Sony Cassette Player TCM 36 User Manual

En g lish  
Th e u n it d o e s n o t o p e ra t e .  
Press or slide  
The battery life may shorten depending on the operation of the unit.  
The batteries have been inserted with incorrect polarity.  
The batteries are weak.  
PAUSE c is slid in the direction of the arrow.  
The AC power adaptor or car battery cord is not firmly  
We lco m e !  
Pla yin g a Ta p e (se e Fig . D)  
Ca sse t t e -Co rd e r  
When batteries  
are new  
Stop recording  
Pause recording  
p STOP  
Ho u se Cu rre n t (se e Fig . A-e)  
Connect the AC power adaptor to DC IN 3V and to the wall outlet. Use  
the AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not supplied). (For TCM-36: For Japan  
use the AC-E30M, not supplied) Do not use any other AC power adaptor.  
Thank you for purchasing the Sony Cassette-Corder.  
Some features are:  
Insert a cassette with the side to start playing facing the cassette  
Side A  
PAUSE c in the direction of the arrow  
To release pause recording, release  
PAUSE c*.  
Operating Instructions  
Mode demploi (au dos)  
Tab for side A  
• VOR (Voice Operated Recording) system that starts and stops recording  
automatically in response to the sound, to save tapes and batteries  
(TCM-465V/ 459V only).  
• SPEED CONTROL function that lets you increase or decrease the tape  
playback speed.  
Adjust the tape playback speed.  
The batteries have been inserted, but simultaneously the AC  
power adaptor is connected and not to be done to the wall  
Review the portion  
just recorded  
Press and hold 0 REW/ REVIEW  
during recording.  
Release the button at the point to start playback.  
SLOW (slow) to play back a tape slower.  
Center position to playback a tape at normal speed.  
FAST (fast) to playback a tape faster.  
Polarity of the plug  
No so u n d co m e s fro m t h e sp e a ke r.  
When batteries  
become w eak  
The earphone is plugged in.  
The volume is turned down completely.  
High sensitive flat mic picks up a wide range of sound clearly (TCM-  
459V/ 36 only).  
* PAUSE c will be also automatically released when p STOP is  
pressed (stop-pause-release function).  
Press ( PLAY then adjust the volume. There is a raised dot to show  
the direction to turn down volume beside VOL.  
Specifications for AC-E30HG varies for each area. Check your local  
voltage and the shape of plug before purchasing.  
Sony Corporation 1998 Printed in China  
• Pop-up microphone system allows you to use the microphone properly  
by adjusting it to the situation (TCM-465V only).  
When the microphone is in the standing position, it works as an  
unidirectional microphone and picks up sound coming from the front  
side clearly.  
When the microphone is at the flat position, it picks up a wide range of  
sound clearly.  
• Cue marker function to mark a desired portion during recording (TCM-  
465V only)  
Ta p e sp e e d is t o o fa st o r t o o slo w in t h e p la yb a ck  
m o d e .  
At the end of the tape, playback stops and the unit turns off  
SPEED CONTROL is set at a point other than the center.  
To m o n it o r t h e so u n d  
Connect an earphone (not supplied) firmly to the EAR jack.  
z Op e ra t in g t h e Un it  
Th e so u n d d ro p s o u t o r co m e s w it h e xce ssive n o ise .  
Press or slide  
The volume is turned down completely.  
The batteries are weak.  
The heads are contaminated. See “Maintenance.”  
Replace batteries  
Stop playback/ stop fast  
forward or rewind  
p STOP  
Re co rd in g (se e Fig . B-a, b)  
You can record right away with the built-in microphone.  
Make sure that nothing is connected to the MIC jack.  
• Do not use a CrO2 (TYPE II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape, otherwise the  
sound may be distorted when you play back the tape, or the previous  
recording may not be erased completely.  
• The SPEED CONTROL switch works in the playback mode only.  
Recording will be made independent of this control.  
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e m a d e .  
Pause playback  
PAUSE c in the direction of the arrow  
To release pause playback, release PAUSE  
Connection is made incorrectly.  
The batteries are weak.  
The record/ playback head is contaminated.  
For TCM-465V: Change the flat mic or pop-up mic.  
For TCM-459V: MIC SENS has been set to the improper position  
when VOR function works.  
• Three BATT/ REC lamps indicate the remaining battery power in two  
steps and the i lamp indicates when to replace the batteries.  
Ab o u t Th is Ma n u a l  
Press the counter reset button to reset the tape counter.  
The instructions in this manual are for TCM-465V,TCM-459V and TCM-  
36. Before you start reading, check your model number. TCM-459V is the  
model used for illustration purposes. Any differences in operation are  
clearly indicated in the text, for example, “TCM-459V only”.  
Search forward during  
playback (CUE)  
Press and hold ) FF/ CUE and release it  
at the point you want  
z Ge t t in g St a rt e d  
Notes on VOR (Voice Operated Recording) (TCM-465V/459V only)  
• The VOR system depends on the environment conditions. If you cannot  
get the desired results, set VOR to OFF.  
• When using the VOR system, the unit starts recording only when a  
sound is detected, therefore, the beginning of the word may not be  
recorded. For an important recording, we recommend setting VOR to  
Insert a normal (TYPE I) tape with the side to start recording facing  
the cassette holder.  
AC pow er adaptor  
Search backward during  
playback (REVIEW)  
Press and hold 0 REW/ REVIEW and  
release it at the point you want  
Re co rd in g is in t e rru p t e d .  
Pre p a rin g a Po w e r So u rce  
Choose one of the following power sources.  
For TCM-465V/ 459V: VOR is set to ON. When you do not use  
VOR, set it to OFF.  
For TCM-465V/ 459V:  
1 Set VOR to:  
Fast forward**  
) FF/ CUE during stop  
0 REW/ REVIEW during stop  
r REC  
DC IN 3V  
ON to start and pause recording automatically to the sound.  
OFF to start and stop recording manually.  
For TCM-459V:  
2 Set MIC SENS to select the sensitivity of the microphone to:  
H (high) to record at meetings or in a quiet and/ or spacious  
Re co rd in g ca n n o t b e e ra se d co m p le t e ly.  
The erase head is contaminated.  
Recording or erasing is being made using recorded CrO2 (TYPE  
II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape.  
A p ro p o s d e ce m o d e d ’e m p lo i  
Dry Ba t t e rie s (se e Fig . A-a)  
Make sure that nothing is connected to the DC IN 3V jack.  
Start recording  
Lo ca t in g t h e Cu e Ma rke r Po sit io n (TCM-465V o n ly)  
Press CUE MARKER during recording. You will hear a buzz at the cue  
marker position when you press FF/ CUE or REW/ REVIEW while  
playing back the tape.  
It is convenient to mark at an important part of speech, for example,  
during an interview to quickly find that portion by pressing FF/ CUE or  
REW/ REVIEW while playing back the tape.  
Les instructions contenues dans le présent mode demploi concernent les  
modèles TCM-465V,TCM-459V et TCM-36. Avant d’en entamer la lecture,  
vérifiez la désignation de votre modèle. Cest le modèle TCM-459V qui est  
représenté dans les illustrations. Toute différence de fonctionnement est  
clairement indiquée dans le texte, par exemple : “TCM-459V  
during playback  
Open the battery compartment lid.  
Insert two size R6 (AA) batteries (supplied to TCM-36 and tourist  
model of TCM-465V only) with correct polarity and close the lid.  
* PAUSE c will be also automatically released when p STOP is  
pressed (stop-pause-release function).  
** If you leave the unit after the tape has been wound or  
rewound, the batteries will be consumed rapidly. Be sure to depress p  
L (low) to record for dictation or in a noisy place.  
Ma in t e n a n ce (se e Fig . E)  
To cle a n t h e t a p e h e a d s a n d p a t h  
Wipe the heads, pinch rollers, and the capstans with a cotton swab  
moistened with alcohol every 10 hours of use.  
• Do not charge a dry battery.  
When the sound to be recorded is not loud enough, set the VOR  
switch to OFF, or the unit may not start recording.  
• Do not use a new battery with an old one.  
• Do not use different types of batteries.  
• When you do not use the unit for a long time, remove the batteries to  
avoid any damage caused by battery leakage and subsequent corrosion.  
• Dry batteries will not be expended when another power source is  
p STOP  
( PLAY  
• Cue will not be marked if you press STOP or PAUSE immediately after  
having pressed CUE MARKER.  
• You may hear noise at the cue marker position during playback when  
you are listening to the recording through a sensitive earphone.  
To cle a n t h e e xt e rio r  
Use a soft cloth slightly moistened in water. Do not use alcohol, benzine  
or thinner.  
For TCM-465V:  
z Ad d it io n a l In fo rm a t io n  
To use the microphone in a standing position  
When you record a lecture or a speech, use the microphone in a  
standing position.  
Pre ca u t io n s  
On p o w e r  
• Operate the unit only on 3V DC. For AC operation, use the AC power  
adaptor recommended for the unit. Do not use any other type. For  
battery operation, use two size R6 (AA) batteries.  
) FF/CUE  
1 Slide the POP-UP MIC switch  
as illustrated.  
To t a ke o u t t h e b a t t e rie s (se e Fig . A-b)  
To p re ve n t a t a p e fro m b e in g a ccid e n t a lly re co rd e d  
o ve r (se e Fig . B-c)  
Break out and remove the cassette tabs. To reuse the tape for recording,  
cover the tab hole with adhesive tape.  
Sp e cifica t io n s  
Recording system  
To a t t a ch t h e b a t t e ry co m p a rt m e n t lid if it is  
a ccid e n t a lly d e t a ch e d (se e Fig . A-c)  
2-track 1 channel monaural  
Frequency range  
250 - 6,300 Hz  
Wh e n t o re p la ce t h e b a t t e rie s (se e Fig .A-d)  
Replace the batteries with new ones when the BATT/ REC lamps go off  
and the i lamp flashes.  
On t h e u n it  
Approx. 3.6 cm (1716 in.) dia.  
• Do not leave the unit in a location near heat sources, or in a place  
subject to direct sunlight, excessive dust or mechanical shock.  
• Should any solid object or liquid fall into the unit, remove the batteries  
or disconnect the AC power adaptor, and have the unit checked by  
qualified personnel before operating it any further.  
Re co rd in g fro m Va rio u s So u n d  
So u rce s (se e Fig . C)  
2 Face the microphone toward the sound source.  
Pow er output  
300 mW (at 10 % harmonic distortion)  
Microphone input jack (minijack) sensitivity 0.2 mV for 3 kilohms or  
lower impedance microphone  
Earphone jack (minijack) for 8 - 300 ohms earphone  
Variable range of the tape speed  
from +30% to –15%  
The BATT/ REC lamps change as illustrated:  
To use the microphone w ithout standing it  
When you want to record a wide range for conversations in a  
meeting, etc., use the microphone at a flat angle.  
Place the unit on a hard surface such as a desk with the cassette  
holder side up so that the flat mic can record effectively.  
Flat mic  
• During FF(CUE) or REW(REVIEW), the i lamp may flash. Only when  
the tape does not run properly, replace the batteries.  
• In some cases when the unit is used with rechargeable batteries, only  
one BATT/ REC lamp will light even though the batteries have been  
fully charged.  
• After the batteries have been used for a while, the BATT/ REC  
lamps may flash with the playback sound when you turn up the  
volume; however, this does not mean that you need to replace the  
• The unit will play back normally for a while even after the i lamp  
flashes. However, replace the batteries as soon as you can. If you do not,  
a loud noise may be emitted by the built-in speaker or subsequent  
recording will not be done correctly.  
• When the tape starts running or at the end of the tape the i lamp may  
momentarily light. If the lamp goes off, you do not need to replace the  
VOR (TCM-459V)  
• Keep personal credit cards using magnetic coding or spring-wound  
watches etc. away from the unit to prevent possible damage from the  
magnet used for the speaker.  
• If the unit has not been used for a long time, set it in the playback mode  
and warm it up for a few minutes before inserting a tape.  
Re co rd in g w it h a n Ext e rn a l Micro p h o n e  
Connect a microphone to the MIC jack. The raised dot near the MIC jack  
identifies as the jack for a microphone, not an earphone. Use a  
microphone of low impedance (less than 3 kilohms) such as ECM-T115  
(not supplied).  
When using a plug-in-power system microphone, the power to the  
microphone is supplied from this unit.  
Erase head  
Pow er requirements  
On t a p e s lo n g e r t h a n 90 m in u t e s  
• Two size R6 (AA) batteries (supplied to TCM-36 and tourist model  
of TCM-465V only): 3V DC  
DC IN 3 V jack accepts:  
• AC-E30M (TCM-36 only) or AC-E30HG AC power adaptor (not  
supplied) suitable in the country where the unit is to be used.  
• Sony DCC-E230 car battery cord (not supplied) for use on 12 V car  
We do not recommend the use of tapes longer than 90 minutes except for  
a long continuous recording or playback. They are very thin and tend to  
be stretched easily.  
When recording with an external microphone, the VOR system may not  
work properly because of the difference in sensitivity.  
For TCM-459V/ 36:  
Place the unit on a hard surface such as a desk with the cassette  
holder side up so that the flat mic can record effectively.  
If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit, please  
consult your nearest Sony dealer.  
Cotton sw ab  
Re co rd in g fro m An o t h e r Eq u ip m e n t  
Connect another equipment to the MIC jack using the RK-G64HG  
connecting cord (not supplied). (For TCM-36: For Japan use the RK-G64,  
not supplied)  
Dimensions (w /h/d) (incl. projecting parts and controls)  
TCM-465V: Approx. 116 × 91 × 43mm (458 × 358 × 134 in.)  
TCM-459V/ 36: Approx. 116 × 91 × 38mm (458 × 358 × 112 in.)  
Mass (not incl. batteries)  
TCM-465V: Approx. 200 g (7.1 oz.)  
TCM-459V/ 36: Approx. 195 g (6.9 oz.)  
Supplied accessories  
sw itch  
When using the microphone in a standing position, the sensitivity  
will be higher than the flat mic.  
Battery life (Approximate hours)  
Tro u b le sh o o t in g  
Should any problem persist after you have made these checks, consult  
your nearest Sony dealer.  
Press r REC.  
Recording starts.  
While the tape runs, the BATT/ REC lamp lights and flickers  
depending on the strength of the sound.  
Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)  
Sony R6P (SR)  
Yo u ca n n o t p re ss r REC.  
R6 (size AA) batteries (2) (TCM-36 and tourist model of TCM-465V  
The tab on the tape has been removed.  
At the end of the tape, recording stops and the unit turns off  
Yo u ca n n o t p re ss ( PLAY.  
* Measured value by the standard of EIAJ (Electronic Industries  
Association of Japan). (Using a Sony HF series cassette tape)  
The tape has reached the end. Rewind the tape.  
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.  

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