USB electronic
Thank you for purchasing your USB Electronic Scale
from RadioShack. The USB Electronic Scale consists of a
hardware scale and a software program for your Windows
computer. You can weigh your packages and see the
reading as it is displayed on your computer monitor. The
included software provides a graphical user interface for
you to control the scale and can even automatically insert
package weight into the websites of most major shippers.
USB Electronic Scale
User’s Guide
Please read this user’s guide before installing,
setting up and using your new product
The Basics
The Basics
software installation
• Weighs items up to 10 pounds.
system requirements
• No batteries or AC cords required—powered by your
computer's USB port.
• Includes six foot USB cable permanently connected to
the scale.
Your USB Electronic Scale requires Windows98SE/ME/2000/
XP, Internet Explorer 4 or higher, and a USB port.
The software will be updated periodically. Check
• Displays weight in kgs or lbs format.
• Includes a Unit Conversion Tool for grams, ounces,
and other additional weight values.
• Connects to selected websites and automatically
populates the weight and additional fields of the web
page for your convenience.
install procedure
1. To install your USB Electronic Scale, insert the
supplied CD-ROM in your CD or DVD ROM drive. The
setup program will start automatically. If you have the
auto-run feature disabled on your machine, then you
will need to run Setup.exe found in the root folder of
the CD-ROM. Right-click on the Start button and click
• Auto-populates different fields in the web page using
Add Web Page function.
nternet connection required.
Explore. Then double-click on the CD or DVD ROM
drive. Double-click on Setup.exe.
2. Follow the instructions to install the software. By
default, it will be installed to \Program Files\USB
Electronic Scale.
3. Shortcuts will be created on the desktop and startup
menu: Start > Programs > USB Electronic Scale >
USB Electronic Scale. You can start using the USB
Electronic Scale by clicking the shortcut icon.
The Basics
The Basics
uninstall procedure
scale display
The Scale Display shows the reading of the USB Electronic
Scale. To bring out the display, do one of the following:
Using the CD ROM
Using Your Control Panel
1. Go to your Start Menu and
select Settings < Control Panel
< Add or Remove Programs.
2. Select USB Electronic Scale,
then click the Remove button.
1. Run Setup.exe found in the root
folder of the supplied CD-ROM.
2. Select “Remove” to uninstall
USB Electronic Scale.
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
Right click the System Tray icon
and choose Launch USB Electronic Double click the System Tray icon.
using the scale
To minimize the display, do one of the following:
Attach your scale to the computer’s USB port and run the
supplied software.
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
Right click System Tray icon and
choose Minimize USB Electronic
Click the Minimize button on the
Normal Display.
The software runs at Windows startup by default. You can
also start it by clicking the shortcut. To change the startup, do
the following:
1. Right click the System Tray icon and choose Options.
normal display and small display
2. Check or uncheck the Run at Windows startup to
There are two display options for the Scale Display: Normal
Display and Small Display. Normal Display looks like a scale
and has a panel showing the scale reading. Use the buttons
on either side of the display to perform scale functions. The
Small Display only shows the scale reading.
change the startup with Windows option.
When the USB Electronic Scale software starts, a program
icon will appear in the Windows System Tray to indicate the
connection status of the scale. Right click the scale icon to
see a menu of your options.
To switch between the two display modes, right click the
System Tray icon and select Small Display. Check to use the
Small Display and uncheck to show the Normal Display.
Scale Not
To set the Scale display to always be on top of the other
windows, right click the System Tray icon and choose
Always on Top.
Scale Attached
The software displays the reading of the scale and lets you
control your scale.
change the scale display color
Customize the color of your scale.
1. Right click the System Tray icon and choose Options.
2. Click on the Scale Color tab and choose the color of
the scale.
3. Click OK.
The Basics
The Basics
the scale first. Then you can tare the scale (deduct the weight
operating the scale
of your container). Now, when you place the items you want
to weigh inside the container, the reading on the scale will
reflect only the weight of those items.
After the USB Electronic Scale software has started, it takes
about 6 seconds to initialize the Electronic Scale. During the
initialization, the System Tray icon flashes. The scale software
performs the initialization at program startup and every time
the scale is attached to the USB port of the computer.
To tare the scale and set the current reading to zero, do one
of the following:
The scale will automatically reset to zero at startup,
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
so do not place anything you want to weigh on the
Right-click on the System Tray icon Press the Tare button on the
and choose Tare Scale.
scale during startup.
Normal Display.
After initialization, you can use the scale to weigh things. The
weight capacity for the scale is 10lb or 5kg. The resolution is
0.1oz and 1g, respectively.
change weight units
The application can display the weight in two formats: kgs
(kilograms) and lbs (pounds). To change the weight unit, do
one of the following:
DO NOT exceed the weight capacity of your scale.
f you do, it may damage the scale sensor and
cause permanent damage to the scale.
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
To use the scale, do one of the following:
1. Right click System Tray icon.
2. Highlight Unit and select kgs or
Press KGS/LBS button on the
Normal Display.
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
Right-click on the System Tray icon Click the buttons on the Scale
and select one of the options.
Display in Normal Display mode.
To hold the current reading of the scale and discard further
changes in the reading, right click the System Tray icon
and choose Hold, or press the Hold button on the Normal
weigh an item
1. Connect the scale to the computer's USB port.
2. Start the software and wait for initialization to finish.
3. Place the item you want to weigh on the scale
The word HOLD will be shown on the Scale Display. Repeat
the above step to disable hold.
4. Make sure you distribute the weight of the package
evenly over the platform. Always line up the center of
gravity of each package with the center of the scale.
Avoid tipping packages in any direction.
The Tare operation will be disabled when Hold is
If you need to weigh several loose items, it may be helpful
to place those items in a container (not included). Since you
might not be shipping that container, place the container on
The Basics
The Basics
Normal Display
Small Display
“DETACH” Alert
Tells you when
your scale is
detached from
the USB port.
Press to
minimize scale
Press to close
scale software.
Tare Button
Auto-Launch Website Button
Press to launch selected
web page and automatically
populate fields.
Options Button
Press to change
Drop-Down Menu
Select your desired
shipping company.
Hold Button
Press to deduct the
weight of the container
and zero the scale.
Press to hold the current
scale reading and discard
further changes.
KGS/LBS Button
Press to change
weight units.
Converter Button
Press to launch unit
conversion tool.
Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
To manually convert weight units,
unit conversion tool
1. Enter the weight of the item in the text field at the top
of the page.
2. Select its original unit of measure from the drop down
list next to the weight field.
The Unit Conversion Tool allows you to convert weight from
one unit to other units. It is an HTML document and works
with your web browser. To start the conversion tool, do one
of the following:
3. Press Convert.
Using the System Tray Icon
Right-click on the System Tray icon Press the Converter button on the
and select Converter. Normal Display.
Using the Normal Display
f you place a new item on the scale, you must
press the converter button on the scale software to
automatically populate the conversion web page.
The current scale reading will be populated in the HTML page
by default when you start the tool. With the Unit Conversion
tool, you can convert weight to and from any of the following
The scale application includes a shortcut to the Windows
Calculator. You can launch the Calculator by right clicking the
System Tray icon and choosing Calculator.
Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
You can add new web pages to the Auto-Launch list by using
the program’s Add Web Page features. Please refer to Add
Web Page.
auto populate destination web fields
When you place an item on the scale, the software can
automatically open your web browser and go to your
favorite shipper’s web page. It can populate the page with
the weight information in the appropriate field after the page
has finished loading. The application has eight pre-defined
web pages for you to choose from. In addition to weight
information, this application can populate other necessary
fields for you, but you must fill them in ahead of time (See
Auto Fill Web Page).
The application will not automatically launch the
web page if the weight is less than 0.2oz, the
change in weight is less than 0.2oz, or the browser
opened by the application has not been closed.
To select the auto-launch web page, do one of the following:
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
1. Right click the System Tray icon.
2. Highlight Select Auto-launch
Web Page.
f there are any fields that you want to fill in
manually, you may leave them blank.
3. Click on your favorite shipper’s
web page. Select None to
disable Auto-Launch.
You can tell the application to launch the selected web page
and populate the information any time by doing one of the
Go to the drop down list on the
Normal Display and choose your
favorite shipper. Choose None to
disable the auto-launch feature.
1. Right click the System Tray icon
and choose Options.
2. Choose the web page from the
Auto-Launch website drop down
list. Then click OK. Select None
to disable Auto-Launch.
Using the System Tray Icon
Using the Normal Display
Right click the System Tray icon
and choose Go to Selected Web
Press Auto-Launch Website button
on the Normal Display.
f you have already launched the page once, only
NOTE weight information will be updated next time you
press the button.
auto fill web page
This application includes certain items from the pre-defined
web pages. If you enter the information before running the
program, the software will populate the fields when the
website is launched. For instance, if you always ship DHL
Second Day, you may want the software to automatically
make these selections for you each time you use the scale
and launch that web page. The items that you can store in
the application are placed under the following tabs on the
Options screen:
auto-launch web page
You can choose from the following eight pre-defined web
pages as the destination site for auto-launch:
• UPS Rate Calculator
• USPS Domestic Rate Calculator
• USPS Business Rate Calculator
• USPS International Envelope Rate Calculator
• USPS International Package Rate Calculator
• DHL Rates
• DHL—contains the items on the DHL Rates web page.
• Ebay—contains the items on the Ebay Seller Shipping
• FedEx Rate Finder—contains the items on the first
page of FedEx Rate Finder.
• FedEx Rate Finder
• UPS—contains the items on the UPS Rate Calculator.
• Ebay Seller Shipping Calculator
Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
• USPS Domestic—contains the items on USPS
4. Fill in the information.
5. Click OK.
Domestic Rate Calculator.
• USPS Business—contains the items on USPS
If you do not want the software to automatically fill any of
the web pages, uncheck Auto Fill in the corresponding tab
in Options. The application will just launch the page and
populate the weight information without automatically filling
in the rest of the information on that shipper’s web page.
Business Rate Calculator.
• USPS International—contains the items on USPS
International Envelope Rate Calculator and USPS
International Package Rate Calculator.
For the FedEx Rate Finder website, you are required to enter
certain shipping information before proceeding to the page
containing the weight field. If the auto fill feature in the FedEx
Rate Finder tab is enabled, the application will populate the
fields on the first page of FedEx Rate Finder for you and
proceed to the next page to populate the weight information
automatically. Or you can set the application to just launch
the first page of FedEx Rate Finder. Once you fill in the
information and proceed to the next page, the application will
automatically place the weight information in the appropriate
Fill in your
favorite shipping
parameters here.
This is particularly
helpful if you
always use the
same type of
shipping, the same
size package, or
even if you always
ship to or from the
same zip code.
If there are any
fields you wish
to fill in manually,
leave them blank at
this time.
add web page
Use the Add Web Page feature to add a new web page to the
Auto-Launch website list. The application will remember the
address and information for the website and automatically
populate the corresponding fields.
NOTE: Websites
are subject to
change without
The Add Web Page feature will open a browser for you to
navigate to your desired page. You can fill in the information
and add the page to the application. After adding the page,
you can choose it as the auto-launch site just like any other
system pre-defined web page. Once an item is placed on the
scale, the application will launch the web page and populate
the fields with the information you filled in during the Add
Web Page process.
To set the page to fill automatically when Auto-Launch is
selected, do the following:
1. Right click System Tray icon and choose Options.
2. Choose the tab corresponding to the name of your
favorite shipping company.
To add a new web page to the application,
1. Right click System Tray icon and choose Options.
2. Choose the Add Web Page tab, which contains
3. Check Auto Fill.
information from the web pages you have added.
Beyond the Basics
Beyond the Basics
4. Click Add and the Add New Auto Fill Web Page dialog
hardware specifications
appears. Follow the instructions on the dialog to add
the web page to the application step by step.
6.38" W x 6.46" D x 1.31" H
5. Assign a Name to the page you want to add. This
name will appear later in the Auto-Launch website list.
10 lb/5kg Capacity
0.1 oz/1g
6. Press Next to open the browser and go to your
desired webpage.
Power Source
7. Press Next when the page has finished loading.
8. In the browser, fill in the information you want the
software to automatically populate for you.
9. Specify the weight field on the page with the following
values such that the application will populate the field
with the reading of the scale in the appropriate format.
Powered by USB Port
USB Plug, the other end of the cable is
fixed in the unit.
0.1% of full capacity
0°C to + 40°C
<10 mA
• LB—populate with weight in pounds
• OZ—populate with weight in ounces
• KG—populate with weight in kilograms
• G—populate with weight in grams
Power Draw
f the web page field for weight is in ounces,
OZ should be typed in the field. If the reading of
he scale is 6.1oz, the application will populate
he weight field with 6.1 when the web page is
“DETACH” alert
10. Select Finish to save the information and add the
When the scale is detached, you will see a black X on top of
the System Tray icon. You will also see the word “DETACH”
in the top right corner of both the normal and small displays.
11. You will now see the information you’ve just added
whenever you select the Add Web Page tab. Click OK
to confirm what you have done.
“ERROR” alert
12. After adding the web page, you can choose it as the
auto-launch web page.
The word “ERROR” will appear in the bottom right corner of
the normal and small displays if the scale reading is less than
zero or the item you are trying to weigh is too heavy. You
may need to tare the scale again if the weight displayed is
negative. Remove the item from the scale if it is over 10 lbs.
To delete a web page that you have added
1. Right click the System Tray icon and choose Options.
2. Choose the Add Web Page tab.
3. Select the page you want to delete from the list.
4. Click Delete.
5. Click OK.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
Consult your local RadioShack store or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
If you cannot eliminate the interference, the FCC requires that you stop using your phone.
WARNING: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by RadioShack may cause
interference and void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
USB Electronic Scale
100 Throckmorton
Fort Worth,
Responsible Party
TX 76102
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept
any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This product is warranted by RadioShack against manufacturing defects in material and workmanship
under normal use for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase from RadioShack company-owned
stores and authorized RadioShack franchisees and dealers. For complete warranty details and
exclusions, check with your local RadioShack store.
RadioShack Customer Relations
200 Taylor Street, 6th Floor, Fort Worth, TX 76102
Printed in China
©2004. RadioShack Corporation.
All rights reserved. RadioShack and RadioShack.com are
trademarks used by RadioShack Corporation.
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