Network Computing Devices Computer Accessories 9300572 Rev B User Manual

Copyright © 1997 by Network Computing Devices, Inc.  
HMX, Explora, NCDnet, and NCDware are trademarks of Network Computing Devices, Inc.  
Other trademarks and service marks are the trademarks and service marks  
of their respective companies.  
Part number 9300572 Rev. B  
Licensed Features  
Before installing NCDware, make sure that you have the licenses  
required for the optional features in this version of NCDware. The  
following features require licenses: Java, NCD Mosaic Browser,  
Wireless network computer support, OpenGL, the CompCore video  
fast MPEG decoder, Starlight Networks’ StarWorks support,  
NCDnet, 3270 Terminal Emulator, Display PostScript (DPS), X  
Imaging Extension (XIE), the local Motif Window Manager,  
XRemote, and PEX (3D graphics). If you do not already have a  
license, contact Sales Support at (650) 694-0650.  
NCDware Contents  
NCDware provides X servers and support files for the HMX, Explora,  
Explora Pro, Explora 400/ 450 series, and Explora 700 network  
computers, also called NCD terminals. In this release, binaries of  
host-based software are provided for the following UNIX host  
SPARC—SunOS versions 4.1.3 to 4.1.4  
SPARC—Solaris 2.5  
x86—Solaris version 2.4  
HP Precision Architecture—HP-UX version 10.01  
IBM RS/ 6000—AIX version 4.1  
SGIIRIX version 5.3  
This release supports NCDware on a WinCenter server running  
WinFrame 1.6 or later.  
NCDware is provided on CD-ROM and PCMCIA cards.  
Installing NCDware on UNIX Systems  
The procedure in this section describes how to install NCDware on  
the host and configure terminals to be used on the network.  
For information on modifying or removing terminals from the  
network, see the System Administrators Guide for UNIX Systems.  
ncdinstall installs NCDware and configures terminals on most UNIX  
If you are not sure if you can use ncdinstall on your UNIX  
host, follow the installation instructions from Step 1  
beginning on page 6 through Step 6 on page 8. After you  
complete Step 7, a message displays if ncdinstall cannot run  
on your system. For information about manual installation,  
call NCD Technical Support.  
ncdinstall performs the following:  
Examines the host system to ensure sufficient disk space. For  
information on space requirements, see the Release Notes or the  
file SIZES on the CD-ROM.  
Examines the host system to ensure that required  
communication and login software is running. If requested, the  
installation program enables the software.  
Installs X servers; server modules containing local clients,  
extensions, libraries, and protocols; host system executables  
and fonts; color database; X keysym database; and  
configuration files (listed in the Release Notes).  
Starts the license management software and adds startup  
commands to the host startup files.  
Configures terminals on the network, updating network and  
host databases to include required addressing information. On  
UNIX systems, ncdinstall saves the original network and host  
database files with the extension _O.  
Preparing to Configure Terminals Using ncdinstall  
Before you install NCDware and configure your terminals, you  
A host system with access to a CD-ROM drive.  
Super-user access privileges.  
Approximately 10 minutes to install NCDware.  
Terminals set up and attached to the network (see terminal  
installation booklets for instructions).  
An empty directory. During installation certain files are  
installed in this directory.  
Information about the terminals you will be adding to the  
network. Set up a table that lists the following information for  
each terminal before you start the installation program.  
Terminal model The terminal model name, such as HMX,  
Explora, Explora Pro, Explora 400/ 450  
series, or Explora 700.  
Ethernet address A physical identifier placed in NVRAM in  
the factory and printed on a sticker on the  
bottom of the terminal base or the outside  
of the carton containing the base. It is a  
12-character string beginning with 0000A7.  
Example: 0000A7123608  
(node or  
The terminals node or hostname; a unique  
node name consisting of alphanumeric  
characters that you assign to the terminal to  
correspond with its IP or node address.  
Example: crocushmx  
Internet address A 4-part, 32-bit address assigned by the  
(IP address)  
system administrator identifying the  
network and terminal.  
Subnet mask  
A 4-part, 32-bit mask used to distinguish  
the subnet from the rest of the IP address.  
The IP address of the gateway device. You  
need to supply a gateway address only if  
the terminal is on a different subnet from  
the host computer.  
features/ node  
If you are using node-locked licenses for  
any licensed features, you need to know the  
12- or 16-character license string for each  
licensed feature. If you do not have a  
license, contact Sales Support.  
Using ncdinstall  
The instructions that follow include samples of common UNIX  
management utilities used while installing NCDware. The syntax on  
your host may vary; check your host documentation for specifics.  
Prepare to Run ncdinstall  
1. Log into the host as super-user.  
2. Place the CD-ROM in the drive.  
3. If you do not already have one, make a directory as a mount  
point for your CD-ROM:  
# mkdir /cdrom <CR>  
4. The following instructions for mounting the CD-ROM vary  
depending on the host and the CD-ROM drive configuration.  
Substitute your device name for /dev/cdrom.  
On SunOS, mount the CD-ROM:  
# mount -r -t hsfs /dev/cdrom /cdrom <CR>  
On Solaris hosts not running the Volume Management  
daemon, mount the CD-ROM:  
# /etc/mount -F hsfs -r /dev/cdrom /cdrom <CR>  
Note On Solaris systems running the Volume Management  
daemon, you do not need to run the mount command. The  
CD-ROM is automatically mounted onto /cdrom/cdrom0  
instead of /cdrom. When you run the ncdinstall command  
(Step 6 of this procedure), use /cdrom/cdrom0 instead of  
On HP-UX mount the CD-ROM:  
# mount -t cdfs -r /dev/cdrom /cdrom <CR>  
On AIX, use SMIT to mount the CD-ROM on /cdrom.  
On SGI hosts not running the Media Monitor daemon,  
mount the CD-ROM:  
# mount -rt iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom <CR>  
Note On SGI hosts running the Media Monitor daemon, you do  
not need to run the mount command. The CD-ROM is  
automatically mounted on /cdrom.  
Start ncdinstall  
5. Make an empty install directory and change to it. For example:  
# mkdir /home/ncd/rel_ver <CR>  
# cd /home/ncd/rel_ver <CR>  
where rel_ver is the release version, such as 5.0.124.  
6. Start ncdinstall.  
On SunOS, Solaris, or SGI, type:  
# /cdrom/ncdinstall <CR>  
On HP-UX or AIX:  
a. Look at the CD-ROM listing to determine how the case  
and spelling of ncdinstall appears; in some cases it is  
spelled differently (such as NCDINSTA.\ 1;).  
b. Type:  
# /cdrom/cd-rom_name -map <CR>  
where cd-rom_name is the listing for ncdinstall found on the  
Throughout ncdinstall, you can use the following commands:  
Quit from ncdinstall  
Go to Main Menu  
Go to the top of the current submenu  
Display Help  
Enter a subshell; type exitto return to ncdinstall  
Every time you run the program, ncdinstall adds information  
about the session, such as the status of system services, to a  
chronological record in the file /home/ncd/rel_ver/.installlog, where  
rel_ver is the release version, such as 5.0.124.  
If you run ncdinstall with the -s option, it performs a  
staging installation, which is useful if you have a CD-ROM  
drive on one workstation, but want to install NCDware on  
another workstation. The staging installation places the  
entire contents of the CD-ROM in the current directory, but  
does not change system files or install software in system  
directories. Then you can install NCDware from the staging  
directory by mounting that directory on another host and  
running ncdinstall from the mounted staging directory to  
install NCDware into an empty directory.  
Install NCDware  
7. From the MainMenu,select 1InstallNCDware.  
8. From the InstallNCDwaremenu, select 1CD-ROM. If you are  
installing from a staging directory and want to install on another  
workstation, select 2Disk.  
9. Confirm the location of the NCDware distribution (such as  
/cdrom). Press the Return key (<CR>) at the prompt to accept the  
You can press the Return key at most ncdinstall prompts to select  
the default, which appears in brackets following the prompt (for  
example, [/cdrom]).  
10. Select the file groups you want to install. To install all groups,  
type allat the prompt.  
11. Supply the terminal models for which you are installing X  
servers. Type the number of each model you are installing from  
the options listed. Separate the numbers by spaces.  
For example:  
Enter the numbers of the NCD terminal models to  
install, separated by spaces: 1 2 <CR>  
12. If you are installing host system executables, ncdinstall assumes  
you want to install executables for the host on which you are  
installing NCDware and offers it as the default. You also have  
the option of installing executables for hosts other than the one  
on which you are installing NCDware.  
13. If NFS is running on the host, specify the file service method you  
want to install. If NFS is not running on the host, go to Step 14.  
If you select NFS and install on a local file system, ncdinstall  
exports the file system for you. If you select NFS and install on a  
remote or NFS-mounted file system, you must export the file  
system from the remote host. Use the df command to determine  
if your file system is local or remote.  
For full functionality of the NCD Mosaic Browser, select  
NFS as the file service. If you select TFTP as the file service,  
some browser features are not available. Refer to the  
System Administrators Guide for UNIX Systems for further  
14. Before beginning the installation, ncdinstall checks available disk  
space in the TFTP directory. If space is inadequate, ncdinstall tries  
to install in the installation directory. If the installation directory  
has enough space, ncdinstall relocates the TFTP directory to the  
installation directory. If there is not enough room in the  
installation directory, ncdinstall reports how much space is  
available and how much more is needed.  
Select whether you want to continue anyway (which usually  
results in an unsuccessful installation); or press tto return to the  
Install NCDwaremenu to select to install fewer files; or press  
qto quit to free enough space for the installation.  
15. After confirming sufficient space, ncdinstall lists the file groups  
you selected to install and the directories where they will be  
installed. If the directories do not exist, ncdinstall creates them.  
Verify that ncdinstall should proceed by pressing Return.  
ncdinstall installs the following:  
X servers in /tftpboot  
Server modules in /tftpboot/modsmodel, where model is the  
terminal model, such as modshmx  
Host executables in /home/ncd/rel_ver/hostside/host, where  
rel_ver is the release version, such as 5.0.124, and host is the  
host, such as SunOS. /usr/bin/X11/ncd is linked to  
/home/ncd/rel_ver/hostside/host. The license management  
binaries (ncdlicense, ncdlmd, and lmgrd) are installed in  
Configuration files (ncd_std and an example configuration  
file), keysym and color databases, and login-related files in  
/usr/lib/X11/ncd. (If you are running secure TFTP, ncdinstall  
places the files accessed using TFTP, including X servers,  
fonts, and configuration files, under the secure TFTP  
Prepare Host Services for Terminal Booting  
16. From the Main Menu, select 2PrepareSystemServices.  
ncdinstall checks that BOOTP, TFTP or NFS, a login service, and the  
license management services are available. If any service is not  
running, ncdinstall attempts to start it.  
17. If the file access method is NFS, specify whether you want to  
install the NCD Display Manager (ncddm). Type nfor no or press  
Return for yes.  
The NCD Display Manager provides user ID, group ID, and  
environment information to the NCD Mosaic Browser.  
Add Terminals to the Network  
18. From the MainMenu,select 3ConfigureNCDTerminals.  
19. From the ConfigureNCDTerminalsmenu, select  
20. Supply the model, IP address, Ethernet address, hostname,  
subnet mask, and gateway for each terminal you are installing.  
21. Verify your input and correct any errors.  
22. Specify whether you want to use the terminal as an NFS server  
(type yfor yes or press Return for no).  
23. Specify whether you want to export a local file system on a  
floppy drive or a PCMCIA card or both. Type 1to export a  
PCMCIA card file system, 2for a floppy file system, or allfor  
24. Specify whether you want to license an optional feature. If you  
are not using node-locked licenses, press Return and go to Step  
25. If you are using node licenses, answer the following:  
a. Type yto indicate you want to use an optional licensed  
b. Enter the 12- or 16-character license string and press Return.  
c. Type yto indicate you want to license another optional  
feature or press Return to continue.  
ncdinstall alters the /etc/bootptab and /etc/host files, saving old  
files with an extension _O, and installs two configuration files  
per terminal.  
25. After adding all the terminals, type qto exit ncdinstall.  
Before booting terminals on a Token-Ring network, you must set  
the terminals’ Token-Ring speed to match that of the Token-Ring  
network. For instructions, see the System Administrators Guide for  
UNIX Systems.  
Installing NCDware on WinCenter Systems  
The procedure in this section is required for NT-only networks. If  
your NCD network computers (also called terminals) are on an  
NT-only network, you need to install NCDware on a WinCenter  
server so it can act as a boot server for the NCD terminals.  
The instructions below describe how to install NCDware on a  
WinCenter server running WinFrame 1.6 or later. For information  
about WinCenter, see WinCenter product documentation. For  
additional information about using and configuring NCDware, see  
NCDware documentation.  
Using setup  
To install NCDware you need:  
A WinCenter server equipped with a CD-ROM drive and running  
WinFrame 1.6 or later  
Approximately 10 minutes for the installation  
For information on space requirements, see the Release  
Notes or the file SIZES on the CD-ROM.  
To install NCDware:  
1. Place the NCDware CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.  
2. To run setup, choose one of the following:  
From the menu bar, select File Run. Then type  
d:\WINNT\setupand press Return (where dis the  
CD-ROM drive).  
Double click on the File Manager and select the CD-ROM  
drive. Select \WINNT\setup.exefrom the files listed.  
The NCDware License Agreement appears.  
3. Read the license agreement and select Yesto accept the license  
If you select No, the Exit Setup dialog box appears. Select  
Resumeto go back to the license agreement. Select Exit  
Setupto quit.  
4. The Select Components dialog box appears, listing the  
components you can install. The default selection, Prepare  
SystemServices, installs the file transfer software (TFTP) and  
the address discovery services (BOOTP) needed for NCDware.  
Throughout the installation procedure a selected item is  
designated by a box with an xinside. Click on the box to  
clear the selection or click on an empty box to select an  
5. The Select Services dialog box appears. The default selections  
are TFTPDand BOOTP. Select Nextto accept the defaults.  
If your system has another version of TFTP installed, you are  
prompted to make the following choice:  
If you want to use the version of TFTP that you have  
installed, or you are using an NFS server, clear the default  
selection. Then select Next.  
If you want to install NCD’s current version of TFTP software,  
select Next.  
6. Choose the TFTP root directory path. The default root directory  
path is c:\ tftpboot. Type a new path or accept the default. Select  
7. A dialog box reports that the TFTP software is installed and that  
you need to restart the computer. You should restart the  
computer when you finish installing all of the components.  
Select Okto continue the installation.  
8. The Select Components Dialog box reappears. Install  
NCDwareis the default. Select Nextto install NCDware.  
9. Choose the default destination path for installing NCDware,  
c:\ tftpboot, or type the path you wish to use. Select Next.  
10. The screen displays a list of items to install. Make sure only the  
correct items are selected. Select Nextto continue.  
11. The screen lists the NCD terminals for which you can install  
software. Make sure only the correct terminals are selected.  
Select Next.  
12. The screen lists the fonts you can install.  
13. Accept the default fonts, select additional fonts, or clear  
selected default fonts. Select Nextto continue.  
14. The system begins to install the NCDware files. A set of  
thermometers appear and an information window names each  
file as it is installed. A moving slider graphically displays what  
percentage of the installation is complete. Several screens  
appear and disappear quickly.  
The installation program places:  
X servers (Xncdhmx, Xncdxpl, and Xncdxpt) in c:\ tftp_dir  
Supplemental X server files in c:\ tftp_dir\ modshmx,  
c:\ tftp_dir\ modsxpl, and c:\ tftp_dir\ modsxpt  
Configuration files, font files, and supplemental files in  
c:\ tftp_dir\ usr\ bin\ X11\ ncd  
where c:\ tftp_dir is the directory selected in Step 6.  
When the process is complete, the Select Components screen  
reappears with the default selection of Configure  
Terminals. Select Nextto install the NCDware files needed  
for starting NCD terminals.  
15. The screen displays the configuration files you can select to  
Select Standard NCDware(for UNIX and WinCenter use)  
for devices running on mixed NT/ UNIX networks.  
Select WinCenter onlyfor NT-only networks.  
Select Nextto install the appropriate configuration files.  
16. The Select Components dialog box appears. Choose Quitand  
select Nextto exit setup.  
17. The Restarting screen appears. You must restart the system to  
use TFTP. Select whether you want to restart your computer now,  
or at a later time and select OK.  
18. Remove the NCDware CD-ROM from the drive.  
For More Information  
See the NCDware Release Notes, the System Administrators Guide for  
UNIX Systems, or the WinCenter documentation for information  
about terminal and host configuration.  
In Case of Trouble  
If you encounter difficulties, send e-mail or a FAX to NCD Technical  
Support or contact them by phone.  
For information on services available from NCD Technical Support,  
contact your NCD representative or send e-mail to  
Sending E-Mail or Faxes to Technical Support  
NCD Technical Support uses an automated system for e-mail. Send  
e-mail to the Internet address, or send a fax to  
(503) 641-2959. To ensure that your e-mail is answered quickly,  
please follow the instructions and use the format recommended in  
the System Administrators Guide for UNIX Systems and the  
WinCenter documentation.  
You can also submit a request through NCD Web Services. Go to to reach the NCD Terminal Software Support  
home page.  
Phoning Technical Support  
You can also phone (800) 800-9599 and ask for Technical Support. Be  
prepared with the following information when you call:  
Model name of the terminal.  
Release of NCDware you are running.  
Release of WinCenter you are running.  
Host system you are on.  
Hardware configuration of the WinCenter server, if applicable.  
Operating system running on your host system.  
Release of the X Window System you are running on the UNIX  
If the problem involves a third-party application, the name of  
the application and which version you are running.  

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