tracks left*2, the time  
remaining on the CD*2  
Total number of files, total number of groups,  
file number, elapsed playing time  
List of track names  
List of group names/file names  
Remote control  
Each time you press DISPLAY, the display changes as follows:  
Audio CD  
Track number, elapsed playing time,  
(Track name)  
File number, file name, elapsed playing time  
Track number, remaining time of  
the current track  
File number, artist name, CODEC information*4,  
remaining time of the current file  
(Track name, artist name)  
The number of tracks left*2, the time  
Group name, total number of files  
Animation screen  
remaining on the CD*2  
(Album name, artist name)  
*1 An ID3 tag is a format for adding certain information (track name, album name, artist name, etc.) to MP3  
files. This CD player conforms to Version 1.1/2.2/2.3 of the ID3 tag format (for MP3 files only).  
*2 Not displayed during Single play, Shuffle play, Bookmark track play, Auto ranking play, Auto ranking  
shuffle play or PGM play.  
*3 During play, “artist name” is not displayed if the disc does not have ID3 tag information. When the list of  
group names/file names appears in the display, “artist name” is not displayed.  
*4 Bit rate and sampling frequencies. While an MP3 file made at VBR (variable bit rate) is being played,  
“VBR” appears on the display instead of a bit ratae. In some cases, “VBR” appears halfway through  
playback, not from the beginning.  
• The characters A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9, and _ can be displayed on this CD player.  
• Before playing a file, the CD player reads all file and group (or folder) information on the CD. “READING”  
is displayed. Depending on the content of the CD, it may take some time to accomplish this reading.  
• If the group does not have a group name, “ROOT” appears in the display.  
• If the file does not have ID3 tag information, “- - - -” appears in the display.  
Removing the CD  
Remove the CD while pressing the pivot  
in the center of the tray.  
B Playback options  
You can enjoy the following playback  
Selecting playback options using the  
remote control  
Press P MODE/ repeatedly to select the  
playback option you want.  
options using the P MODE/  
remote control or the menu function on the  
CD player.  
button on the  
• Playing tracks repeatedly (Repeat  
• Playing all files in a selected group  
(Group play)  
• Playing a single track (Single play)  
• Playing tracks in random order  
(Shuffle play)  
Playing tracks  
repeatedly (Repeat play)  
You can repeat various playback options.  
• Playing files in a selected group in  
random order (Group shuffle play)  
• Playing your favorite play lists (m3u  
play list play)  
Using the remote control  
During play, press and hold P MODE/  
until “ ” appears.  
• Playing your favorite tracks by  
adding Bookmarks (Bookmark track  
• Playing the 10 tracks you have  
played most frequently (Auto  
ranking play)  
• Playing tracks you have played  
most frequently in random order  
(Auto ranking shuffle play)  
• Playing tracks in your favorite order  
(PGM play)  
On the CD player  
1 Press DISPLAY/MENU until the MENU  
screen appears.  
2 Press F or f to select “REPEAT,” then  
3 Press F or f to select “ON,” then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the selection.  
Selecting playback options on the CD  
Playing all files in a  
selected group  
Enter the PLAY MODE menu using the  
following procedures, then select each  
playback option.  
1 Press DISPLAY/MENU until the MENU  
screen appears.  
(Group play) (ATRAC CD/MP3 CD only)  
2 Press F or f to select “PLAY MODE,”  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly until “ ” appears. (CD  
player: Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on the  
CD player” (this page), press F or f  
to select “GROUP,” then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
then press DISPLAY/MENU.  
3 Press F or f to select the playback  
option you want.  
The default setting is “ALL” (normal).  
Playback options appear.  
Playing a single track  
Playing all files in a  
selected group in  
(Single play)  
random order (Group shuffle  
play) (ATRAC CD/MP3 CD only)  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly until “1” appears. (CD  
player: Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on the  
CD player” (page 19), press F or f to  
select “1,then press DISPLAY/MENU  
to enter the selection.)  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly until “ SHUF” appears.  
(CD player: Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on the  
CD player” (page 19) and press F or f  
to select “GROUP SHUFFLE”, then  
press DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Playing tracks in  
random order (Shuffle play)  
Playing your favorite  
play lists (m3u play list play)  
(MP3 CD only)  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly until “SHUF” appears. (CD  
player: Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on the  
CD player” (page 19) and press F or f  
to select “SHUFFLE”, then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
You can play your favorite m3u play lists.*  
* An “m3u play list” is a file for which an MP3 file  
playing order has been encoded. To use the play  
list function, record MP3 files on a CD-R/RW  
using encoding software that supports the m3u  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly until “ ” (play list)  
appears. (CD player: Perform  
steps 1 and 2 of “Selecting  
playback options on the CD  
player” (page 19) and press F or  
f to select “PLAY LIST”, then  
press DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Playing your favorite  
tracks by adding  
Bookmarks (Bookmark track  
While the CD player is playing, you can add  
Bookmarks to the tracks you want and play  
them only.  
Audio CD: up to 99 tracks for each CD (up  
to 10 CDs)  
ATRAC CD: up to 999 tracks for each CD  
(up to 5 CDs)  
Play list  
MP3 CD: up to 999 tracks for each CD (up  
to 5 CDs)  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select a play list you want.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
a play list.)  
Adding Bookmarks  
1 During play of the track to where you  
want to add a Bookmark, press and hold  
the jog lever until “ ” flashes. (CD  
player: Push and hold the 5-way control  
key toward u until “ ” flashes.)  
When the Bookmark has been added  
successfully, “ ” flashes slower.  
Press the jog lever. (CD player:  
Push the 5-way control key toward  
2 Flick the jog lever toward . or >  
(CD player: Push the 5-way control key  
toward . or >) to select the track  
to where you want to add a Bookmark,  
then repeat step 1 to add Bookmarks to  
the tracks you want.  
Playing the tracks with  
1 Press P MODE/ repeatedly until “  
(Bookmark) flashes frequently. (CD  
player: Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on the CD  
player” (page 19), press F or f to select  
“BOOK MARK,” then press DISPLAY/  
MENU. The play of the tracks with the  
Bookmarks starts.)  
2 Press the jog lever to light up “ ”.  
The play of the tracks with the  
Bookmarks starts.  
Playing your favorite tracks by  
adding Bookmarks  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly to select “a00 (auto  
ranking)” and press the jog lever to  
enter the selection. (CD player:  
Perform steps 1 and 2 of “Selecting  
playback options on the CD player”  
(page 19), press F or f to select  
“AUTO RANKING,then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
To remove the Bookmarks  
During play of the track with a Bookmark,  
press and hold the jog lever until “  
disappears from the display. (CD player:  
Push and hold the 5-way control key toward  
u until “ ” disappears from the display.)  
To check the tracks with Bookmarks  
During playback of the tracks with  
Bookmarks, “ ” flashes slowly in the  
• During play of tracks with Bookmarks, tracks are  
played in order of track number, and not in the  
order you added the Bookmarks.  
• If you try to add Bookmarks to the tracks on the  
11th CD (on a 6th CD when playing ATRAC  
CDs/MP3 CDs), the Bookmarks of the CD you  
played first will be erased.  
• All Bookmarks stored in memory will be erased:  
– if you remove all the power sources, or  
– if you continue playing the CD player on the  
rechargeable batteries without charging the  
batteries even though “Lobatt” is displayed.  
Playing tracks you  
have played most  
frequently in random  
order (Auto ranking shuffle play)  
The CD player plays up to 32 tracks which  
the player has automatically memorized as  
the most frequently played ones. In Auto  
ranking shuffle play, these tracks are played  
in random order.  
During play, press P MODE/  
repeatedly to select “a00 (auto  
ranking) SHUF” and press the jog  
lever to enter the selection. (CD  
player: Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on the  
CD player” (page 19), press F or f to  
select “RANKING SHUF,” then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Playing the 10 tracks  
you have played most  
frequently (Auto ranking play)  
The CD player automatically memorizes up  
to 10 tracks you have played most frequently  
from the CD being played, and plays them  
from the 10th to the top.  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select the track you want,  
then press and hold the jog lever  
until the display changes to enter  
the selection. (CD player: Push the  
5-way control key toward . or  
> to select the track and press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
The CD player memorizes the tracks you have  
played from up to 10 CDs, whether you have  
changed the CDs or not. If the CD player tries to  
memorize tracks from an 11th CD, the data  
memorized first will be erased.  
Playing tracks in your  
The track has been stored in memory.  
When playing an ATRAC CD/MP3 CD,  
favorite order (PGM play)  
You can program the CD player to play up to  
64 tracks in your favorite order.  
you can also select a group using  
or –.  
During play is stopped, press  
Audio CD/CD-TEXT  
P MODE/ repeatedly until “PGM”  
(program) appears. (CD player:  
Perform steps 1 and 2 of  
“Selecting playback options on  
When playing an ATRAC CD/MP3 CD,  
a playing order and a file name are  
the CD player” (page 19) and  
press F or f to select  
“PROGRAM”, then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Repeat step 2 to select the tracks  
in your favorite order.  
Audio CD/CD-TEXT  
Press the jog lever to start PGM  
play. (CD player: Push the 5-way  
control key toward u.)  
Track number Playing order  
In Your H  
Playing order File name  
Playing tracks in your favorite  
Searching for groups  
or tracks/files  
While the CD player is playing, you can  
search for and play the group (ATRAC CD  
only) or track/file you want quickly using F  
or f on the CD player.  
Checking the program  
While programming:  
Press and hold the jog lever repeatedly  
before step 4. (CD player: Push and hold  
the 5-way control key toward u  
repeatedly or press DISPLAY/MENU  
During play, press F or f until the  
search screen appears.  
While play is stopped:  
Press DISPLAY. While the indications are  
displayed, press P MODE/ repeatedly  
until “PGM” flashes, then press the jog  
lever until the display changes.  
(CD player: Press DISPLAY/MENU  
repeatedly until the list of the tracks  
programmed appears. To display tracks  
from the third track on, push the 5-way  
control key toward u.)  
MR.Sno R' Yo  
The Train  
Where do  
If that's  
+ or  
– to select the  
group you want, then push the 5-  
way control key toward u.  
The CD player starts playing from the  
first file in the group you selected.  
• When you finish entering the 64th track in step 3,  
the first selected track number (audio CD) or the  
first selected file name (ATRAC CD/MP3 CD)  
appears on the display.  
• If you select 65 tracks or more, the first selected  
tracks are erased.  
Selecting the track/file you  
1 Perform step 1 above, then press  
– to select the group you want.  
2 Press F or f to select the track/file you  
want, then push the 5-way control key  
toward u.  
+ or  
The CD player starts playing from the  
track/ file you selected.  
To exit the search mode  
Push the 5-way control key toward x/CHG.  
If about 40 seconds at most have passed  
without any operation being performed, the  
screen returns to the previous one.  
If you try to operate the CD player using the remote  
control during a search , “MENU” appears and you  
cannot perform any operation.  
B Available features  
Customizing sound quality  
Adjusting sound quality  
You can customize sound quality by  
adjusting the sound volume in the 3  
frequency ranges “LOW” (low range audio),  
“MID” (middle range audio) and “HIGH”  
(high range audio). For each frequency  
range, you can select the wave pattern from  
among 3 patterns, and can also adjust the  
sound volume in 7 levels for the pattern you  
(Parametric equalizer)  
You can enjoy your favorite sounds by  
adjusting sound quality in the following two  
• Selecting a preset sound pattern t  
“Selecting the sound quality you want”  
• Adjusting sound quality by yourself t  
“Customizing sound quality”  
Adjust sound quality by checking the shape  
of the wave on the display.  
Selecting the sound quality  
you want  
Press SOUND repeatedly to select  
“SOUND C”, then press SOUND  
until the display changes. (CD  
player: Perform steps 1 - 3 of  
“Selecting the sound quality you  
want” and select “CUSTOM.)  
Sound quality  
For vocals, stressing middle  
range audio  
Lively sounds, emphasizing  
high and low range audio  
Powerful sounds, further  
Flick and hold the jog lever toward  
SOUND H emphasizing high and low ranges  
compared with ACTIVE sound  
. or > until the frequency  
range you want appears. (CD  
player: Push the 5-way control key  
toward . or > for 2 seconds  
or more to select the frequency  
CUSTOM/ Customized sound  
Using the remote control  
Press SOUND repeatedly to select the sound  
qaulity you want.  
“LOW” is displayed first. (CD player:  
“LOW” flashes.)  
On the CD player  
1 Press DISPLAY/MENU until the MENU  
screen appears.  
2 Press F or f to select “SOUND,” then  
press DISPLAY/MENU .  
3 Press F or f to select the sound quality  
you want, then press DISPLAY/MENU to  
enter the selection.  
Adjusting sound quality  
• When you select CUSTOM sound, sound may be  
distorted depending on your sound settings when  
you turn up the volume. If this happens, turn the  
volume down.  
You may feel a difference in sound volume  
between the CUSTOM sound setting and other  
sound settings. Adjust the volume for your  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> repeatedly to select the shape  
of the wave from the 3 shapes  
stored in memory for each  
frequency range, then turn the  
VOL +/– repeatedly to select the  
sound volume. (CD player: Push  
the 5-way control key toward .  
or > repeatedly to select the  
shape of the wave, then press F  
or f to select the sound volume.)  
The G-PROTECTION function has been  
developed to provide excellent protection  
against sound skipping during many active  
While play is stopped, press  
DISPLAY until the display  
A: Frequency range  
B: Sound volume(To turn up the volume, use  
VOL –. To turn it down, use VOL +.)  
changes. (CD player:While play is  
stopped, press DISPLAY/MENU  
until the MENU screen appears.  
Press F or f to select “OPTION,”  
then press DISPLAY/MENU.)  
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to make  
adjustment for the remaining 2  
frequency ranges.  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “G-PRO,then press  
the jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“G-PROTECTION,then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Press the jog lever to enter the  
selection. (CD player: Press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “G-PRO 1” or “G-  
PRO 2,then press the jog lever to  
enter the selection. (CD player:  
Press F or f to select “G-PRO 1”  
or “G-PRO 2, then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
To return to the previous screen  
– on the CD player.  
To cancel the adjustment operation  
Press x for 2 seconds or more. (CD player:  
Push the 5-way control key toward x/CHG.)  
If you select “G-PRO 2,” the G-  
PROTECTION function will be  
enhanced compared to “G-PRO 1.” To  
enjoy high quality CD sound, select “G-  
PRO 1.”  
To cancel the AVLS function  
Perform steps 1 - 3, changing the AVLS  
setting to “OFF.”  
Stopping playback  
automatically (OFF TIMER)  
Sound may skip:  
You can set the CD player to stop the play  
automatically within a range of 1 to 99  
minutes. While the timer function is  
working, the following indications appear:  
• CD player: “ ” appears at about 5-second  
– if the CD player receives stronger continuous  
shock than expected,  
– if a dirty or scratched CD is played, or  
– when using poor-quality CD-Rs/RWs or  
if there is a problem with the original recording  
device or application software.  
• Remote control: “,” is displayed.  
Press DISPLAY until the display  
Protecting your hearing  
changes. (CD player: Press  
screen appears. Press F or f to  
select “OPTION,then press  
The AVLS (Automatic Volume Limiter  
System) function keeps the maximum  
volume down to protect your hearing.  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
Press DISPLAY until the display  
> to select “TIMER,then press  
the jog lever to enter the  
selection. (CD player: Press F or  
f to select “TIMER,then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
changes. (CD player : Press  
screen appears. Press F or f to  
select “OPTION,then press  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “10 min*”. (CD  
> to select “AVLS,then press  
the jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“AVLS,then press DISPLAY/  
MENU to enter the selection.)  
player: Press F or f to select “10  
min,then press DISPLAY/MENU.)  
* Default setting. If you have changed the  
setting, the length of time already set  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “ON,then press the  
jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“ON,then press DISPLAY/MENU  
to enter the selection.)  
Stopping playback automatically  
Locking the controls  
Turn VOL +/– to select the length  
You can lock the controls on your CD player  
to prevent accidental button presses.  
The OPR lamp flashes if you press any  
button when the HOLD function is activated.  
of time you want to set, then press  
the jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
the length of time you want to set,  
then press DISPLAY/MENU to  
enter the selection.)  
Slide HOLD in the direction of the  
• To increase/decrease by 5 minutes:  
Turn VOL +/– repeatedly. (CD player:  
Press F or f repeatedly.)  
You can use the HOLD function with both  
the CD player and the remote control. You  
can still operate your CD player using the  
remote control when HOLD on the remote  
control is set to off.  
• To increase/decrease by 1 minute:  
Keep turning VOL +/–. (CD player:  
Press F or f for 2 seconds or more.)  
To unlock the controls  
Slide HOLD in the direction opposite to that  
of the arrow.  
To return to the previous screen  
Press x. (CD player: Press  
To cancel the setting operation  
Even if the HOLD function is working, “HOLD”  
will not appear in the display of the remote control.  
Press DISPLAY or x for 2 seconds or more.  
(CD player: Push the 5-way control key  
toward x/CHG.)  
To check the length of time before the  
CD player stops playback  
During play, perform steps 1 - 3.  
Turning off the beep  
You can turn off the beep sound that is heard  
from your headphones/earphones when you  
operate your CD player.  
To cancel the OFFTIMER function  
Perform steps 1 - 3, changing the OFF  
TIMER setting to “OFF.”  
Press DISPLAY until the display  
changes. (CD player: Press  
screen appears. Press F or f to  
select “OPTION,then press  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “BEEP,” then press  
the jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“BEEP,” then press DISPLAY/  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “LIGHT OFF” or  
“LIGHT 2,then press the jog lever  
to enter the selection. (CD player:  
Press F or f to select “LIGHT  
OFF” or “LIGHT 2,then press  
DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
MENU to enter the selection.)  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “OFF,” then press  
the jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“OFF,” then press DISPLAY/MENU  
to enter the selection.)  
About the LIGHT setting  
OPR lamp  
on the CD player  
Turned off  
To turn on the beep sound  
Perform steps 1 - 3, changing the BEEP  
setting to “ON.”  
Lights up fully  
during play or during  
LIGHT 2*  
Lights up with less  
brightness during play  
or duringoperation  
Saving power  
You can select lighting options for the OPR  
lamp on the CD player so that you can save  
battery power.  
* You can save power by selecting “LIGHT 2”  
rather than “LIGHT 1.”  
Press DISPLAY until the display  
changes. (CD player: Press  
screen appears. Press F or f to  
select “OPTION,then press  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “LIGHT,then press  
the jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“LIGHT,then press DISPLAY/  
MENU to enter the selection.)  
Playing tracks  
continuously (SEAMLESS)  
(ATRAC CD only)  
You can play live concert music, etc. without  
space between the tracks.  
While play is stopped, press  
DISPLAY until the display  
changes. (CD player:While play is  
stopped, press DISPLAY/MENU  
until the MENU screen appears.  
Press F or f to select “OPTION,”  
then press DISPLAY/MENU.)  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “SEAMLESS, then  
press the jog lever to enter the  
selection. (CD player: Press F or  
f to select “SEAMLESS,then  
press DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “ON,then press the  
jog lever to enter the selection.  
(CD player: Press F or f to select  
“ON,then press DISPLAY/MENU  
to enter the selection.)  
The tracks may not be played continuously  
depending on how the source music was  
B Connecting your CD player  
While play is stopped, press  
DISPLAY until the display  
Connecting a stereo  
You can listen to CDs through a stereo  
system and record CDs on a cassette tape or  
MiniDisc. For details, see the instruction  
manual that comes with the device you want  
to connect.  
changes. (CD player:While play is  
stopped, press DISPLAY/MENU  
until the MENU screen appears.  
Press F or f to select “OPTION,”  
then press DISPLAY/MENU.)  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select “AUDIO OUT, then  
press the jog lever to enter the  
selection. (CD player: Press F or  
f to select “AUDIO OUT,then  
press DISPLAY/MENU to enter the  
Be sure to turn off all devices before making  
to i/LINE OUT  
Flick the jog lever toward . or  
> to select the setting  
appropriate for the connected  
device, then press the jog lever to  
enter the selection. (CD player:  
Press F or f to select the setting,  
then press DISPLAY/MENU to  
enter the selection.)  
Connected device*  
Left (white)  
Right (red)  
Device connected using  
the connecting cord  
* When you connect the device using the  
optical digital connecting cord, you do not  
have to choose the setting. The setting will  
be switched to that for an optical connection  
Stereo system,  
recorder, DAT  
deck, etc.  
cassette recorder,  
radio cassette  
recorder, etc.  
About the G-PROTECTION and  
equalizer functions when using the  
connecting cord or the optical digital  
connecting cord  
Connecting a stereo system  
• Before you play a CD, turn down the volume of  
the connected device to avoid damaging the  
connected speakers.  
• To record high quality CD sound, set the  
G-PROTECTION setting to “G-PRO 1” on  
the menu.  
• Use the AC power adaptor for recording. If you  
use the rechargeable batteries or dry batteries as a  
power source, the batteries may become  
completely depleted during recording.  
• Adjust the volume properly on the connected  
device so that the sound will not be distorted.  
• This CD player uses the Serial Copy  
Management System, which allows only first-  
generation digital copies to be made.  
• If the AUDIO OUT setting is set to  
“LINE,” the parametric equalizer function  
does not work.  
• When recording or playing an ATRAC CD/MP3  
CD using a connected device, use only the analog  
connecting cord.  
• If you change the connected device, make sure to  
change the “AUDIO OUT” setting.  
When the headphones or other  
devices are connected to the i/LINE  
OUT (OPTICAL) jack  
When an optical digital connecting cord is  
connected, the output is automatically  
switched to an optical digital output.  
When a remote control or a connecting cord  
is connected, the current AUDIO OUT  
setting (“HP” or “LINE”) flashes for about 5  
If you connect another device to the i/LINE  
OUT (OPTICAL) jack, first remove the  
device and connect the headphones again,  
then switch the AUDIO OUT setting to “HP.”  
When AUDIO OUT is set to “LINE”  
You cannot adjust the volume of using VOL  
+/– on the CD player or the remote control.  
When using an optical digital  
connecting cord  
To record a CD on a MiniDisc, DAT, etc.,  
make sure that the CD player is paused  
before starting the recording procedures.  
B Connecting to a power source  
You can check the remaining power of the  
batteries in the display.  
Using the rechargeable  
Charge the rechargeable batteries  
before using them for the first time.  
To keep the original battery capacity  
for a long time, charge the batteries  
only when it is completely depleted.  
You can use only the following  
rechargeable batteries for your CD  
* Beep sounds.  
When the batteries are depleted, charge the  
rechargeable batteries or replace the dry  
batteries with new ones.  
• Using the rechargeable batteries (this page)  
• Using the dry batteries (external battery  
case) (page 35)  
• NH-10WM (supplied)  
• NH-14WM (not supplied)  
• The indicator sections of  
remaining battery power. One section does not  
always indicate one-fourth of the battery power.  
• Depending on operating conditions, the indicator  
Slide OPEN to open the lid of your  
CD player, then open the battery  
compartment lid inside the player.  
roughly show the  
sections of  
may increase or decrease.  
• When using the rechargeable batteries and dry  
batteries together to extend power, use a fully  
charged rechargeable batteries and new dry  
For the battery life and charging time of the  
rechargeable batteries, see “Specifications.”  
Insert rechargeable batteries by  
matching the 3 to the diagram in  
the battery compartment and  
close the lid until it clicks into  
Insert the # end first  
(for both batteries).  
Notes on the supplied charging stand  
Using the rechargeable batteries  
• The supplied charging stand can be used  
only with this CD player. No other model  
can be charged using this stand.  
• When using the supplied charging stand,  
charge the NH-10WM rechargeable  
batteries only. Do not charge any other  
• During charging, the CD player and the  
rechargeable batteries become hot. This  
poses no danger.  
• Do not place coins or other metallic  
objects on the charging stand. If the  
terminal on the charging stand is  
accidentally brought into contact with a  
metallic object, it may short-circuit and  
begin to heat up.  
Connect the AC power adaptor to  
the DC IN 4.5 V jack of the  
supplied charging stand and an  
AC outlet.Then place the CD  
player on the supplied charging  
stand, aligning the V mark on the  
CD player with the v mark on the  
Charging of the batteries starts.  
In the display of the remote control,  
“Charging” indication flashes and the  
indicator sections of  
light up in  
succession. The OPR lamp lights up on  
the CD player.  
When the batteries is completely  
charged, all indications on the display  
disappear and the OPR lamp goes off.  
To charge the rechargeable batteries  
without using the supplied charging  
Connect the AC power adaptor to the EXT  
BATT/DC IN 4.5 V jack of your CD player  
and an AC outlet, then push the 5-way  
control key toward x/CHG.  
OPR lamp  
Charging starts.  
5-way control  
key (x/CHG)  
OPR lamp  
Align V  
with v.  
to DC IN 4.5 V of the charging stand  
AC power adaptor  
to EXT BATT/  
DC IN 4.5 V  
AC power adaptor  
to an AC outlet  
to an AC outlet  
Note on carrying the rechargeable  
• When charging the batteries using the charging  
stand, be sure to remove the external battery case.  
• During charging, the CD player and the  
rechargeable batteries become hot. This poses no  
• If you push the 5-way control key toward u  
lever during charging, charging stops and  
playback of the CD starts.  
Use the supplied battery carrying case to  
prevent unexpected heat. If the rechargeable  
batteries and the metallic objects are  
contacted, heat or fire may occur due to a  
short circuit.  
• If you place the CD player on the charging stand  
during play, play stops and charging starts.  
• Place the CD player on the charging stand  
securely, aligning the V mark on the CD player  
with the v mark on the stand. Make sure that the  
OPR lamp on the CD player lights up. Wrong  
placement interrupts charging or play.  
Using the dry batteries  
You can extend power by inserting  
rechargeable batteries in the CD player and  
attaching the external battery case.  
Align the lines below PUSH as  
illustrated, then draw out the  
battery case while pressing PUSH.  
To remove the rechargeable batteries  
Push # end to remove the batteries.  
When to replace the rechargeable  
If the battery life becomes shorter by about  
half, replace the batteries with new  
rechargeable batteries.  
Insert two LR6 (size AA) alkaline  
batteries (not supplied) by  
matching the 3 to the diagram in  
the battery case. Insert the battery  
case and lock the case by turning  
LOCK in the direction of the  
Note on the rechargeable batteries  
If the batteries are new or have not been used  
for a long time, they may not be charged  
completely. In that case, charge them until  
the OPR lamp goes off and then use the CD  
player until the batteries are depleted  
completely (“Lobatt” appears in the display).  
Repeat this procedure several times.  
Using the dry batteries  
Notes on the power  
Disconnect all power sources when the CD  
player is not used for a long time.  
Connect the external battery case  
to the CD player.  
On AC power adaptor  
• Use only the AC power adaptor supplied.  
If your CD player is not supplied with the  
one, use the AC-E45HG AC power  
adaptor. Do not use any other AC power  
adaptor. It may cause a malfunction.  
to EXT BATT/  
DC IN 4.5 V  
With the v side  
Polarity of the plug  
• Do not touch the AC power adaptor with  
wet hands.  
• When the batteries are depleted, replace the  
batteries with new ones.  
• The batteries in the CD player and those in the  
external battery case are discharged  
• Connect the AC power adaptor to an easily  
accessible AC outlet. Should you notice an  
abnormality in the AC power adaptor,  
disconnect it from the AC outlet  
On rechargeable batteries  
and dry batteries  
• Do not charge the dry batteries.  
• Do not throw the batteries into fire.  
• Do not carry the batteries with coins or  
other metallic objects. It can generate heat  
if the positive and negative terminals of the  
batteries are accidentally contacted by a  
metallic object.  
• Do not mix rechargeable batteries with dry  
• Do not mix new batteries with old ones.  
• Do not use different types of batteries  
• When the batteries are not to be used for a  
long time, remove them.  
• If battery leakage occurs, wipe off any  
deposit in the battery compartment, and  
install new batteries. In case the deposit  
adheres to you, wash it off thoroughly.  
B Additional information  
List of menus  
On the CD player, press DISPLAY/MENU until the MENU screen appears, then press F or f to  
select the menu you want.  
On the remote control, press SOUND (for sound settings) or DISPLAY (for other settings)  
CD player  
Remote control  
To return to the previous screen, press x (CD player: press  
To cancel the setting operation, press DISPLAY (for OPTION menu only) or x for 2  
seconds or more (CD player: push the 5-way control key toward x/CHG).  
Items marked z are default settings.  
Setting of sound (page)  
Menu 1 , Menu 2  
Menu 3  
Adjusting sound quality (25)  
z OFF  
Setting various functions (page)  
Menu 1 , Menu 2  
Menu 3  
Protecting against sound skipping (26)  
z G-PRO 1  
G-PRO 2  
Protecting your hearing (27)  
Stopping playback automatically (27)  
Connecting a stereo system (31)  
Turning off the beep sound (28)  
Saving power (29)  
z ON  
z OFF  
z 10 min*3  
z OFF  
z HP  
z LINE  
z ON  
z OFF  
z LIGHT 1  
z LIGHT 2  
Playing tracks continuously (30)  
z ON  
z OFF  
*1 When “PGM” is not displayed.  
*2 Displayed on the CD player only.  
*3 Default setting. If you have changed the setting, the length of time already set appears.  
*4 You can make these settings while play is stopped.  
*5 For ATRAC CD only  
On headphones/earphones  
Road safety  
Do not use headphones/earphones while  
driving, cycling, or operating any motorized  
vehicle. It may create a traffic hazard and is  
illegal in some areas. It can also be  
potentially dangerous to play your headsets  
at high volume while walking, especially at  
pedestrian crossings. You should exercise  
extreme caution or discontinue use in  
potentially hazardous situations.  
On safety  
• Should any solid objects or liquid fall into  
the CD player, unplug it and have it  
checked by qualified personnel before  
operating it any further.  
• Do not put any foreign objects in the DC  
IN 4.5 V (external power input) jack.  
On the CD player  
• Keep the lens on the CD player clean and  
do not touch it. If you do so, the lens may  
be damaged and the CD player will not  
operate properly.  
• Do not put any heavy object on top of the  
CD player. The CD player and the CD may  
be damaged.  
Preventing hearing damage  
Avoid using headphones/earphones at high  
volume. Hearing experts advise against  
continuous, loud and extended play. If you  
experience a ringing in your ears, reduce  
volume or discontinue use.  
• Do not leave the CD player in a location  
near heat sources, or in a place subject to  
direct sunlight, excessive dust or sand,  
moisture, rain, mechanical shock,  
unleveled surface, or in a car with its  
windows closed.  
Consideration for others  
Keep the volume at a moderate level. This  
will allow you to hear outside sounds and to  
be considerate to the people around you.  
• If the CD player causes interference to the  
radio or television reception, turn off the  
CD player or move it away from the radio  
or television.  
• Discs with non-standard shapes (e.g.,  
heart, square, star) cannot be played on this  
CD player. Attempting to do so may  
damage the CD player. Do not use such  
To clean the casing  
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water  
or a mild detergent solution. Do not use  
alcohol, benzine or thinner.  
To clean the terminals  
If the terminals on the charging stand or on  
the CD player become dirty, the batteries  
may not be charged properly. Clean the  
terminals with a cotton swab or a dry cloth  
periodically as illustrated below.  
On handling CDs  
• To keep the CD clean, handle it by its  
edge. Do not touch the surface.  
• Do not stick paper or tape onto the CD.  
• Do not expose the CD to direct sunlight or  
heat sources such as hot air ducts. Do not  
leave the CD in a car parked under direct  
Should any problem persist after you have checked these symptoms, consult your nearest Sony  
Cause and/or corrective action  
AVLS is set to “ON”. Set it to “OFF.” (page 27)  
AUDIO OUT is set to “LINE”. Set it to “HP.” (page 31)  
The volume does not  
increase even if you turn  
VOL +/– in the + direction  
repeatedly (even if you press  
VOL + repeatedly on the CD  
Connect the headphones/earphones plugs firmly. (page 15)  
Plugs are dirty. Clean the headphones/earphones plugs with a dry  
soft cloth periodically.  
No sound, or noise is heard.  
You tried to play files saved in a format that is not compatible with  
this CD player. (page 6)  
Certain files cannot be  
Check that you are using alkaline batteries and not manganese  
batteries. (pages 35 - 36)  
Replace the batteies with new LR6 (size AA) alkaline batteries.  
(pages 35 - 36)  
The playing time is too short  
when powered with the dry  
Charge and discharge the rechargeable batteries several times.  
(page 35)  
The playing time is too short  
when powered with the  
rechargeable batteries.  
The rechargeable batteries are used up completely. Charge the  
batteries. (pages 33 - 35)  
“ Lobatt” appears in the  
display. The CD does not  
Replace the batteries with new LR6 (size AA) alkaline batteries.  
(pages 35 - 36)  
An AC power adaptor which is rated higher than the one supplied  
or recommended is being used. Use only the supplied AC power  
adaptor or the car battery cord recommended in “Optional  
accessories.” (page 43)  
HI dc In” appears in the  
Cause and/or corrective action  
The CD is dirty or defective.  
Check that the CD is inserted with the label side up. (page 15)  
Moisture condensation has occurred.  
Leave the CD player aside for several hours until the moisture  
The CD does not play or  
No disc” appears in the  
display when a CD is placed  
in the CD player.  
Close the lid of the battery compartment firmly. (page 33)  
Make sure the batteries are inserted correctly. (pages 33, 35)  
Connect the AC power adaptor to an AC outlet securely. (page 15)  
Press the jog lever (CD player: push the 5-way control key toward  
u) after one second or more has passed since the AC power  
adaptor was connected.  
The CD-R/RW is blank.  
There is a problem with the quality of the CD-R/RW, recording  
device, or application software.  
The buttons are locked. Slide the HOLD switch back. (page 28)  
OPR lamp flashes on the CD  
player when you press a  
button, and the CD does not  
AUDIO OUT is set to “LINE.” Adjust the volume using the  
volume control on the connected device. (page 31)  
Set AUDIO OUT to “HP.” Adjust the volume using VOL +/– on  
the CD player. (page 31)  
Cannot adjust the volume  
Record the track number again using a MiniDisc recorder, DAT  
recorder, etc. (page 31)  
See the instruction manual that comes with the recording device.  
(page 31)  
During recording with optical  
digital connection, the track  
number cannot be recorded  
The rechargeable batteries are not inserted in the battery  
The terminals on the CD player or the charging stand are dirty.  
Wipe them with a dry soft cloth. (page 38)  
The CD is playing. Stop playing.  
The CD player is not placed securely on the charging stand. Place  
the player on the stand, aligning the V mark on the player and the  
v mark on the stand. Make sure that the OPR lamp lights up.  
(page 34)  
The rechargeable batteries  
cannot be charged.  
The resume function is working. To start play from the first track,  
press the jog lever during stop (CD player: Push and hold the 5-  
way control key toward u) until the first track starts playing, or  
open the lid of the CD player. Or remove all power sources, then  
insert the batteries or connect the AC power adaptor again.  
(pages 15, 16, 33, 35, 36)  
Playback starts from the  
point you stopped. (resume  
Close the lid of the battery compartment firmly. (page 33)  
Rustling noise is heard from  
the CD.  
AUDIO OUT is set to “LINE.” Adjust the volume of the connected  
device. (page 31)  
AUDIO OUT is set to “HP.” Adjust the volume using VOL +/– on  
the CD player. (page 31)  
When using with a connected  
stereo system, the sound is  
distorted or noisy.  
Cause and/or corrective action  
The CD player is designed to stop the rotation of an ATRAC CD or  
MP3 CD during playback to reduce the power consumption. The  
player is not malfunctioning.  
During playback of an ATRAC  
CD or MP3 CD, the CD does  
not rotate but you can hear  
the sound normally.  
There are no ATRAC3plus/ATRAC3/MP3 files in the CD.  
A CD-R/RW from which the data has been erased is being used.  
The CD is dirty.  
NO FILE appears in the  
display after the jog lever is  
pressed (CD player: after you  
push the 5-way control key  
toward u) or the lid of the  
CD player is closed.  
The CD player is reading the information on the CD. The player is  
not malfunctioning.  
When closing the lid of the  
CD player, the CD starts to  
You are using your CD player at high temperatures (above 40°C/  
104°F) or at low temperatures (below 0°C/32°F). At room  
temperature, the display will return to its normal operating  
The LCD display becomes  
hard to see or slows down.  
The CD player has entered the preparation stage of Bookmark  
track play. Change the PLAY MODE setting to “ALL”.  
” is flashing quickly in  
the display of the remote  
control, and you cannot  
locate the beginning of the  
track or a specific point in  
the track.  
The buttons on the CD player are kept pressed by mistake.  
OFF TIMER has been set. Change the setting to “OFF.”  
You cannot operate the CD  
player properly using the  
remote control.  
Play is stopped abruptly.  
Battery life*1 (approx. hours)  
When you use the CD player on a flat and stable  
When LIGHT mode and SOUND mode are set to  
Playing time varies depending on how the CD  
player is used.  
Compact disc digital audio system  
Laser diode properties  
Material: GaAlAs  
Wavelength: λ = 770 - 800 nm  
When using two NH-10WM (charged for about  
5 hours*2)  
Emission duration: Continuous  
Laser output: Less than 44.6 µW  
(This output is the value measured at a distance  
of 200 mm from the objective lens surface on  
the optical pick-up block with 7 mm aperture.)  
G-PRO 1”  
G-PRO 2”  
Audio CD  
MP3 CD*4  
D-A conversion  
1-bit quartz time-axis control  
Frequency response  
20 - 20 000 Hz +12 dB (measured by JEITA)  
When using external battery case (two alkaline  
Output (at 4.5 V input level)  
Line output (stereo minijack)  
Output level 0.7 V rms at 47 kΩ  
Recommended load impedance over 10 kΩ  
Headphones (stereo minijack)  
Approx. 5 mW + Approx. 5 mW at 16 Ω  
(Approx. 1.5 mW + Approx. 1.5 mW at 16 )*  
*For the customers in Europe  
G-PRO 1”  
G-PRO 2”  
Audio CD  
MP3 CD*4  
Optical digital output (optical output connector)  
Output level: –21 - –15 dBm  
Wavelength: 630 - 690 nm at peak level  
When using two NH-10WM and external  
battery case (two alkaline batteries*5)  
Power requirements  
• Two Sony NH-10WM rechargeable batteries:  
G-PRO 1”  
G-PRO 2”  
1.2 V DC × 2  
Audio CD  
MP3 CD*4  
• Two LR6 (size AA) batteries: 1.5 V DC × 2  
• AC power adaptor (DC IN 4.5 V jack):  
220 V, 50 Hz (Model for China)  
120 V, 60 Hz (Model for Mexico)  
*1 Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan  
Electronics and Information Technology  
Industries Association)  
*2 Charging time varies depending on how the  
rechargeable batteries are used.  
*3 Recorded at 48 kbps  
*4 Recorded at 128 kbps  
*5 When using Sony alkaline batteries LR6 (SG)  
(produced in Japan)  
Operating temperature  
5°C - 35°C (41°F - 95°F)  
Optional accessories  
Dimensions (w/h/d) (excluding  
projecting parts and controls)  
Approx. 130 × 20.7 × 130 mm  
(5 18 × 2732 × 5 18 in.)  
AC power adaptor*  
Active speaker system  
Car battery cord  
Mass (excluding accessories)  
Approx. 178 g (6.3 oz.)  
Car battery cord with car connecting pack  
Car connecting pack  
Connecting cord  
US and foreign patents licensed from Dolby  
Earphones (except for the customers in France)  
Design and specifications are subject to change  
without notice.  
Earphones (for the customers in France)  
* Specifications for AC power adaptors vary for  
each area. Check your local voltage and the shape  
of the plug before purchasing.  
Your dealer may not handle some of the  
accessories listed above. Please ask the  
dealer for detailed information about the  
accessories in your country/region.  
Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia  

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