Primera Technology Laminator Max User Manual

Optical Disc Laminator  
Connectivity Guide  
© 2004 All rights reserved.  
B. Installing the Laminator Software Driver......................................................1  
C. Connecting the Laminator to Your Duplicator .............................................3  
D. Creating Discs with Your Duplicator MAX in Primo ..................................7  
E. Connecting the Laminator to Your Duplicator XL/Pro ..............................7  
Stand-Alone Mode.............................................................................................8  
Full Production Mode.....................................................................................11  
F. Troubleshooting ...............................................................................................15  
G. Technical Support ............................................................................................15  
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Optical Disc Laminator Connection Guide  
Thank you for purchasing the Optical Disc Laminator  
Connectivity Kit. This kit will allow you to use your Optical  
Disc Laminator in conjunction with the Pro, XL and MAX  
versions of Optical Disc Duplicators. This guide will explain  
the connection of the Laminator to these systems, the  
installation of software and the running of disc jobs.  
While unpacking your Laminator Connectivity Kit make sure  
that all supplied accessories are included with your kit. The  
following items are included:  
Laminator Stand  
Software Installer Disc  
USB Cable  
6-Pin Mini Circular Cable (Pro/XL Stand only)  
Warranty Statement, Manual and other documentation.  
When using the Laminator with a Primera Technology Disc  
Duplicator it will be necessary to install a driver. This driver  
will allow the PC to control the functions of your Laminator.  
Because your Disc Laminator is a plug-and-play device, do not  
connect the Laminator's USB cable to the PC until instructed to  
do so by the installer. The driver is installed as follows:  
a. This installer will reboot your system so make sure all  
applications are closed. Insert the Software Driver Install  
disc into your PC's CD-ROM drive  
b. The Installer Quick Start program should launch. If it does,  
proceed to step c. If not, please follow these steps:  
Click the Start button in the lower left hand side of the  
screen, and then select My Computer from the menu.  
Double-click the Disc Laminator Installer Icon.  
c. Choose the Duplicator you are using, either Duplicator  
XL/Pro or Duplicator MAX.  
d. You will now be prompted to install and update to Primo  
DVD that will allow you to print, record and laminate  
unnatended. Click Next to install the update.  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 1  
e. Make certain the Laminator has been plugged into power  
and turned on.  
f. Select "Install Software Automatically" and click Next.  
2 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
g. You may see a notice like the one shown here stating that  
the Accent Disc Laminator has not passed Windows Logo  
Testing. Click the Install Anyway button to continue  
installing the printer driver for your Laminator.  
Once the driver has finished installing, click the Finish button.  
This will install an update to your PrimoDVD software and  
will reboot your system.  
Your Laminator connects easily to a DuplicatorMAX allowing  
for hands-free printing, recording and laminating of Optical  
Discs. This configuration does require you to remove one bin  
bringing total capacity from 400 to 300 discs. The optional  
DuplicatorMAX Laminator Stand is shown here:  
MAX Stand  
Adjustable Screws  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 3  
The following steps describe in detail how to connect the  
Laminator to your DuplicatorMAX:  
a. Connect the Laminator Stand to the left hand side of the  
DuplicatorMAX as shown:  
b. Remove the Input Bin closest to the Laminator Stand to  
make room for the Laminator's disc tray.  
c. Place the Laminator on the stand using the Locating Pegs  
to align the Laminator properly.  
d. Connect your Laminator to the PC using the provided USB  
e. The Laminator must now be aligned with the  
DuplicatorMAX Picker Mechanism. This is done as  
1) If the Laminator Tray is not in the "OUT" position,  
press the Laminate Button on the Laminator to eject  
the tray. Make certain the DuplicatorMax has been  
connected to the computer and is on and ready to use.  
2) Press the Sequence Button on the front of the  
DuplicatorMax until the picker mechanism is  
positioned over a bin containing discs.  
3) Press the Pick Button on the front of the  
DuplicatorMax to pick a disc.  
4) Launch PrimoDVD Pro .  
4 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
5) From the Main Application Screen click Robotics then  
6) Enable the Use Laminator checkbox.  
7) Click the button labeled Move to (Calibrate). This will  
move the Picker Mechanism to the Laminator Tray  
8) Lower the disc to the Laminator Tray Position as  
a) Press and hold the Sequence and Pick buttons  
simultaneously for 5 seconds to enter calibration  
mode. The LEDs on the front of the  
DuplicatorMAX will flash back and forth indicating  
that the unit is in calibration mode.  
Press Simultaneously  
Until LEDs Toggle  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 5  
b) While the LEDs are flashing, press the Pause  
button. The Picking Mechanism will lower to the  
Laminator Tray Position.  
Press Pause to Lower  
Mechanism to Laminator  
Tray Position  
c) Adjust the Laminator Tray forward and back by  
loosening the adjusting screws located towards the  
front of the stand.  
d). For left-to-right adjustment, nudge the Picker  
Mechanism left by pressing the Pause Button or  
nudge it right by pressing the Sequence Button.  
End Calibration  
Nudge Picking Mechanism Right  
(Counter Clockwise)  
Nudge Picker Mechanism Left  
e) Once the Picking Mechanism and Disc are  
perfectly aligned press the Pick Button to end  
6 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
f) Tighten the Adjusting Screws on the front of the  
Laminator Stand to lock the stand in position.  
9. You have now calibrated your Laminator to the  
Duplicator MAX and are ready to produce discs!  
Laminating your disc jobs is very simple. This is done as  
1. From the Main Application Screen click Robotics then  
Options. Enable the Use Laminator checkbox as shown:  
2. Set up your print and record job as you normally would  
per the instructions in the Duplicator MAX User Manual.  
3. Click the Red Circle Record button to start your job!  
Your Laminator connects easily to Duplicator Pro and  
Duplicator XL duplicators. There are two possible  
configurations, Automated Stand-Alone Mode and Full  
Production Mode. Automated Stand-Alone Operation allows  
you to use the Laminator in place of a CD Printer. You can then  
laminate pre-printed discs without having to connect the  
Duplicator or Laminator to a PC. Full Production Mode allows  
you to record, print and laminate discs all in one operation.  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 7  
The Laminator is positioned at the front left corner of the  
Duplicator. The optional Duplicator XL/Pro Laminator Stand  
is needed for both of these configurations. The stand is shown  
The Automated Stand-Alone Mode allows you to connect the  
Laminator to the Duplicator XL or DuplicatorPro without  
connecting either the Duplicator or Laminator to a PC. This  
mode is used when you simply want to load the Duplicator  
with 100 printed discs and laminate them unattended. The  
Laminator will take the place of a printer in this configuration.  
Stand-Alone Mode is set up as follows:  
1. Laminate a few discs in Stand-Alone configuration as  
described in the Laminator User's Manual to ensure the  
Laminator is configured to properly laminate your discs.  
2. If present, remove the Printer Stand and Printer from the  
back of the Duplicator.  
3. Make sure both the Power and Auxiliary Control Cable are  
connected to the Duplicator as shown:  
8 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
4. Connect the Laminator Stand to the back of the Laminator  
as shown:  
5. Place the Laminator on the Laminator Stand as shown:  
There are two sets of holes on the underside of your  
Laminator. Set the Laminator on the stand locating the  
smaller set of holes on the metal locating pegs on the  
Laminator Stand. Make certain the Laminator's rubber  
feet are resting on the stand and not in the four large  
holes in the stand.  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 9  
6. Connect the Auxiliary Control Cable and Power Cable the  
Laminator as shown:  
7. Align the Laminator's tray position to the picker. This is  
done as follows:  
a. Make certain the Laminator has power and is  
turned on.  
b. Load a disc into the Input Bin. This is the Bin on the  
right side of the Duplicator.  
c. If the Laminator Tray is not in the OUT position, press  
the Laminate button to eject the Laminator Disc Tray.  
d. Press the Sequence button on the front of the  
Duplicator until the Picker is over the Input Bin. Press  
the Pick button on the front of the Duplicator to pick  
a disc.  
e. Repeatedly press the Sequence button on the front of  
the Duplicator until the Picker Arm comes to rest over  
the Laminator's Disc Tray.  
f. Press and hold the Pick button on the front of the  
Duplicator for 5 seconds. The disc should automatically  
and hover just over the Laminator's Disc Tray.  
g. Loosen the Laminator Tray's 4 adjusting screws and  
move the Laminator around until the disc in the Picker  
aligns properly with the Laminator's Disc Tray. Once  
you are satisfied with the positioning, tighten the  
screws. Press the Pick button on the front of the  
Duplicator. The disc will now be deposited into the  
Laminator's Disc Tray. Press the Pick button a few  
more times to pick and place discs into the laminator  
tray ensuring the alignment is accurate.  
10 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
8. The Laminator is now aligned properly. Once the  
Laminator's Heat Roller has achieved proper operating  
temperature (indicated by a solidly lit Ready LED on the  
Laminator's Control Panel), you are ready to laminate  
discs. Load the input bin with discs and press the  
Laminate button. Discs will be automatically picked from  
the input bin, loaded into the laminator, and deposited in  
the output bin when finished. This will repeat until the  
Input Bin is empty.  
NOTE: If the Picking Mechanism will not pick a disc from the Laminator Tray, make  
certain the Laminator is sitting on the Stand correctly. The Laminator's  
Rubber Feet should be resting on the stand, not in the four holes located on  
top of the stand.  
9. When the Input Bin is empty, you will see the Ready LED  
on the Laminators Control Panel flashing slowly indicating  
a Disc Out error and the Pick LED on the Duplicator  
Control Panel will be flashing quickly. If you wish to  
continue, load the Input Bin with discs, and press the Pick  
button on the Laminator.  
In Full Production Mode, you connect the Laminator to the  
Duplicator XL or DuplicatorPro in addition to your printer.  
This allows for the fully automated recording, printing and  
laminating of your discs. This will require more desk space  
than the Stand-Alone Lamination configuration described in  
the previous section. This mode is set up as follows:  
1. Install the Laminator Software as described in this manual.  
2. Laminate a few discs in Stand-Alone configuration as  
described in the Laminator User's Manual to ensure the  
Laminator is set up to properly laminate your discs.  
3. Place the Laminator Stand in front and to the left of the  
Duplicator as shown:  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 11  
4. Place the Laminator on the stand. The Laminator will need  
to be placed on the stand with the Laminator's rubber feet  
resting in the four holes located on the top of the Stand as  
5. Using the provided USB Cable, connect the Laminator to  
your PC as shown:  
6. Align the Laminator's Disc Tray position for proper picking  
and placement of discs. This is done as follows:  
a. Make certain the Laminator has power and is  
turned on.  
b. Load a disc into the Input Bin. This is the Bin on the  
right side of the Duplicator.  
12 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
c. If the Laminator Tray is not in the OUT position, press  
the Laminate button to eject the Laminator Disc Tray.  
d. From the Main Application Screen click Robotics then  
e. Enable the Use Laminator checkbox.  
f. Click the button labeled Move to (Calibrate). This will  
move the Picker Mechanism to the Laminator Tray  
g. Press and hold the Pick button on the front of the  
Duplicator for 5 seconds. The disc should  
automatically and hover just over the Laminator's  
Disc Tray.  
h. Manually move the Laminator on its stand until the  
Laminator Disc Tray is aligned perfectly with the disc  
in the Picker Mechanism.  
i. Press the Pick button a few times to pick and place the  
disc in the Laminator Tray to be sure it is aligned  
NOTE: If the Picking Mechanism will not pick a disc from the Laminator Tray, make  
certain the Laminator is sitting on the Stand correctly. The Laminator's  
Rubber Feet should not rest on the stand but in the four holes located on the  
top of the stand. 7.The Laminator is now aligned properly. Once the  
Laminator's Heat Roller has achieved proper operating temperature  
(indicated by a solidly illuminated Ready LED on the Laminator's Control  
Panel), you are ready to laminate discs. Load the input bin with discs.  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 13  
8. From the Main Application Screen click Robotics then  
Options. Select Lamination as shown:  
9. Set up your print and record job as you normally would  
per the Duplicator XL/Pro User's Manual.  
10. Click the red circle Record button to start your job!  
14 Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide  
Will not Laminate  
Check Power to the Laminator  
Make sure that the Ready LED is  
on and steady indicating the  
Laminator's Heat Roller has  
achieved normal operating  
I do not see an option  
in PrimoDVD to  
laminate discs  
In PrimoDVD, click Robotics then  
Options. You should see a  
Laminate check box.·  
If you do not see this option in the  
Robotic Options dialog box, install  
the software on the install disc  
provided with your Laminator  
Stand. There is an updater on this  
disc that will add this functional.  
The Overlaminate Film  
is not adhering properly  
to my discs; there are  
patchy areas where the  
film is not sticking to the  
disc label.  
Increase the heat setting with the  
Heat Slide Bar on the Laminator's  
Control Panel. Slide the Heat  
Setting one or two hash marks  
toward the front of the Laminator  
to increase the heat setting.  
The Overlaminate Film  
appears to be wrinkling,  
with scratch-like marks  
appearing across the  
surface of the disc  
Decrease the heat setting with  
the Heat Slide Bar on the  
Laminator's Control Panel. Slide  
the Heat Setting one or two hash  
marks toward the rear of the  
Laminator to decrease the heat  
If you have difficulties in operating your Laminator, the  
procedures in this manual should, in most cases, solve the  
problem. If you still have difficulty, call Technical Support at  
the number listed on the insert in your Laminator suppy pack.  
Optical Disc Laminator Connectivity Guide 15  
Printed in the United States of America  
P/N 510887  

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