Nokia Network Card M2M PLATFORM User Manual

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Application Development Kit  
American National Standards Institute  
Application Programming Interface  
Common Object Request Broker Architecture  
Circuit Switched Data  
General Inter-ORB Protocol  
General Packet Radio Service  
High Speed Circuit Switched Data  
Interface Definition Language  
Internet Protocol  
Object Management Group  
Object Request Broker  
Operating System  
Printed Circuit Board  
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Server/Service  
Short Message Service  
Short Message Service Centre  
Transmission Control Protocol  
User Datagram Protocol (Internet)  
Wireless Application Protocol  
Wireless Inter-Object Protocol  
Guide for Evaluation Module SW  
Installation Guide for Nokia M2M Application Development Kit  
This document describes the main characteristics of the Nokia Machine-to-  
Machine (M2M) Application Development Kit (ADK). The product concept,  
purpose of use, main features, and sales packages are depicted at a general  
level. More detailed information can be found at the Forum Nokia website,, from the Nokia M2M section. All Nokia M2M ADK  
documentation and installation software is downloadable from that website.  
As we are quickly moving towards the world of third generation mobile traffic,  
more attention than ever is being paid to the wireless data market. So far, we  
have seen only the first steps towards the mobile information society, but it has  
already become clear that wireless data means more than just web browsing.  
M2M communication is just one of the aspects of wireless data services. The  
market potential is huge; new applications are emerging continuously and  
operators are searching for opportunities for growth. The telecom industry is  
shifting in the direction of end-to-end solutions, which requires reliable  
communication and information transfer.  
The Nokia M2M Platform is a complete, wireless, end-to-end solution for M2M  
communication. Nokia M2M ADK offers development tools for application  
development on the Nokia M2M Platform.  
The Nokia M2M Platform is an object-oriented software platform based on the  
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)1, which is an open and  
widely accepted industry standard. The Nokia M2M Platform is adaptable to a  
wide range of purposes and communication methods, and it meets the needs of  
many different applications. The Nokia M2M Platform hides mobile network  
complexities and, thanks to CORBA method calls, is transparent to different  
machines, operating systems, and language implementations.  
The Nokia M2M Platform consists of the Nokia M2M Gateway and Nokia GSM  
Connectivity Terminals as shown in Figure 1.  
1 CORBA is a widely distributed computing infrastructure, standardised by the Object Management  
Group (OMG) consortium. In short, CORBA applications are composed of objects that can locate in  
different machines. These objects have services, and they are utilised with request messages.  
CORBA hides the underlying transfer network, such as the Internet or GSM network, an also the  
underlying protocols so that a user can use the functions as local procedure calls.  
Figure 1. Nokia M2M Platform  
2.2.1 Nokia M2M Gateway  
The Nokia M2M Gateway provides wireless CORBA access and interoperability  
to the Internet. The Nokia M2M Gateway bridges the GSM network and Internet  
by wireless connection establishment and protocol translation between  
applications located on the Internet and in remote devices. The CORBA  
middleware is optimised for the wireless bearer, and the Nokia M2M Gateway  
translates the protocol into a standard CORBA Internet Inter-ORB Protocol  
The following three editions of the Nokia M2M Gateway are available:  
Nokia M2M Gateway Corporate Edition is targeted for companies choosing to  
own and manage the gateway along with the server application. This gives the  
company independence and control over the service quality. Access to SMS-C,  
USSD-C and GGSN can be rented from the network operator.  
Nokia M2M Gateway Service Provider Edition is targeted for telecom  
operators and other Nokia M2M Gateway service providers (GSP). The  
distributed architecture enables the hosting and maintaining of applications for  
many customer companies. Separate Gateway Access Software is provided for  
client companies and the service-provider. Access control from terminals to the  
company intranet is handled by the Gateway Access Software so that the  
companies can freely manage the access rights.  
Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version is intended for trial purposes and for  
testing the applications in the development phase. The Nokia M2M Trial  
Version supports SMS and data calls over the GSM network through the Nokia  
GSM Connectivity Terminal attached to the host computer. This Trial Version  
has a limited set of features compared to Corporate and Service Provider  
editions.Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal  
communications device with versatile interfaces and advanced functions. It  
forms part of Nokia M2M Platform solution, comprising terminals and the Nokia  
M2M Gateway.  
Nokia 30 has many useful features:  
Dual band EGSM 900/1800 MHz  
GPRS multi-slot class 6 (max 3 + 1, 2 + 2)  
HSCSD multi-slot class 6 (up to 43.2 kbps)  
CSD (up to 14.4 kbps)  
Messaging services (SMS, USSD)  
3 operational modes (M2M System Mode, AT Command Mode, User Control  
Wireless bearer selection  
Remote I/O control  
Reliability & security features (e.g., AutoPIN)  
Figure 2. Nokia 30 GSM Connectivity Terminal  
The Nokia M2M Application Development Kit (ADK) belongs to the Nokia M2M  
Platform product family. The Nokia M2M ADK provides a set of tools for  
creating applications on the Nokia M2M Platform and testing them in the  
development phase.  
The Nokia M2M ADK is the easiest way to become familiar with Nokia M2M  
Platform technology. It shows how to utilize the built-in features of the Nokia  
M2M Platform concept with simple example applications. Extensive  
documentation supports these example applications and gives instructions for  
the development work.  
The Nokia M2M ADK consists of HW, SW (open source), Tracer tool,  
documentation, Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version and Nokia GSM  
Connectivity Terminals. The Gateway and terminals are not described in detail  
in this document as they have their own specific product guides.  
To get all the advantages and achieve the full functionality of the ADK, the  
developer needs  
2 Nokia GSM Connectivity Terminals (Nokia 30)  
Evaluation module (see description in Chapter 4)  
2 Power supplies (ACW-5) with AC cable  
RS-232 serial cable  
ADK SW that includes Configurator SW for the terminals and Nokia M2M  
Gateway Trial Version  
The Nokia M2M ADK set up is shown in Figure 3.  
Figure 3. Nokia M2M ADK set-up  
The Nokia M2M ADK includes an evaluation module, which is an example HW  
for the embedded application module. One of the example applications in the  
Nokia M2M ADK can be used to control evaluation module digital and analog  
inputs and outputs, see Chapter 7. In addition to these inputs and outputs, the  
evaluation module has interfaces for standard RS-232, SW downloading and  
Figure 4. Evaluation module for Nokia M2M ADK  
4.1.1 M2M system interface  
The preferable interface between the Nokia GSM Connectivity Terminal and the  
application module is the M2M system connector. A 50 pin female M2M system  
connector in the evaluation module supports CORBA messaging, power input  
and an output digital audio interface (external audio codec is required).  
The M2M system connector offers an open interface for application developers  
and effective and reliable methods for controlling the terminal and the  
4.1.2 Power interface  
The evaluation module has a power interface for the ACW-5 Nokia Power  
Supply. The input voltage range is 6.4 V - 13.5 V, and the absolute maximum  
rating is 16.5 V.  
This power interface is not needed if power is supplied from the terminal  
through the M2M system connector. Alternatively, the evaluation module can  
supply the terminal through this same interface.  
4.1.3 Service interface  
The service interface in the evaluation module is a D9 female connector with an  
output voltage range of 0 – 3.3 V. This interface supports tracing the SW  
running in the evaluation module and downloading a remote-end application  
SW into the evaluation module. Controlling the evaluation module with a PC is  
also possible through this interface.  
4.1.4 RS-232  
The evaluation module has a D9 connector for the standard RS-232 interface.  
Through this interface, the developer can control the Nokia GSM Connectivity  
Terminal connected to the M2M system interface with AT commands. Through  
this interface the evaluation module can be used as a CORBA over an RS-232  
adapter when testing the Nokia 30 terminal.  
4.1.5 Digital output interface  
One D9 connector in the evaluation module is reserved for digital outputs.  
There are 8 conventional digital outputs with HIGH and LOW states in a voltage  
range of 0 V – 3.3 V. LEDs on the evaluation module circuit board indicate the  
ON/OFF status of the digital outputs.  
4.1.6 Digital input interface  
One D9 connector in the evaluation module is reserved for digital inputs. There  
are 8 conventional digital inputs with HIGH and LOW states in a voltage range  
of 0V - 5V. These inputs also have a tolerance of 5 volts, for example for  
interfacing with 5V logic.  
4.1.7 A/D and D/A converter interface  
One D9 female connector in the evaluation module is reserved for A/D and D/A  
converters. There are two analog inputs with an input voltage range of 0 – 5 V  
and two analog outputs with an output voltage range of 0 – 3.3 V. Both  
directions are with high impedance but are not buffered.  
4.1.8 Tracing interface  
The evaluation module has an interface for tracing the traffic in the M2M system  
interface between the evaluation module and the Nokia GSM Connectivity  
Terminal. Physically there are two D9 connectors on the PCB, one for tracing  
the traffic from the evaluation module and one for tracing the traffic to the  
evaluation module. Tracing requires compatible PC software that is supplied  
with the Nokia M2M ADK.  
The evaluation module SW is ported on the µC/OS-II operating system. An OS-  
kernel is provided as a read-compiled library, so it can not be reconfigured  
without recompiling. To re-configure the kernel, the developer needs the  
µC/OS-II licence (Micrium). All other SW for the evaluation module is written in  
portable ANSI-C and provided with the source codes. The following SW  
components are included:  
Example applications  
ORB software module  
M2M system protocol software module  
OS and hardware wrappers  
Example applications are described in Chapter 7 and the rest of the  
components are described below.  
A detailed description of the evaluation module SW can be found from the  
4.2.1 ORB SW module  
An optimised ORB for an embedded environment is provided as a software  
module. The size is about 60kbytes. Example implementation for integrating  
this source code to a functional environment is provided.  
Developers are free to use an ORB of they own, such as any commercial ones.  
The integration procedure of ORB is described; as are connections to other  
modules and available services.  
4.2.2 System protocol SW module  
The terminal to application module serial port datalink protocol is provided as a  
software module. The size is about 60 kilobytes. Example implementation for  
integrating this source code to a functional environment is provided.  
4.2.3 OS & HW wrappers  
This SW module integrates other M2M components to other embedded SW.  
The purpose is that M2M components could remain the same as far as  
possible, whatever the overall system. This is achieved by defining a general  
purpose interface that can be easily mapped to various platforms. The size is  
about 1 kbyte.  
The Evaluation module is provided with aluminium mechanics. Dimensions are  
152 x 144 x 45 mm. The mechanics is removable. A ribbon cable for the M2M  
system interface is also included.  
Warning: The ribbon cable for the M2M system connector is not designed for  
frequent connection and disconnection.  
The Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version is intended for trialling the Nokia M2M  
Platform technology and for testing purposes in the software development  
phase. The server application may be run on the same host as the Nokia M2M  
Gateway Trial Version.  
Due to the limited connectivity services offered, the Trial Version has restricted  
suitability for commercial applications.  
5.1.1 Bearers  
The Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version supports GSM short message service  
(SMS) and data calls (CSD) through a GSM terminal attached to the gateway  
host machine.  
5.1.2 Traffic Optimisation  
The Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version optimises traffic on the wireless path by  
carrying out the CORBA naming service lookup for the actual object reference  
called. The address is the developer’s chosen text string with which the object  
has been registered to the naming service.  
This feature optimises the air interface usage for SMS connections and speeds  
up the operation of the Nokia M2M Application Development Kit (Nokia M2M  
5.1.3 Messaging Reliability  
The Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version uses the reliable Transmission Control  
Protocol (TCP) for Internet connectivity. Wireless communications utilise  
message acknowledgement and retransmission for all bearers to ensure  
message delivery. In cases where the message cannot be delivered to the  
recipient, the originator is informed of the communications failure.  
The Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version is a software product running on  
WindowsNT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows 98. In addition, Java2  
Platform Standard Edition 1.3 and JavaHotSpot 1.0.1 are required.  
Table 1. Nokia M2M Gateway Trial Version system requirements  
Hard disk  
Nokia M2M  
Gateway Trial  
Windows NT 4.0  
/ Windows 98 /  
Windows 2000  
Pentium III  
minimum 500  
Min 256 MB,  
512 MB  
Min 200 MB  
These requirements are the general requirements for the Nokia M2M ADK  
The Configurator software is an accessory product for Nokia GSM Connectivity  
Terminals. It is used to modify the basic settings of the terminal so that the  
connection to the GW can be established. The following settings can be  
GSM security settings  
GSM network settings  
GSM WAP parameter settings  
A PC or laptop and an RS-232 serial cable are needed when configuring the  
One of the Nokia GSM Connectivity Terminals used with the Nokia M2M ADK is  
used as a data modem in the server side and the other one is used in the M2M  
system mode at the terminal end connected to the evaluation module.  
Instructions on how to configure these terminals can be found in the Installation  
M2M ADK documents.  
The Nokia M2M Application Development Kit includes application examples  
that show how the Nokia M2M Platform application can be implemented. All  
application examples are available in source codes that make application  
development easier, as the codes can be copied, modified and used in the  
customer’s own applications.  
The evaluation module control application is an end-to-end application, i.e. the  
evaluation module is controlled from the server end through the Nokia M2M  
Gateway Trial Version, GSM network and Nokia GSM Connectivity Terminal.  
The server application can query the current state of any individual input or any  
combination of up to 8 inputs from the database at any time. In addition, the  
server application can register its ORB to get an indication immediately, if any  
state transition is detected in the input lines.  
LEDs in the circuit board show the status of the digital outputs. When a digital  
pin is set up, an LED is lit correspondingly. To verify analog outputs, an external  
device is needed (e.g.,a potentiometer).  
This application includes a very simple user interface in the server application  
with radio buttons and scroll bars.  
The evaluation module control application is implemented in Java (server  
application) and C (embedded application).  
These applications control the Nokia 30 and use CORBA messaging via an RS-  
232 interface. To run the applications a terminal must be connected to the  
evaluation module with the system connector (flat cable). The evaluation  
module must be connected from the RS 232 port to a PC’s communication port  
with a serial cable. The Nokia M2M Gateway Trial version is not needed with  
these applications. The purpose of these applications is to show developers  
how terminal IDLs can be used to control the terminal.  
There are two applications: SetLed and SendSMS.  
SetLed is used to control the terminal LEDs that are provided for application  
SendSMS is used to send and receive SMS messages in the Nokia GSM  
Connectivity Terminal connected to the PC by a serial cable.  
These terminal end applications are implemented with C.  
Nokia M2M ADK includes example applications for controlling the terminal  
connected to the evaluation module at the embedded end from the server side.  
In example application 1, the server end queries the remote terminal for a list of  
names of objects that are registered to the Object Request Broker (ORB) of the  
terminal (i.e. objects that can be found from the remote terminal). Example  
application 2 causes an LED to blink in the remote terminal. Both applications  
show how terminal IDLs can be used remotely.  
These application examples are implemented with Java.  
This application example shows how the remote I/O control feature of the Nokia  
30 GSM Connectivity terminal can be used. The Nokia 30/31 offers remote  
input/output control for the M2M System Connector. Three pins of the M2M  
System Connector can be configured as digital or analog input, and five pins as  
digital output. Digital input states or analog voltages are sent over the network  
to the server where they are interpreted.  
This example application includes a graphical user interface with scroll bars and  
radio buttons for easy controlling and monitoring. The states of the I/O pins  
(analog/digital) can be changed.  
This application is implemented with Java.  
The Nokia M2M Application Development Kit includes a tracer for logging the  
traffic over the M2M system interface between the evaluation module and the  
Nokia GSM Connectivity Terminal.  
The tracer includes a tracer interface in the evaluation module and PC  
software. The PC is connected to the evaluation module tracing interface by a  
serial cable, see tracing interface Chapter 4.1.8. The user can set the hooks as  
he/she wants. Logs are saved in text files.  
Traces can also be taken directly from the evaluation module by connecting the  
PC to the evaluation module’s service interface with a serial cable, see  
evaluation module service interface Chapter 4.1.3.  
The Nokia M2M ADK includes an IDL compiler for the embedded application  
development. The IDL compiler is a program that reads IDL files and produces  
the necessary programming language-specific files: skeletons and stubs. These  
translate message data into a form that is appropriate for cross-platform  
messaging. This is described in Figure 5. The block arrows show that a client  
code-calling a method on the server only sees a local method call, which is no  
different from the mundane method-calls in non-distributed programming. The  
ORB, together with the generated stub and skeleton code, hides the distribution  
Figure 5. Stub and skeleton files  
Nokia M2M ADK includes a lot of documentation concerning the ADK HW and  
SW and about application development on the Nokia M2M Platform. All the  
documents are available separately from the Forum Nokia website in Nokia  
M2M section, but they are also included in the CD-ROM in the evaluation  
module sales package.  
To get full benefit of the Nokia M2M ADK, the developer needs two Nokia GSM  
Connectivity Terminals, an evaluation module and M2M ADK software in the  
installation CD-ROM.  
Evaluation module sales package contains following items:  
Package carton  
Evaluation module  
Power supply with AC cable  
RS-232 data cable X 2  
Nokia M2M ADK Installation CD-ROM  
Product note  
Figure 6. Evaluation module sales package  
All Nokia M2M ADK documents and installation SW (includes all SW  
components of the Nokia M2M ADK) can also be downloaded free of charge  
from the Forum Nokia website,, under Nokia M2M.  

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