Polycom Webcam 53 User Manual

Polycom® CMASystem  
Web Scheduling Guide  
5.3 | April 2011 | 3725-77603-001D1  
1 Polycom® CMASystem Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom® CMASystem Overview  
This chapter provides an overview of the Polycom® Converged Management  
Application™ (CMA™) system and includes these topics:  
Scheduling Overview  
The Polycom CMA system allows users with basic of advanced Scheduler  
Permissions to schedule conferences from their desktops.  
Using the simple Polycom CMA system Web Scheduler interface, schedulers  
can create one-time or recurring conferences in a manner similar to their  
favorite calendar application. Or schedulers with the Microsoft Outlook® or  
IBM® Lotus Notes® can use the Polycom Scheduling Plugins to schedule  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Log Into the Polycom CMA System  
To log into the Polycom CMA system web interface, you need:  
Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.0, 7.0 or 8.0, Mozilla FireFox® 3.5 or 3.6, or  
Apple Safari 3.2 or 4.0  
Adobe® Flash® Player 9.x or 10.0.x  
The IP address or host name of the Polycom CMA system server and your  
username, password, and domain.  
You get three opportunities to enter the correct password. After three failed  
attempts, the system returns an error message.  
To log into a Polycom CMA system  
Open a browser window and in the Address field enter the Polycom  
CMA system server IP address or host name.  
If prompted to install the Adobe Flash Player, click OK.  
If you receive an HTTPS Security Alert, click Yes.  
To eliminate these HTTPS certificate security alerts in the future,  
contact your system administrator.  
When the Polycom CMA system Log In screen appears, enter your  
Username and Password.  
If necessary, select a different Language or Domain.  
Click Login.  
Because the Polycom CMA system is a role-based system, you see only the  
pages and functions available to your roles.  
General Scheduling Information  
You may find the following general topics useful when you are scheduling  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom® CMASystem Overview  
Scheduling Participants and Endpoints  
When you schedule conferences, you select the participants you wish to join  
the conference from your endpoint directory. Depending on your system  
configuration, your endpoint directory may be the enterprise LDAP directory  
or the Global Address Book. It may also include Guest Book entries.  
For participants that have multiple endpoints registered with the Polycom  
CMA system, the system selects the participants default endpoint. You can  
change to another endpoint by selecting it from the Call Info list or by editing  
the participant.  
You can schedule participants without endpoints into conferences. You cannot  
schedule endpoints without owners into conferences. The Polycom CMA  
system can be configured to allow you to overbook dial-in participants. In this  
case, dial-in participants can be scheduled to dial into multiple conferences  
during the same time period, but the system reserves resources for the  
participant for only the first scheduled conference. Dial-out participants  
cannot be scheduled into multiple conferences.  
For the same reason, if you schedule participants with endpoints such as  
Polycom CMA Desktop, HDX, VVX, or VSX systems into conference as Dial  
In endpoints, the conference will require external MCU resources.  
Bridge Selection and Cascading  
When a conference is scheduled with one of the Polycom CMA system  
scheduling applications (Web Scheduler or Scheduling Plug-in for Microsoft  
Outlook or IBM Lotus Notes) and the conference requires external MCU  
resources (such as a Polycom RMX or MGC system), then by default the  
Polycom CMA system automatically assigns the conference to a bridge.  
However, the system allows users with advanced scheduler permissions to  
select a bridge for their conferences. It also allows them to create multibridge,  
cascaded conferences.  
Bridge Selection  
When scheduling a conference, users with advanced scheduler permissions  
can select a bridge to host their conference by selecting the Single Bridge  
option. When they select this option, the system presents a list of bridges that  
have the capabilities and resources required to host their conference.  
Because this bridge list depends on the template selection and conference  
settings, users should make their template selection and conference settings  
before selecting a bridge. Otherwise, they may select a bridge that cannot meet  
their conferencing requirements. In this case, the conference will fail to  
Bridge Selection and Cascading Conferences  
When scheduling a conference, users with advanced scheduler permissions  
can select the Multi Bridge option to create cascading conferences.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
In some respects, a cascaded conference looks like a single conference, but it is  
actually two or more conferences on different bridges that are linked together.  
The link is created by a dial-out from one conference to a second conference  
via a special cascaded entry queue.  
Some reasons you may wish to create cascading conferences include:  
To invite more conference participants than any single bridge can host  
To connect different bridges at different sites into a single conference  
To use the different capabilities of different bridges (for example, different  
communication protocols, such as, serial connections, ISDN, etc.)  
When you create a multibridge, cascaded conference, you must manually  
select bridges and create the cascaded links between bridges by identifying the  
originating bridge, the terminating bridge, and the network type (IP or ISDN).  
The system displays an interconnection diagram that illustrates the cascaded  
links. Once scheduled, each cascaded link appears as a participant in the  
By default, the system automatically assign participants to the “best bridge”  
for them based on available capacity, location, and least cost routing rules.  
However, you may also choose to manually assign participants to bridges.  
Bridge Scheduling and Reassignment  
When a conference is scheduled with one of the Polycom CMA system  
scheduling applications (Web Scheduler or Scheduling Plug-in for Microsoft  
Outlook or IBM Lotus Notes), by default the system automatically assigns the  
conference to a bridge unless a user with advanced scheduler permissions  
intercedes. If that bridge is down at the time the system starts the conference,  
the Polycom CMA system attempts to dynamically reassign the conference to  
another bridge with sufficient capabilities and resources.  
If the system can successfully reassign the conference to another bridge,  
the conference starts on the newly selected bridge, and the system sends  
an updated conference email to all scheduled participants. This updated  
email includes a new dial-in number that dial-in participants must use to  
join the conference.  
If the system cannot successfully reassign the conference to another  
bridge, the conference fails to start. The system sends an email to notify the  
conference organizer of the failure.  
Some notes about bridge reassignment:  
The bridge reassignment process only occurs when the system detects that  
a bridge is down. It does not occur if the system determines that a bridge  
does not have sufficient resources required to host the conference.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom® CMASystem Overview  
If the Polycom CMA system cannot find another bridge with the features  
and capacity needed to support a conference, the conference fails to start.  
The system does not attempt to modify the conference settings in any way.  
Instead, the system sends an email to notify the conference organizer of  
the failure.  
The system will chain bridge reassignments. This means that if the next  
bridge to which the system assigns a conference is down at the time the  
system tries to start the conference, the system will try to reassign the  
conference again.  
If the bridge to which the system reassigns a conference has ad hoc  
conferences on it, the Polycom CMA system is unaware of those  
conferences. The reassigned conference may fail to start if ad hoc  
conferences are consuming resources the Polycom CMA system expected  
to schedule. This is known behavior and is avoided by applying the best  
practice of not using bridges for both scheduled and ad hoc conferences.  
Field Input Requirements  
While every effort was made to internationalize the Polycom CMA system, not  
all system fields accept Unicode entries. If you work in a language other than  
English, be aware that the Polycom CMA system fields that accept only ASCII  
characters are shaded a light yellow.  
For information about specific field requirements, see “System Field Input  
Requirements” on page 549.  
Filter and Search a List  
In the Polycom CMA system interface, information is often summarized in  
lists or grids.  
Lists that include many items may have filters or searchable fields, which  
allow you to view a subset of items or search for a specific entry. The available  
filtering options depend on the type of information in the list. For example in  
the conference list:  
If you select Custom Date as the filter, a calendar filter field appears  
If you select Ongoing Plus as the filter, an attribute option appears. You  
can select the attribute Conference Name and enter all or part of the  
conference name into the associated text field.  
In general, most text filter fields are ASCII only and the Polycom CMA system  
search function is a case-insensitive, substring search. That means when you  
enter a search string, the Polycom CMA system looks for that string whereever  
it occurs (beginning, middle, or end) in the word or number.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
However, if the Polycom CMA system is integrated with an Active Directory,  
the Polycom CMA system uses the LDAP search function for searches of the  
directory. LDAP searches are prefix-searches that include an appended  
wildcard. In this case, when you enter a search string, the system looks for that  
search string only at the beginning of the indexed fields.  
For example, all of the following searches for a participant will find Barbara  
Ba r ba r a  
Smi t he  
Ba r  
To optimize LDAP searches, the Polycom CMA system (and its  
dynamically-managed endpoints) searches only indexed LDAP fields and a  
limited set of attributes. The attributes include:  
Obj e c t Ca t e gor y  
me mbe r Of  
Di s pl a yNa me  
Gi ve nNa me  
Sa ma c c ount na me  
gr oupType  
di s t i ngui s he dNa me  
obj e c t Gui d  
These are the requested attributes to be returned by the search:  
Gi ve nna me  
Ma i l  
Obj e c t gui d  
Te l e phone numbe r  
Sa ma c c ount na me  
Me mbe r of  
Di s pl a yna me  
Obj e c t c l a s s  
Ti t l e  
l oc a l i t yNa me  
de pa r t me nt  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom® CMASystem Overview  
Change Password  
Local users of the Polycom CMA system must change their passwords every  
90 days. Access rules for enterprise users is managed by Microsoft Active  
To change your system password  
Click Settings in the top-right corner of the page.  
Click Change Password.  
Enter your Old Password.  
Enter a New Password. This password must be at least 8 characters long.  
Confirm the new password and click OK.  
Log Out of the Polycom CMA System  
To log out of the Polycom CMA system  
Click Log Out in the top-right corner of the page.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Scheduling Overview  
This chapter describes the scheduling and conference views, navigation, and  
commands of the Polycom CMA system. It includes these topics:  
Conference Menu and Views  
The Polycom CMA system Conference menu provides these views of the  
Conference list:  
Future—Displays the list of future conferences in the main window.  
Use this view to view and edit future conferences.  
Ongoing—Displays the list of active conferences in the main window.  
Use this view to manage ongoing conferences.  
Note that with Scheduler Permissions, you only see and manage the  
conferences you created.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
The Conference views have these sections.  
The views you can access from the page.  
Conference Actions The set of available commands. The constant commands in  
the Conference views are:  
with current information.  
—Use this command to update the display  
—Use this command to create a new video  
and/or audio conference.  
Conference List  
The context-sensitive Conference list for the selected view.  
Conference Details  
Displays information about the selected conference. For  
more information, see “Conference Details” on page 47.  
Displays the status of system features for the selected  
conference. For more information, see “Conference  
Bridge (MCU)  
Displays the status of MCU features for the selected  
conference. For more information, see “Bridge (MCU)  
Displays the list of participants for the selected conference.  
For more information, see “Participants List” on page 51.  
Participant Details  
Displays information about the participant selected in the  
Participants list. For more information, see “Participant  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Scheduling Overview  
Conference Views—Future and Ongoing  
When you log into the Polycom CMA system with Scheduler Permissions,  
you see the Conference and User menus and the Future view is displayed.  
You can also select the Ongoing view.  
The Conference list in both the Future and Ongoing view has these fields.  
Use the filter to display other views of the conference list,  
which include:  
Future Only - Displays scheduled conferences that  
have not yet started  
Today Only - Displays scheduled conferences  
(completed, active, or future) for the current day and  
active ad hoc conferences  
Custom Date - Displays scheduled conferences  
(completed, active, or future) for a selected day. Select  
the day from the calendar.  
Ongoing Plus - Displays active and future scheduled  
conferences for the day. You can further filter this  
request by Owner, Conference Name, Endpoint  
Name, and Bridge.  
Today Plus - Displays scheduled conferences  
(completed, active, or future) for the current day, current  
ad hoc conferences, and all future conferences. You can  
further filter this request by Owner, Conference Name,  
Endpoint Name, and Bridge.  
Yesterday Plus - Displays completed scheduled  
conferences for yesterday and earlier. You can further  
filter this request by Owner and Conference Name.  
For information on filters, see “Filter and Search a List”.  
Export as Excel file  
Use this button to download the Conference list as currently  
displayed to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.  
The state of the conference. For more information, see  
The type of scheduled conference. Possible values include:  
Video Conference  
—All conference participants  
have video endpoints.  
Audio Only Conference  
—All conference  
participants have audio endpoints. Audio only  
conferences require an MCU.  
Recurring Conference  
a recurring series.  
—The conference is one in  
Multi-Bridge Conference —The scheduler assigned  
the conference to multiple bridges and created bridge  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Conference Name  
The system- or scheduler-assigned name of the  
conference. By default, the system assigns a conference  
name and appends the day and date to that name. The  
scheduler can change the system-assigned name.  
Start Time  
The user-assigned start time for the conference. The  
system appends the time difference between the local time  
and the standard time.  
If applicable, the user-assigned bridge for the conference.  
Possible values are:  
N/A—A bridge is not required for the conference.  
<Bridge Name>—The user assigned the conference to  
a single bridge. In this case, the bridge name is  
Multi bridge  
—The user assigned the conference  
to multiple bridges and created bridge links.  
The conference creator.  
Conference States  
Conferences may be in the following states.  
Scheduled conference that has not yet started. This  
conference state is possible in all views except the  
Yesterday Plus view.  
A scheduled conference that occurred in the past. This  
conference state is possible in all views except the Future  
and Ongoing Plus view.  
A conference that is still active/ongoing. This conference  
state is possible in all views except the Future and  
Yesterday Plus view.  
Active Alerts  
The bridge on which the active/ongoing conference is being  
hosted has sent an alert. Examples of events that will  
trigger a bridge alert are:  
A participant is connected in secondary mode (audio  
A conference is not yet full (i.e., not all scheduled  
participants have joined the conference).  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Scheduling Overview  
Applies only to conferences scheduled through the Polycom  
Scheduling Plugin for Microsoft Outlook. This state  
indicates that most participants did not accept the  
conference invitation.  
Conference End  
The conference is ending, i.e., it is in its last five minutes  
unless someone extends it.  
Context-Sensitive Conference Commands  
Besides the constant Refresh  
and Add  
commands, the Actions section  
may include these context-sensitive commands depending on the type of  
conference selected.  
Available for future conferences only  
Edit Use this command to edit the selected conference. For  
more information, see “Edit a Conference” on page 23.  
Available for future and past conferences  
Use this command to delete the selected conference.  
Available for future, past, and active conferences  
Use this command to copy the selected conference.  
Available for active conferences only  
Use this command to display the Manage Conference  
page for the conference selected in the Conference List.  
Use this command to manage participants and endpoints in  
the selected active conference. For more information, see  
Ends the selected conference.  
User Menu and Guest Book  
The Polycom CMA system User menu provides access to the system Guest  
Book. The Guest Book is a system-wide directory that includes guest  
participants who were added explicitly or saved during scheduling to the  
Guest Book. They are referred to as static entries because they are not  
imported through the dynamically updated enterprise directory or included  
in the system Global Address Book. The Guest Book is limited to 500 entries.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
The Guest Book has these fields.  
The guest’s first and last name.  
The guest’s email address. The system validates the email  
structure only.  
The location of the guest’s endpoint system. This is a  
free-form entry field that the system does not validate.  
(Optional) The ISDN phone number for the user. This  
number is constructed from the Country code + Area/City  
code + phone number or entered as the modified dial  
Join Mode  
Dial Options  
Dial Type  
Indicates whether the guest will use an audio endpoint or  
video endpoint to join conferences.  
Indicates whether the guest will dial into conferences, or  
that the system should dial out to the guest.  
Indicates whether the guest has an IP (H.323) or ISDN  
(H.320) endpoint.  
Context-Sensitive Guest Book Commands  
The Actions section of the Guest Book page may include these  
context-sensitive commands depending on the type of conference selected.  
Add Guest  
Edit Guest  
Delete Guest  
Use this command to add a new guest user.  
Use this command to change information for a guest user.  
Use this command to delete a guest from the Guest Book.  
Deleting a guest is a permanent operation.  
Add a Guest to the System Guest Book  
To add a guest to the system Guest Book  
Go to User > Guest Book and click Add Guest.  
Configure the Guest Information section of the Add New Guest dialog  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Scheduling Overview  
First Name  
Last Name  
The guest’s first name  
The guest’s last name  
The guest’s email address. The system validates the  
email structure only.  
The guest’s location of the guest’s endpoint system.  
This is a free-form entry field that the system does  
not validate.  
Dial Type  
Specify the protocol that the guest’s endpoint  
supports; either IP (H.323) or ISDN (H.320).  
Join Mode  
Specify whether the guest will use an audio endpoint  
or video endpoint to join conferences.  
A guest may have multiple endpoints. To create ,  
create a separate guestbook entry for each endpoint.  
Dial Options  
Specify whether the guest will dial into conferences,  
or that the system should dial out to the guest.  
To support both options, create a separate  
guestbook entry for each.  
If the guest has an IP (H.32.3) endpoint, configure:  
IP Address  
The IP address of the guest’s video or audio  
The specific dial string for the guest. For Annex-O  
dialing, enter the H.323.alias@IP here, for example:  
1001@doma i n.com  
us e r na me  
@doma i n.com  
us e r na me @  
Polycom endpoints must register with a gatekeeper  
before they'll attempt an Annex-O call.  
MCU Service  
Choose from the list of MCU services defined on the  
MCUs that the Polycom CMA system has registered.  
Leave this at Any Available Service unless you  
have specific knowledge of MCU services.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
The Extension field in this dialog box cannot be configured.  
If the guest has an ISDN (H.320) endpoint and a modified dialing number  
(with a prefix or postfix):  
Click Use Modified Dial Number.  
Configure these settings:  
The participant’s phone number.  
MCU Service  
Choose from the list of MCU services defined on the  
MCUs that the Polycom CMA system has registered.  
Leave this at Any Available Service unless you  
have specific knowledge of MCU services.  
The Extension field in this dialog box cannot be configured.  
If the guest has an ISDN (H.320) endpoint but no modified dialing  
number, configure these settings:  
The country to which the system will dial out to the  
Area/City Code  
The area code to which the system will dial out to the  
The participant’s phone number.  
MCU Service  
Choose from the list of MCU services defined on the  
MCUs that the Polycom CMA system has registered.  
Leave this at Any Available Service unless you  
have specific knowledge of MCU services.  
The Extension field in this dialog box cannot be configured.  
Click OK.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Scheduling Overview  
Edit a Guest in the System Guest Book  
To edit a guest in the system Guest Book  
Go to User > Guest Book and select the guest of interest.  
Click Edit Guest.  
Change the Guest Information section and endpoint information  
sections of the Add New Guest dialog box, as needed. For more  
information about these fields, see “Add a Guest to the System Guest  
Click OK.  
Delete a Guest from the System Guest Book  
To delte a guest from the system Guest Book  
Go to User > Guest Book and select the guest of interest.  
Click Delete Guest.  
Click Yes to confirm the deletion.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
This chapter describes the Polycom® Converged Management Application™  
(CMA™) system conference management operations. It includes these topics:  
Add/Schedule a Conference  
To add or schedule a new conference  
Go to Conference > Future and click Add  
In the conference scheduling page, enter a Conference Name and set a  
conference Start Date, Start Time, and either an End Time or Duration.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
To make the conference recurring:  
Click Recurrence and in the Appointment Recurrence dialog box, set:  
Recurrence frequency (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly)  
Recurrence day (Sunday through Saturday)  
Recurrence range (Start date and End After occurrences or End  
by date)  
The maximum number of recurrences is 365.  
Click OK.  
For a Video conference, you can change the template by clicking Default  
Template and selecting a different template.  
Conference templates provide default conference settings. When you select a  
different template, you are changing the default conference settings for your  
The Default Template and Default Audio Templates are stored in the system  
database and their names are not localized.  
For an Audio Only conference:  
Change the Conference Type to Audio Only.  
To change the template, click Default Audio Template and select a  
different template.  
To add conference participants from the local directory or enterprise  
Enter all or part of a participants Last Name or First Name into one  
of the name fields and click Add Participants.  
The Add Participants dialog box appears with the list of participant  
names that meet your search criteria.  
Depending on the search domain, the search function may return different  
The search results only include participants associated with endpoints.  
Select the participants name from the list.  
The participants name appears in the underlying Selected  
Participants and Rooms list.  
Repeat steps a and b to add all domain participants and then click  
To add a guest from the Guest Book:  
Click Add From Guest Book.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
In the Add From Guest Book dialog box, select the guests name from  
the list.  
The guests name appears in the underlying Selected Participants  
and Rooms list.  
Repeat step b to add all participants from the Guest Book and then  
click Close.  
To add new guest participants (participants not available from the local  
directory, enterprise directory, or Guest Book):  
Click Add Guest.  
In the Add Guest dialog box, enter the following required participant  
information: First Name, Last Name, Email address, and Location.  
Note that the system allows duplicates in guest book entries. Also, the  
Email address field is ASCII only. For more information, see “Field  
Specify how the participant will join the conference.  
In Person  
The participant will attend the conference by  
going to a room that is included in the  
conference or joining another participant who  
is attending the conference.  
Audio Only  
Use Video  
The participant will attend the conference by  
telephone. The system will either call out to  
the participant or the participant will dial in.  
The participant will attend the conference  
using a video endpoint system. The system  
will either call out to the participant or the  
participant will dial in.  
For a guest with an audio endpoint, set Dial Type to IP or ISDN as  
For a guest with a video endpoint system:  
Set the Bit Rate, Dial Options, and Dial Type as required. You  
can change the connection speed for an endpoint up to the  
maximum speed specified by the conference template.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of IP, enter the guests  
phone Number.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system  
must use a specific dialing prefix to call the guest, select Use  
Modified Dial Number and enter the guests complete phone  
number including prefix, country code, area or city code, and  
phone number.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system  
does not need to use a specific dialing prefix to call the guest,  
select the appropriate Country and enter the guests Area/City  
Code and phone Number.  
Select Save to Guest Book to have this guest participant added to the  
system Guest Book.  
Click OK.  
The guests name appears in the Selected Participants and Rooms  
Adjust the conference date and time as needed to match participant and  
endpoint availability.  
Review their availability and adjust the conference date and time as  
For participants who are associated with endpoints, the Polycom CMA system  
schedules their availability according to the endpoint’s availability.  
For participants with multiple endpoints, you must check the availability for each  
endpoint. Click Call Info to change the participant’s endpoint.  
Dial-in participants can be scheduled to dial into multiple conferences during the  
same time period; dial-out participants cannot.  
To edit a participants dial settings, select the participant from the  
Selected Participants and Rooms list and click Edit. For more  
information on editing participants settings, see “Edit a Participants  
10 To add conference rooms to the Selected Participants and Rooms list:  
Click Select Site.  
Select the site of interest from the site list  
The conference room list for the selected site appears.  
Select the conference room of interest from the list.  
The conference room name appears in the underlying Selected  
Participants and Rooms list.  
Repeat steps b and c to add all required conference rooms and then  
click OK.  
11 Once youve added your participants, you can assign them leadership  
To assign a participant the lecturer role, in the Lecturer field select the  
participants name from the list.  
To assign a participant the video chairperson role, in the Video  
Chairperson field select the participants name from the list.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
If the Lecturer or Video Chairperson features are not available, then either you  
do not have permission to implement these features or the selected template  
does not support these features.  
To be assigned Lecturer, a participant must have a manageable video endpoint.  
12 If you have advanced scheduler permissions, now is the time to edit  
conference settings and make bridge selections. For more information,  
13 To edit a participants dial settings, select the participant from the  
Selected Participants and Rooms list and click Edit. For more  
information on editing participants settings, see step 5 on page 25.  
14 When finished, click Schedule.  
The system verifies that it has a bridge with the capabilities and resources  
required for your conference. If it does, the conference notification email  
appears with a message indicating Conference Successfully Scheduled.  
15 To exit without sending an email to your participants, click Skip Email.  
16 To send an email notification to your participants:  
Copy additional people on the notification and/ or add notes about  
the conference.  
Note that the To, CC, and BCC fields are ASCII only. For more  
As needed, add information in the Enter additional notes to include  
in the email section.  
Click Send.  
The system sends the conference notification email. The Future view  
appears. Your conference appears in the conference list.  
The email that the Polycom CMA system sends can be read by email  
systems that accept plain text emails, iCal attachements, or vCal  
Edit a Conference  
Only future conferences can be edited. Active or past conferences cannot be  
To edit a future conference  
Go to Conference > Future.  
Select the conference of interest and click Edit  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
If you select a recurring conference, a dialog box appears asking if you  
want to edit all conferences in the series or just the selected one. Make the  
appropriate choice and click Edit.  
The conference scheduling page appears.  
For a Video conference, you can change the template by clicking Default  
Template and selecting a different template.  
Conference templates provide default conference settings. When you select a  
different template, you are changing the default conference settings for your  
The Default Template and Default Audio Templates are stored in the system  
database and their names are not localized.  
For an Audio Only conference:  
Change the Conference Type to Audio Only.  
To change the template, click Default Audio Template and select a  
different template.  
Make the required changes to the conference date, participants, rooms, or  
other settings. For information on performing these tasks, see  
When finished, click Schedule.  
The system verifies that it has a bridge with the capabilities and resources  
required for your conference. If it does, the conference notification email  
appears with a message indicating Conference Successfully Scheduled.  
To exit without sending an updated email to your participants, click Skip  
To send an updated email to your participants:  
Copy additional people on the notification and/ or add notes about  
the conference.  
Note that the To, CC, and BCC fields are ASCII only. For more  
Click Send.  
The system sends the updated conference notification email. The  
Future view appears. Your conference appears in the conference list.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
Copy a Conference  
Future, ongoing, or past conferences can be copied as a template for a future  
To copy a conference  
Go to the appropriate conference view.  
Select the conference of interest and click Copy  
If you used a template other than the default when you created the  
conference, reselect the template.  
Make the required changes to the conference date, participants, rooms, or  
other settings. For information on performing these tasks, see  
When finished, click Schedule.  
The system verifies that it has a bridge with the capabilities and resources  
required for your conference. If it does, the conference notification email  
appears with a message indicating Conference Successfully Scheduled.  
To exit without sending an updated email to your participants, click Skip  
Edit a Participants Settings  
Participants settings for future scheduled conferences may be edited. You  
cannot edit a participants settings for an active or past conference.  
To edit a participants settings  
Go to Conference > Future.  
Select the conference of interest and click Edit  
If you select a recurring conference, a dialog box appears asking if you  
want to edit all conferences in the series or just the selected one. Make the  
appropriate choice and click Edit.  
In the conference scheduling page, select the participant of interest from  
the Selected Participants and Rooms list and click Edit.  
In the Edit Participant Settings dialog box, edit the participant settings as  
Select the participants endpoint, if the participant has more than one  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Specify how the participant will join the conference.  
In Person  
The participant will attend the conference by  
physically joining another participant who is  
attending the conference.  
Audio Only  
Use Video  
The participant will attend the conference by  
telephone. The system will either call out to  
the participant or the participant will dial in.  
The participant will attend the conference  
using a video endpoint system. The system  
will either call out to the participant or the  
participant will dial in.  
For a participant with an audio-only endpoint, set Dial Type to IP or  
ISDN as required.  
For a participant with a video endpoint:  
Not all of these settings are applicable to all endpoint types, so some selections  
may be grayed out. See your endpoint documentation to understand supported  
Set the Bit Rate, Dial Options, and Dial Type as required. You  
can change the connection speed for an endpoint up to the  
maximum speed specified by the conference template.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of IP, enter the guests  
phone Number.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system  
must use a specific dialing prefix to call the guest, select Use  
Modified Dial Number and enter the guests complete phone  
number including prefix, country code, area or city code, and  
phone number.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system  
does not need to use a specific dialing prefix to call the guest,  
select the appropriate Country and enter the guests Area/City  
Code and phone Number.  
Click OK.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
Edit a Rooms Settings  
You can edit a rooms call settings for future scheduled conferences. The  
changes apply only to the selected conference.  
To edit a rooms settings  
Go to Conference > Future.  
To delete a past conference, select the appropriate filter (such as  
Yesterday Plus).  
Select the conference of interest and click Edit  
If you select a recurring conference, a dialog box appears asking if you  
want to edit all conferences in the series or just the selected one. Make the  
appropriate choice and click Edit.  
In the conference scheduling page, select the room of interest from the  
Selected Participants and Rooms list and click Edit.  
In the Edit Room Settings dialog box, edit the room settings as required.  
Select the rooms endpoint, if the room has more than one available.  
For a room with an audio endpoint, set Dial Type to IP or ISDN as  
For a room with a video endpoint:  
Not all of these settings are applicable to all endpoint types, so some selections  
may be grayed out. See your endpoint documentation to understand supported  
Set the Bit Rate, Dial Options, and Dial Type as required. You  
can change the connection speed for an endpoint up to the  
maximum speed specified by the conference template.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of IP, enter the rooms  
phone Number.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system  
must use a specific dialing prefix to call the room, select Use  
Modified Dial Number and enter the rooms complete phone  
number including prefix, country code, area or city code, and  
phone number.  
If you select Dial Out and a Dial Type of ISDN and the system  
does not need to use a specific dialing prefix to call the room,  
select the appropriate Country and enter the rooms Area/City  
Code and phone Number.  
Click OK.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
View Scheduling Information for a Conference  
To view the scheduling information for a conference  
To see the scheduling information for a future conference, go to  
Conference > Future. To see the scheduling information for an active  
conference, go to Conference > Ongoing.  
From the list of All Conferences, select the conference of interest and  
click View.  
The View conference page appears displaying the following details about  
the conference:  
Start Date  
End Date  
The date on which the conference started or will start.  
The date on which the conference is scheduled to end.  
The scheduled duration of the conference in hours and  
The recurrence information for the conference.  
The person who scheduled the conference.  
The type of conference. Possible values include:  
Audio Only  
Audio Video  
The conference password assigned by the system to the  
For future conferences, users with Advanced Scheduler  
permissions can change this conference password. See  
Whether or not the conference has a chairperson. This field  
will include a participant’s name or N/A.  
For future conferences, users with Advanced Scheduler  
permissions can assign a conference chairperson. See “Edit  
Information for the participant, including  
Dial Mode  
Participant Type  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
Manage an Active Conference  
The Manage Conference page provides a detailed view of a single active  
conference and allows you to make some changes to your active conference.  
To manage an active conference  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
From the list of All Conferences, select the conference of interest and  
click Manage  
The conference page appears in a new tab displaying the Participants list.  
The Participants list displays these settings:  
The state of the participant’s connection. Possible states  
Connected with error  
Not muted  
Admin muted  
Self muted  
Help request  
Audio unavailable  
Video unblocked  
Video blocked  
Video unavailable  
The type of conference. Possible values include:  
Audio Only  
Audio Video  
Bridge Link  
The participant’s name.  
The name assigned to the participant’s endpoint when it  
registered or was added to the system.  
The endpoint’s network interface type. Possible values  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Bit Rate  
Dial Mode  
The IP address or ISDN number of the participant’s endpoint  
(if a dial-out).  
The sum of the audio and video data transfer rate (in kbps)  
of the participant’s endpoint.  
How the participant joined the call. Possible values include:  
Audio or Video Dial-In  
Audio or Video Dial-Out  
The MCU on which the participants call resides.  
Use these conference actions as needed:  
Command Use this command to...  
Schedule a new conference that duplicates the  
selected conference settings.  
View information for the selected conference.  
End an active conference.  
Extend Duration  
Change Layout  
Extend the duration of an active conference.  
For applicable endpoints.  
Change the default video layout for the conference  
Add Participant  
Add one or more participants to the selected  
Add Guest  
Add Room  
Add a guest to the selected conference.  
Add one or more rooms to the selected conference.  
Use these participant actions as needed:  
Use this command to...  
Remove the selected participant from the Participants  
list at which time the participant can be scheduled for  
another conference.  
Send Message  
Send a message to the selected participant’s  
registered Polycom endpoint. The message appears  
briefly on the monitor for the selected video endpoint.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
Use this command to...  
Save as Favorite  
Function available to users with Operator permissions  
only and only when the selected participant has an  
associated endpoint to which the system can dial out.  
Save the selected participant to an existing Favorites  
Connect All New  
Function available only when the system is displaying  
the New Conference Participants list.  
Initiates the system dial out to new participants.  
Add Additional Participants to an Active Conference  
You can add additional participants to an active conference. These participants  
can come from your local directory, enterprise directory, or guest book.  
Dial Out is the only Dial Option the system allows for adding participants to an  
active conferences.  
To add additional conference participants to an active conference  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
From the list of All Conferences, select the conference of interest and  
click Manage  
To add participants from your local directory or enterprise directory:  
Click Add Participant  
Enter all or part of a participants Last Name or First Name into the  
appropriate field and click Search.  
A list appears of participants names that meet your search criteria.  
Depending on the search domain, the search function may return different  
The search results only include users associated with endpoints.  
Select the participants name from the list.  
The participants name appears in the underlying New Conference  
Participants list.  
Repeat steps a and b to add all domain participants and then click  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
If necessary, edit the new participants’ settings. See “Edit a  
To add participants from the Guest Book:  
Click Add Guest.  
From the Guest Book dialog box, select the guests name from the list.  
The guests name appears in the underlying New Conference  
Participants list.  
Repeat step b to add all guest participants and then click Close.  
To add new guest participants (participants not available from the local  
directory, enterprise directory, or Guest Book):  
Click Add Participant  
and then click Add Guest.  
In the Add Guest dialog box, enter the participants Name, Email  
address, and Location. Note that the Email address field is ASCII  
Specify how the participant will join the conference.  
In person  
The participant will attend the conference by  
physically joining another participant who is  
attending the conference.  
Use Video  
The participant will attend the conference  
using a video endpoint system.  
For a guest with a video endpoint:  
Set the Bit Rate and Dial Type as required. You can change the  
connection speed for an endpoint up to the maximum speed  
specified by the conference template.  
If you select a Dial Type of IP, enter the guests phone Number.  
If you select a Dial Type of ISDN and the system must use a  
specific dialing prefix to call the guest, select Use Modified Dial  
Number and enter the guests complete phone number including  
prefix, country code, area or city code, and phone number.  
If you select a Dial Type of ISDN and the system does not need  
to use a specific dialing prefix to call the guest, select the  
appropriate Country and enter the guests Area/City Code and  
phone Number.  
Select Save to Guest Book to have this guest participant added to the  
system Guest Book.  
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Conference Management Operations  
Click OK.  
The participants name appears in the underlying New Conference  
Participants list.  
To initiate the system dial out to new participants, select the participants  
of interest from the New Conference Participants list and click Connect  
New Participants.  
The system dials out to the participants and adds them to the conference.  
Add a Room to an Active Conference  
To add a room to an active conference  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
From the list of All Conferences, select the conference of interest and  
click Manage  
From the Conference Actions list, click Add Room.  
From the Add Room dialog box, select the site location of the room.  
The list of conference rooms at the site appears.  
Select the conference room of interest.  
The conference room name appears in the underlying New Conference  
Participants list.  
Click Close.  
To initiate the system dial out to the room, select the room from the New  
Conference Participants list and click Connect New Participants.  
The system dials out to the room endpoint system and adds the room to  
the conference.  
View the Video of a Participant in an Active Conference  
To view the video of a participant in an active conference  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
From the list of All Conferences, select the conference of interest and  
click Manage  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Select a participant from the Participants list.  
The selected participants video appears in the Conference Image section  
of the interface.  
Click Shuffle  
to shuffle to the next participants video.  
Manage a Participants Endpoint During a Conference  
The Manage page also allows you to manage conference participants  
endpoints. Essentially, you become the conference moderator.  
These context-sensitive commands only appear when the participant’s endpoint  
supports the action.  
These commands work for rooms on the participant list as well.  
To manage a participants endpoint  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
Select the conference of interest and click Manage  
The Participants list appears.  
To view participants geographically, click  
Double-click on the participant of interest.  
Use these participant actions as needed. These actions are also available  
from the View Participants Details dialog box.  
Use this command to...  
Remove the selected participant from the Participants  
list at which time the participant can be scheduled for  
another conference.  
Send Message  
Send a message to the selected participant’s  
registered Polycom endpoint. The message appears  
briefly on the monitor for the selected video endpoint.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
View a Participants Details During a Conference  
You can view details for a participants endpoint while it is in conference.  
To view a participants endpoint details  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
Select the conference of interest and click Manage  
The Participants list appears.  
To view participants geographically, click  
Double-click on the participant of interest.  
The View Participant Details dialog box appears with the Call Properties  
displayed. It includes the Near End and Far End video, the Participants  
name, Status, Errors, Warnings, Endpoint Type, Address, Access, and Bit  
It also includes a list of Participant Actions. For more information about  
To view additional participant details, change the selection in the Call  
Properties drop-down menu.  
If you select Device, youll see these participant details:  
Endpoint Type  
Usually the endpoint model, such as Polycom HDX  
IP Address  
The IP address for the endpoint.  
The location of the endpoint as identified by its IP  
address and the subnet of the site.  
The gatekeeper with which the endpoint is registered.  
The Global Directory Service for the endpoint. Usually  
the Polycom Global Address Book.  
Whether or not the endpoint is registered with a Presence  
service, so that its availability can be reported.  
Device Managed  
Whether or not the endpoint is registered with a  
Provisioning service, so that it can be configured  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
ISDN Line Status  
The status of the ISDN line. Possible values include:  
This field is blank for the following device types: PVX,  
MGC, RMX, GW/MCU, Other, and TANDBERG.  
Alias Type  
Alias Value  
If the endpoint has an alias designation, the type of alias.  
Possible types include E.164, H.323 ID, URL, Transport  
Address, E-mail, Party Number, and Unknown.  
Value for the alias type shown.  
If you select Call Details, youll see these participant details:  
Video Protocol  
The video connection protocol, both transmission (Tx)  
and reception (Rx), the endpoint is using. Possible values  
H.261 is an ITU standard designed for two-way  
communication over ISDN lines and supports data  
rates which are multiples of 64Kbit/s. H.261 supports  
CIF and QCIF resolutions.  
H.263 is based on H.261 with enhancements that  
improve video quality over modems. It supports CIF,  
QCIF, SQCIF, 4CIF and 16CIF resolutions.  
Video Format  
The video format, both transmission (Tx) and reception  
(Rx), the endpoint is using.  
Video Rate  
The video bandwidth negotiated with the far site.  
Video Rate Used  
The actual video bandwidth used in the call to the far site.  
Video Frame Rate Specifies the frame rate to use.  
Audio Rate  
The audio bandwidth negotiated with the far site  
Audio Protocol  
The audio connection protocol, both transmission (Tx)  
and reception (Rx), the endpoint is using.  
If you select Call Quality of Service, youll see these standard service  
measurements: Total Packet Loss, % Packet Loss, Audio Packet Loss,  
Video Packet Loss, Audio Jitter, and Video Jitter.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference Management Operations  
Terminate an Active Conference  
To terminate an active conference  
Go to Conference > Ongoing.  
Select the conference of interest and click Terminate  
Click Terminate to confirm the termination.  
Delete a Conference  
You can delete future or past conferences. You cannot delete active  
To delete a conference  
Go to Conference > Future.  
To delete a past conference, select the appropriate filter (such as  
Yesterday Plus).  
Select the conference of interest and click Delete  
If you select a recurring conference, a dialog box appears asking you if  
you want to delete just the conference you selected or all conferences in  
the series. Make the appropriate choice. Active conferences in the series  
cannot be deleted.  
Click Delete to confirm the deletion.  
The conference is deleted. For future conferences, the system emails the  
change to the conference owner and participants and releases the  
participant and room resources.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Polycom, Inc.  
Advanced Scheduling Operations  
This chapter describes how users with advanced scheduler permissions have  
more options when scheduling conferences using the Polycom® Converged  
Management Application™ (CMA™) system.  
When scheduling conferences, users with advanced scheduler permissions  
Edit Conference Settings  
If you have Scheduler Permissions and an Advanced Scheduling level, you  
can overwrite certain conference template settings as described here.  
However, be careful when doing so. If you have an environment with mixed  
MCU types (e.g., with both Polycom MGC and RMX systems), and the  
conference you schedule is hosted on a Polycom RMX system, some of the  
settings you specify here may be overridden by the RMX profile.  
A profile is a collection of advanced conference settings that reside on the MCU  
(Polycom MGC or RMX system). Only an RMX profile can override conference  
template settings. For more information about conference templates, profiles,  
and your conferencing configuration, contact your Polycom CMA system  
Two conferences scheduled with the same template may have different settings  
and behavior if they land on different types of MCUs.  
You can edit conference settings only for scheduled conferences. You cannot  
edit conference settings for active conferences.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
To edit the conference settings  
On the conference scheduling page, as you are adding or editing a  
conference, click Edit Conference Settings.  
As needed, configure these settings on the Conference Settings dialog  
box. The settings that you can edit may depend on the template selected.  
By default, the system assigns an eight-digit  
Conference Password and provides this password to  
participants within the content of the conference  
notification email.  
You can change this password to another four- through  
eight-digit number.  
You can select a video chairperson to control the  
conference from his or her video endpoint system. The  
video chairperson must have a video endpoint system  
and Chairperson conferences require an MCU.  
If the conference template has the Conference  
Requires Chairperson parameter enabled, then  
Enable Chairperson is automatically selected and  
cannot be changed.  
If a conference is scheduled on a Polycom RMX  
2000/4000 system and the RMX profile has  
Conference Requires Chairperson selected but  
the template does not, and the conference is  
scheduled without a chairperson, then all users will  
remain in the waiting room and will not be able to join  
the conference.  
Polycom RMX 1000 systems do not support the  
Chairperson feature.  
If Enable Chairperson is selected, the system assigns  
an eight-digit Chairperson Password and provides this  
password to the video chairperson in a separate email.  
If Enable Chairperson is selected, the chairperson  
must enter this eight-digit password at his or her video  
endpoint to assume control of the conference.  
You can change this password to another four- through  
eight-digit number.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Advanced Scheduling Operations  
Dial Options  
You have three options:  
To create a conference for which the same dial-in  
information and a PIN code are assigned to all  
conference participants, use the Dial-In setting. This  
setting allows participants to dial in from an audio or  
video endpoint and connect to the same conference  
on the MCU.  
To dial out to all participants in the conference, use  
the Dial-Out setting.  
To allow participants both options, select  
When you change a conference from Dial-In to Dial  
In+Dial Out, the selected resources remain set to  
Dial-In. You must change them manually.  
Always Use MCU  
Video Mode  
This setting forces the conference to an MCU and  
prevents video endpoints from connecting to each other  
directly. This setting is automatically selected and  
cannot be changed when Audio Only is the conference  
type or when Enable Chairperson is selected.  
Determines the initial layout on a video endpoint's  
monitor for a multipoint conference that requires an  
MCU. The options are:  
Indicates that the display changes  
each time the speaker changes, and everyone sees  
the current speaker.  
Continuous Presence. Displays several panels on  
the monitor, each showing a different participant,  
and allows you to see all conference participants at  
once. You can select a specific layout, with a certain  
number of windows open.  
Automatic Layout is a continuous presence layout,  
in which the number of participants determines the  
number of panels.  
Bit Rate  
Specifies the maximum connection speed for endpoints  
in the conference. Individual endpoints that specify a  
lower connection speed connect at that lower speed.  
Endpoints that specify a higher connection speed  
connect at the speed identified in the conference  
If you select a higher speed than an endpoint can  
support, the system reduces the speed that endpoint;  
however, the conference uses the default connection  
speed for endpoints that can match it. If you place the  
calls through an endpoint with an embedded MCU, the  
behavior depends on the capabilities of that endpoint.  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Bit Rate  
When the dial speed is higher than the number of  
channels defined in the H.320 service for the endpoint,  
you receive a warning. To continue, lower the dial speed  
to less than or equal to the ISDN capability of the  
Higher speed is important for high-quality video in a  
conference. Because higher speeds use greater  
bandwidth, scheduling a high-bandwidth conference  
may limit the number of conferences that you can  
reserve at one time.  
The bit rate can be set at the network level, the endpoint  
level, and the conference level. If there is a discrepancy  
between these bit rate settings, the system implements  
the lowest bit rate setting. The only exception, is that the  
bit rate in the RMX profile takes precedence over the bit  
rate in the conference settings.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Advanced Scheduling Operations  
People + Content  
Controls the ability for one endpoint to send two types of  
data—a data stream and a video stream—over the same  
bandwidth to display people and content. The receiving  
endpoint handles the two video streams differently and  
may display them on separate screens or through video  
switching mode.  
Endpoints that do not support the selected method  
connect with either video through IP or audio only  
through ISDN.  
Select from these available settings:  
None. Select this option when dual data streams are  
not required.  
People +Content. This enables the industry  
standard H.239 dual streams for endpoints that  
support H.239 or the Polycom proprietary  
People+Content dual streams for older Polycom  
endpoints without H.239 capabilities. The MCU  
requires that conferences with People + Content use  
a minimum speed of 192 K.  
People and Content VO. This Polycom proprietary  
technology works with PictureTel endpoints. Select  
this option for older endpoints.  
Visual Concert PC. Select this option for use with  
Polycom ViewStation MP/512/SP/323 endpoints.  
Visual Concert FX. Select this option for use with  
Polycom ViewStation FX/EX and VS4000 endpoints.  
Duo Video. This setting supports IP and ISDN and  
is available with TANDBERG endpoints, in which  
one part of the conference is set as the video  
conference and the other as the presentation  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
T.120 Mode  
For MGC-hosted conferences only, selects the protocols  
and specifications for multipoint data communication.  
In the T.120 menu, select the speed for the T.120  
connection. See your IT department to determine the  
best combinations for your conferences. To disable the  
T.120 mode, select None.  
If you select T.120, these options may be available,  
according to the participant’s endpoint and software:  
Application Sharing. Allows two or more  
participants to work on the same document or  
application, even when only one participant has the  
application. In application sharing, one participant  
launches the application, and it runs simultaneously  
on all other computers.  
File Transfer. Enables participants to send files to  
each other.  
Chat or Whiteboard. Allows participants to  
communicate with each other by writing.  
In all of these modes, participants can view and hear  
each other.  
Continue adding or editing the conference, as described in “Conference  
Select a Bridge for a Conference  
By default when you add a conference, the Polycom CMA system will  
automatically select a bridge for the conference. However, if you have  
advanced scheduler permissions, you can select a specific bridge for your  
To select a single bridge for a conference  
When youre adding or editing a conference, after youve made all of  
your other conference configuration choices, click Bridge Selection and  
select Single Bridge.  
A bridge selection drop down list appears based on the template selection  
and conference settings.  
From the MCU list, select a specific MCU to host the conference.  
Continue adding or editing the conference, as described in “Conference  
Polycom, Inc.  
Advanced Scheduling Operations  
Create a Cascaded Conference Across Multiple Bridges  
To create a cascaded conference across multiple bridges  
When youre adding or editing a conference, after youve made all of  
your other conference configuration choices, click Bridge Selection and  
select Multi Bridge.  
The Schedule button changes to a Manual Cascade button and the  
Recurrence button is grayed out.  
Click Manual Cascade.  
The People To Bridges dialog box appears displaying the selected  
conference participants and their bridge assignments. Bridge assignments  
default to Auto. These system assignments are based on bridge capacity  
and/ or least cost routing principles.  
In the Selected Bridge Availability section, the system shows a count of  
the available ports on the available bridges for the specified time period.  
If the port count is within 5% of the maximum ports available, it is  
displayed in red.  
To change a bridge assignment for a selected participant, click Auto and  
select a bridge from the pull-down menu.  
A Polycom CMA system can only show port counts for conferences scheduled via  
the system. Ad hoc conferences are not included in the port count.  
When youve completed all bridge assignments, click Next.  
The Bridge To Bridge Links dialog box displays a graphical view of the  
selected bridges.  
If an MCU does not show up in the Bridge To Bridge Links dialog box, then the  
MCU software does not support cascading.  
To add a hub bridge (a bridge used to connect one bridge to another),  
from the Available Bridges window, select a bridge and click Add  
Specify bridge-to-bridge connections by selecting the bridges of interest  
and clicking Add Link.  
The link is graphically represented by an arrow. The bridge at the base of  
the arrow dials to the bridge at the point of the arrow.  
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Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
A Polycom RMX system cannot dial a Polycom MGC, so do not link from an RMX to  
an MGC.  
In the Add Link dialog box, select the Link Type.  
You can add links from a Polycom MGC MCU to a Polycom RMX MCU  
There is no support for ISDN cascaded links on RMX MCUs.  
The lag time required to update cascaded links may cause more than one  
participant to hear the prompt about being the first person to join the conference.  
When finished, click Schedule.  
The system verifies that it has a bridge with the capabilities and resources  
required for your conference. If it does, the Conference Email  
Notification page appears with a message indicating Conference  
Successfully Scheduled.  
To exit without sending an email to your participants, click Skip Email.  
10 To send an email notification to your participants, in the Conference  
Email Notification page:  
Copy additional people on the notification and/ or add notes about  
the conference.  
Click Send.  
Note that the To, CC, and BCC fields are ASCII only.  
The system sends the conference notification email. The Conference  
List - Schedule View appears. Your conference appears in the  
Conference List.  
Recurring cascaded conferences are not allowed.  
You cannot change the conference layout of a cascaded conference.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference and Participant Details  
This chapter lists the conference and participant detail fields for reference. It  
includes these sections:  
Conference Image  
The Conference Image section displays the selected participants video.  
Shuffle to shuffle to the next participants video  
Conference Details  
The Conference Details section has these fields.  
The name of the person who created the conference.  
Schedulers only see the conferences they own.  
Not applicable for ad hoc conferences.  
Start Date/Time  
For a scheduled conference, the start date and time of the  
conference and the time difference between the local time and  
the standard time.  
For an unscheduled conference, the date and time the  
conference started.  
Polycom, Inc.  
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For a scheduled conference, how long the conference is  
scheduled to last.  
For a completed conference, how long the conference actually  
End Date/Time  
The date and time the conference ended  
The type of conference. Possible values include:  
The state of the conference. Possible values include:  
Whether or not the conference was scheduled as a recurring  
Connection information about the conference. Possible values  
Point To Point  
Bit Rate  
The rate (in kbps) at which to transfer the conference audio or  
video data  
Schedule ID  
System-assigned ID used for troubleshooting  
System-assigned ID used for troubleshooting  
Conf Monitoring  
Video Layout  
The video layout for the conference: Continuous Presence or  
video Switching.  
Video Format  
For a conference hosted on an MCU, the video format of the  
conference data stream. Possible values include:  
Video Protocol  
For a conference hosted on an MCU, the video protocol of the  
conference data stream. Possible values include:  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference and Participant Details  
Audio Algorithm  
For a conference hosted on an MCU, the audio compression  
ratio of the conference data stream. Possible values are:  
Siren 7 (16 kbps)  
Conference Features  
The Conference Features section has these fields.  
The conference password, which is assigned either by the  
system or the scheduler.  
Indicates whether or not the conference requires a  
The RMX 1000 system does not support the Chairperson  
The password the chairperson must enter to take control of  
the conference. Not applicable when no chairperson is  
The name of the chairperson. Not applicable when no  
chairperson is designated.  
Lecture Mode  
The type of Lecture Mode, if any, that was selected when  
the conference was created. Possible values are None and  
The RMX 1000 system does not support Lecture Mode.  
The name of the lecturer. Not applicable when Lecture  
Mode is None.  
Lecture View  
Indicates whether or not automatic switching between  
participants is enabled.  
Dual Stream Mode  
Possible values are:  
Visual Concert PC  
Visual Concert FX  
Duo Video  
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T120 Rate  
Possible values are:  
MLP - 62.4  
MLP - 46.4  
MLP - 40  
MLP - 38.4  
MLP - 32  
MLP - 30.4  
MLP - 24  
MLP - 22.4  
MLP - 16  
MLP - 14.4  
MLP - 6.4  
MLP - 4  
HMLP - Var  
HMLP - 384  
HMLP - 320  
HMLP - 256  
HMLP - 192  
HMLP - 128  
HMLP - 6.4  
HMLP - 62.4  
HMLP - 14.4  
MLP - Var  
MLP - 64.4  
End Time Alert  
Entry Tone  
Exit Tone  
Whether or not the system alerts participants to the end of  
the conference by playing an end tone  
Whether or not an entry tone is played to all connected  
participants when a participant joins the conference  
Whether or not an exit tone is played to all connected  
participants when a participant disconnects from the  
Bridge (MCU) Features  
The Bridge (MCU) Features section, which applies only for conferences that  
use an MCU, has these fields.  
MCU Name  
The MCU device name hosting the conference. Not  
applicable when the conference is not being hosted on an  
Numeric ID  
The unique conference identifier assigned by the MCU  
Whether or not the conference has an entry queue enabled  
Entry Queue  
The Polycom CMA system enables entry queues on a per  
MGC basis and all conferences on an entry queue enabled  
MGC will be scheduled with entry queue access.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference and Participant Details  
Meet Me per Conf  
Whether or not the a conference is a Meet Me conference,  
for which a dial-in number is assigned, so that undefined  
participants can connect to the conference  
Conference on Port  
(MGC only) Indicates whether or not the MGC is set to  
Conference on Port, which conserves bandwidth and ports.  
In this case, all participants are on a single video port and  
use the same connection speed and video format.  
Message Service  
Displays the type of messages participants joining the  
conference hear. Possible values are:  
Welcome (No wait)  
Attended (Wait)  
Message Service  
Name on the MCU of the Message Service. So, for  
example, a service name IVR70 which provides the IVR  
Participants List  
The Participants section has these fields.  
The participant’s name  
Call Info  
How the participant joined the call. Possible values include:  
Video Dial-Out  
Audio Dial-In@<Addr e s s >  
Video Dial-In@<Addr e s s >  
In Person  
Room Only  
Polycom, Inc.  
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Participant Details  
The Participant Details section has these fields.  
Call Info  
How the participant joined the call. Possible values include:  
Video Dial-Out  
In Person  
Audio Dial-In@<Addr e s s >  
Video Dial-In@<Addr e s s >  
Room Only  
Video Protocol  
Video Format  
For a conference hosted on an MCU, the video protocol of  
the conference data stream. Possible values include:  
For a conference hosted on an MCU, the video format of the  
conference data stream. Possible values include:  
Audio Algorithm  
For a conference hosted on an MCU, the audio  
compression ratio of the conference data stream. Possible  
values are:  
Siren 7 (16 kbps)  
Siren 14 (24 kbps)  
Siren 14 (32 kbps)  
Siren 14 (48 kbps)  
Local Date/Time  
Call ID  
The date and time the conference started in local time.  
System-assigned ID used for troubleshooting.  
The names of the participants called  
Callee Name  
Callee Endpoint  
Callee Site  
The names of the endpoints for the called participants  
The names of the sites for the called participants  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference and Participant Details  
Callee Endpoint  
The state of the participant’s connection. Possible states  
Help request  
New dial-in participant  
New dial-out participant  
Caller Name  
The name of the participant who placed the call  
Caller Endpoint  
The name of the endpoint from which the participant placed  
the call  
Caller Site  
The name of the site from which the participant placed the  
Caller Endpoint  
The state of the participant’s connection. Possible states  
Help request  
New dial-in participant  
New dial-out participant  
T120 Rate  
Possible values include:  
MLP - 62.4  
MLP - 46.4  
MLP - 40  
MLP - 38.4  
MLP - 32  
MLP - 30.4  
MLP - 24  
MLP - 22.4  
MLP - 16  
MLP - 14.4  
MLP - 6.4  
MLP - 4  
HMLP - Var  
HMLP - 384  
HMLP - 320  
HMLP - 256  
HMLP - 192  
HMLP - 128  
HMLP - 6.4  
HMLP - 62.4  
HMLP - 14.4  
MLP - Var  
MLP - 64.4  
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Participant Settings  
The Participant Settings dialog box has these fields.  
The participant’s name.  
The participant’s managed endpoint(s) if available.  
The participant’s email address (ASCII only) for participants  
or guests without managed endpoints.  
The type of participant. Possible values include:  
Domain User  
Local User  
Domain Resource (a room)  
Local Resource (a room)  
How will this  
participant join the  
How the participant will join the conference. Possible values  
In Person (requires no dial settings)  
Room Only  
Audio Only (Dial in)  
Use Video  
Bit Rate  
The audio or video data transfer rate (in kbps) of the  
participant’s endpoint.  
Dial Options  
Available only if the participant is joining via a video  
endpoint system. Possible values include:  
Dial Type  
The protocol the audio or video endpoint system uses.  
If you select a Dial Option of Dial-Out for a participant without a managed  
endpoint, the Participant Settings dialog box has these additional fields.  
(H.320 dial type only) The country to which the system will  
dial out to the participant  
Area/City Code  
(H.320 dial type only) The area code to which the system  
will dial out to the participant  
Polycom, Inc.  
Conference and Participant Details  
(H.323 and H.320 dial types) The participant’s phone  
Use Modified Dial  
(H.320 dial type only) Click this check box to add a specific  
prefix to the participant’s phone number. The Number field  
becomes active  
(H.320 dial type only) The complete modified dial number  
as required to include PBX exit codes, dialing prefixes, or  
other installation-specific dial string requirements.  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
Polycom, Inc.  
Send Message 30, 34  
Terminate Conference 13  
active conference. See conference  
conference commands 13  
conference details  
conferences 19  
conference details field names 47  
displaying 10  
conference features field names 49  
Adobe Flash Player 2  
advanced conference settings  
editing 39  
conference rooms  
adding 22  
setting dial options for 27  
setting endpoints for 27  
conference settings  
editing 39  
a lecturer 22  
a video chairperson 22  
audio-only conference 20, 24  
available commands, list of 10  
conference settings. See settings  
assigning password for 40  
deleting 37  
features, list of 10  
list of conferences 10  
managing 29  
scheduling 19  
sending email notification for 23, 24, 46  
setting to audio only 20, 24  
setting to recurring 20  
bandwidth. See bit rate  
bit rate  
setting for guest participants 21, 26, 27, 32  
setting for internal participants 41  
bridge (MCU)  
features field names 50  
features, list of 10  
forcing use of 41  
connection speed  
conferences 37  
setting for guest participants 21, 26, 27, 32  
setting for internal participants 41  
continuous presence mode 41  
assigning 22  
enabling 40  
password for 40  
conferences 19  
Custom Date filter 11  
advanced conference settings 39  
conference information 23  
participant dial options 25  
participant endpoint settings 25  
room dial options 27  
data plus video stream 43  
Delete Conference command 13  
conferences 37  
room endpoint settings 27  
deleting a conference 13  
closing the CMA system 7  
details of conference, displaying 10  
devices, managing for participants 34  
dial options  
editing 25  
setting 41  
conference 13  
Delete Conference 13  
Edit Conference 13  
list of 10  
Manage Conference 13  
Remove Participant 30, 34  
setting for guest participants 21, 26, 27  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  
dial type  
setting dial type for 21, 26, 27  
setting for guest participants 21, 26, 27  
dial-in option 41  
dial-out option 41  
input requirements for fields  
for field inputs  
ASCII-only fields 5  
Edit Conference command 13  
advanced conference settings 39  
conference information 23  
participant dial options 25  
participant endpoint settings 25  
room dial options 27  
room endpoint settings 27  
email notifications 23, 24, 46  
lecturer, assigning 22  
filtering, overview of 5  
of bridge (MCU) features 10  
of commands 10  
of conference features 10  
of conferences 10  
enabling a chairperson 40  
of participant details 10  
of participants 10  
logging into the CMA system 2  
logging out of the CMA system 7  
editing settings for 25  
sending messages to 30, 34  
bridge (MCU) 10  
list of conference 10  
field names  
bridge (MCU) features 50  
conference details 47  
conference features 49  
participant details 52  
participant settings 54  
participants 51  
Manage Conference command 13  
active conferences 29  
participant devices 34  
features field names 50  
forcing use of 41  
list of features 10  
messages, sending 30, 34  
mode, T.120 44  
input requirements for 5  
overview of 5  
modes, video  
continuous presence mode 41  
setting 41  
switching mode 41  
Custom Date 11  
Future Only 11  
Ongoing Plus 11  
Today Only 11  
Today Plus 11  
Yesterday Plus 11  
forcing MCU usage 41  
future conference view 9  
Future Only filter 11  
advanced conference settings 39  
conference information 23  
participant dial options 25  
participant endpoint settings 25  
room dial options 27  
room endpoint settings 27  
Ongoing Plus filter 11  
guest participants  
adding 21  
participant field names  
participant details field names 52  
participant settings field names 54  
setting bit rate for 21, 26, 27, 32  
setting dial options for 21, 26, 27  
adding guest 21  
list of 10  
list of, details 10  
managing devices for 34  
removing 30, 34  
setting endpoints for 25  
connection speed 41  
dial options 41  
enable chairperson 40  
forced MCU usage 41  
People + Content 43  
T.120 mode 44  
video mode 41  
participants field names 51  
for chairperson 40  
for conference 40  
starting the CMA system 2  
switching mode 41  
system login 2  
system requirements 2  
People + Content 43  
T.120 mode 44  
recurring conferences 20  
Remove Participant command 30, 34  
conferences 37  
Terminate Conference command 13  
Today Only filter 11  
Today Plus filter 11  
removing a conference 13  
requirements, system 2  
adding 22  
setting dial options for 27  
video chairperson, assigning 22  
video modes  
continuous presence mode 41  
setting 41  
switching mode 41  
setting endpoints for 27  
video plus data stream 43  
future conference view 9  
schedule conference view 9  
schedule conference view 9  
scheduling a conference 19  
Send Message command 30, 34  
advanced conference settings 39  
chairperson password 40  
conference password 40  
Yesterday Plus filter 11  
Polycom, Inc.  
Polycom CMA System Web Scheduling Guide  

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