Nady Systems Microphone DKW8 User Manual

O w n e r ’ s M a n u a l  
single Channel uHF  
wireless system  
System Features  
DKw-8u receiver  
HT-8u Handheld  
Microphone Transmitter  
Unprecedented value in a single-channel  
UHF wireless mic/instrument system  
with interference-free operation in any  
application or locale on select UHF  
frequencies on separate bands,  
Features the Nady DM -10D unidirectional  
neodymium dynamic cartridge for  
optimum true sound, maximum feedback  
rejection and minimal handling noise  
902-928MHz and 944-952MHz  
OFF/STANDBY/ON switch allows  
convenient audio muting while  
transmitter “ON”  
Compact, simple set up to operate—  
simply plug in instead of your wired  
microphones or instrument cable  
Status LED indicator flashes once for unit  
All the advantages and freedom  
of wireless operation without  
cumbersome cords  
“ON”; lights steady for low battery alert  
Two AA alkaline or NiMH battery operation  
Excellent high fidelity audio—perfect  
for public speaking, karaoke/recreational  
singers, guitarists, DJ’s, and many other  
BT-8u Bodypack Transmitter  
Choice of instrument (GT)/headworn(HM)/  
lavalier(LT) microphone operating modes  
in a single bodypack transmitter  
Nady’s proprietary companding circuitry  
for an industry best 120dB Dynamic  
Range, and the clearest, most natural  
sound available  
OFF/STANDBY/ON switch allows  
convenient audio muting while  
transmitter “ON”  
Status LED indicator flashes once for unit  
“ON”; lights steady for low battery alert  
150+ feet typical operating range—  
up to 300+ feet line-of-sight  
Locking 3.5mm mini-jack provides secure  
connection for removable microphone or  
instrument cable  
indicators, adjustable audio output level for  
optimal sound and 1⁄4” phone jack output  
for easy connection to sound system  
Easily accessible input level adjust  
control for optimum sound (HM/LT  
operating modes only)  
Externally powered by DC power  
adapter (included)  
Single 9V alkaline or NiMH  
battery operation  
DKW-8U Receiver  
Microphone Connection  
1. receiver Placement  
This unit is designed for desktop use  
and can be placed on any flat surface  
that is secure. Do not place, however, on  
amplifiers or other equipment that can get  
hot in operation. This unit is not designed  
for rackmounting.  
(Using the HT-8U handheld microphone  
or the BT-8U transmitter with either  
a headworn or lavalier microphone  
For microphone use, the 1/4” line level  
auDIO OuT can be used. Plug one end of a  
1/4” audio cable into the auDIO OuT JaCK  
(6) located in the back of the receiver. Plug  
the other audio cable end to you mixing  
board input. Make sure the phantom power  
on your mixing board is turned off and  
the volume in turned down when making  
the audio connections. Start the receiver  
VOluMe (7) at MINIMUM and adjust until  
the volume level is optimal.  
2. Powering the receiver  
Plug the 14V/0.4a DC aDaPTer (1) provided  
into the DC In jack (2) on the back of the  
receiver. Then plug the power supply into  
an AC outlet. The POwer leD (3) will now  
light and the receiver is operational.  
3. antenna  
The DKW-8U receiver is supplied with an  
attached FOlDInG anTenna (4). This should  
be extended fully to obtain maximum range.  
Optimal antenna position is 45 degrees  
from the receiver. For maximum range, it  
is always best to maintain a line of sight  
(no obstructions) between the receiver  
and the transmitter antenna at all times  
whenever possible.  
Instrument Connection  
To use the 1/4” line level auDIO OuT JaCK (6)  
for instrument use, follow the instructions  
for the Microphone Connection (above),  
except start the receiver VOluMe (7) at  
1/2 MAX and adjust until the volume level  
is optimal.  
(Note: 1:1 with a directly connected cord from the  
instrument to the amp is with the volume about  
3/4 MAX, and MAX volume from the receiver  
will be about 4dB higher than 1:1. If the volume  
control is set too high, you may overload your  
mixer or amp.)  
4. Mute (squelch)  
The DKW-8U has a preset mute (Squelch)  
internally for maximum range and  
performance. There is no need to adjust  
this. In normal operation, the sIGnal leD  
(5) should be lit when the transmitter is  
transmitted. However, when the signal LED  
extinguishes, the transmitter is out of range  
for that given location, and the user should  
move closer to the receiver to re-establish  
the radio link.  
6. aF leD Display  
The DKW-8U receiver is equipped with an  
aF leD DIsPlaY (8). The LED lights whenever  
an audio signal is being transmitted from  
the transmitter.  
(Note: The AF LED Display is not a peak level  
indicator so it can light continuously during audio  
signal input to the transmitter.)  
5. Connecting the audio Output  
The DKW-8U receiver provides with an  
adjustable 1⁄4” line level auDIO OuT jack (6).  
(Note: As when making any connection, make  
sure the amplifier or mixing board volume is at the  
minimum level before plugging in the receiver to  
avoid possible sound system damage.)  
HT-8U Handheld Mic Transmitter  
1. Release the BaTTerY COVer (9) by  
pressing the locking tab and slide down  
as per the arrow, exposing the BaTTerY  
HOlDer (10). Insert two fresh AA alkaline  
or NiMH batteries, observing the correct  
polarity as marked, and slide the battery  
cover back on to the microphone. Make  
sure the cover is closed completely. Fresh  
alkaline batteries can last up to 10 hours  
in use, but in order to ensure optimum  
performance, it is recommended that you  
replace the battery after every 6-8 hours  
of use. NiMH batteries should be replaced  
with fresh ones recharged fully (with  
separate charger, not supplied, and as per  
its charging instructions) whenever low or  
dead battery status is indicated as per the  
both on). The BaTTerY InDICaTOr leD (12)  
will give a single quick flash, indicating  
usable battery strength. In the case of a  
dead or low battery, the LED will either not  
go on at all or will stay on continuously,  
indicating that the batteries should be  
replaced with fresh ones. To preserve  
battery life, turn the transmitter off when  
not in use.  
3. The microphone is now ready to use.  
The sIGnal leD (5) on the DKW-8U receiver  
should now be lit, indicating a received  
signal from the transmitter. When ready to  
speak, slide the OFF/sTanDBY/On swITCH  
(11) to the ON position. Adjust the volume  
of the receiver as per the Connecting  
the Audio Output of the above DKW-8U  
receiver instructions.  
2. Turn on the HT-8U by sliding the OFF/  
sTanDBY/On swITCH (11) to the STANDBY  
position first (transmitter on, audio muted)  
or the ON position (transmitter and audio  
[Note: Observe care in selecting P.A. volume,  
transmitter location and speaker placement so  
that acoustic feedback (howling or screeching)  
will be avoided.]  
BT-8U Bodypack Mic Transmitter  
1. Snap open the BaTTerY DOOr (13) and  
insert a fresh 9V alkaline or NiMH battery  
into the BaTTerY COMParTMenT (14)  
selected. To secure the connection, turn the  
slip ring on the plug clock wise to thread it  
on the jack. To unplug, reverse the process.  
Slip the transmitter into a pocket or ClIP  
(20) it on to your clothes or instrument  
strap (if using the BT-8U as an instrument  
observing the correct polarity. Close the  
battery door to its original position and  
completely cover the battery. Fresh alkaline  
batteries can last up to 10 hours in use, but  
in order to ensure optimum performance,  
it is recommended that the battery be  
replaced after 6-8 hours of use. A NiMH  
battery should be replaced with another  
recharged fully (with separate charger,  
not supplied, and as per its charging  
4. Turn on the BT-8U by sliding the OFF/  
sTanDBY/On swITCH (21) to the STANDBY  
position (transmitter on, audio muted) or  
the ON position (transmitter and audio both  
on). The BaTTerY InDICaTOr leD (22) will  
give a single quick flash, indicating usable  
battery strength. In the case of a dead or  
low battery, the LED either will not go on  
at all or will stay on continuously, indicating  
instructions) whenever low or dead battery  
status is indicated as per the following.  
2. Selecting audio Input Operating Mode: The  
BT-8U is equipped with two InPuT seleCTOr that the battery should be replaced with a  
swITCHes (15) located under the cover on  
the circuit board for selecting the type of  
audio input you will be supplying to the  
transmitter. Select from the choice of three  
positions: INSTRUMENT (for guitar, bass,  
MIC (Condenser Microphones).  
fresh one. To conserve battery life, turn unit  
off when not in use.  
5. The BT-8U transmitter is now ready  
to use. The sIGnal leD (5) on the DKW-  
8U receiver should now be lit, indicating  
a received signal from the transmitter.  
Adjust the volume of the receiver as per the  
Connecting the Audio Output of the above  
DKW-8U receiver instructions.  
(Note: Use only the input audio source as per the  
input selected with the internal AUDIO INPUT  
SELECTOR SWITCHES (15) or the audio will  
not be optimal–a muddy or distorted sound  
may result.)  
6. Instrument use: Secure the connection  
from the GT CaBle (17) by turning the  
slip ring on the plug into the transmitter  
clockwise to thread it on the jack. To  
There are two switches with selectable  
positions GT, HM, LT together at the  
same time.  
unplug, reverse the process. Plug the 1/4”  
phone plug into the instrument. When  
ready to play, slide the audio OFF/sTanDBY/  
On swITCH (21) to either “STANDBY or ON”  
position. Adjust the volume of the receiver  
as per the Connecting the Audio Output of  
the above DKW-8U receiver instructions.  
To select inputs: (see chart on page 9)  
a. Instrument: Set both switches to GT  
B. Headworn Mic: Set both switches to HM  
C. lavalier Mic: Set both switches to LT  
3. Connecting for selected Input: The BT-8U  
is provided with a 3.5 mm lOCKInG JaCK  
(16) for connecting the audio input selected.  
Connect either the InsTruMenT COrD (17)  
or the HeaDwOrn MIC (18) or laValIer MIC  
COrD (19) as desired, according to the input  
(Note: The INPUT LEVEL CONTROL (23) is deactivated  
and not used when the BT-8U is in INSTRUMENT  
(GT) mode. Levels should be adjusted with the  
volume control of your instrument.)  
(Note: Scratchy noises can sometimes occur  
when some electric guitars with dirty pots or  
connections are used with any wireless system.  
Therefore, the supplied INSTRUMENT CORD (17)  
has a factory-installed capacitor inside the 1/4”  
plug. This capacitor provides first order filtering  
of the RF signal from the cord into the guitar and  
eliminates virtually all scratchy noises. Should  
your equipment still give you scratchy noises, we  
suggest these steps to eliminate them:  
[Note: Observe care in selecting P.A. volume,  
transmitter location and speaker placement so  
that acoustic feedback (howling and screeching)  
will be avoided. Please also note the pickup  
pattern characteristics of the microphone  
selected. Omnidirectional mics pick up sound  
equally from all directions, and are prone to  
feedback if not used carefully. Unidirectional mics  
are more resistant to feedback, but pick up sound  
sources best that are directly in front of the mic.  
Also, mics that are farther from the sound source,  
such as lavalieres, require more acoustic gain  
and thus are also more prone to feedback than  
close-source mics such as handheld or headworn  
models that are used close to the mouth].  
1) Make sure all guitar volume and tone  
pots are clean and all contacts are solid–this  
is very important.  
2) A 47pf capacitor soldered across the hot  
to ground terminals of the guitar’s volume  
and tone pots will provide extra filtering.)  
8. For optimum performance, an InPuT  
leVel COnTrOl (23) is provided. Adjust the  
gain by turning the control with a small  
screw driver. For lavalier mic use, it is  
recommended that the level be set at about  
1/2 maximum. For headworn mic use, it  
may be advisable to turn the gain down  
somewhat, depending on the volume levels  
expected. In either application, experiment  
and set for maximum possible gain without  
audible distortion on the high level peaks.  
7. Microphone use (with either a lavalier  
or headworn microphone): Secure the  
connection from the laValIer (18) or  
HeaDwOrn MIC COrD (19) by turning the  
slip ring on the plug into the transmitter  
clockwise to thread it on to the jack. To  
unplug, reverse the process. To use the  
lavalier mic, attach it at chest level. Do not  
place it too close to the mouth–a distance  
of about six inches usually works best.  
To use the headworn mic, place it on the  
head and adjust the boom so that the mic  
is about one inch to the side of the front of  
the mouth. When ready to speak, slide the  
OFF/sTanDBY/On swITCH (21) to the either  
“STANDBY or ON” position.  
(Note: Turning down the gain too much can  
compromise the signal-to-noise and it is not  
9. The DKW-8U receiver is equipped  
with an aF leD DIsPlaY (8). The LED  
lights whenever an audio signal is being  
transmitted from the transmitter.  
(Note: The AF LED Display is not a peak level  
indicator so it can light continuously during  
audio signal input to the transmitter.)  
Adjust the volume of the receiver as per  
the Connecting the Audio Output above  
DKW-8U receiver instruction.  
DKw-8u OVerall sYsTeM PerFOrManCe  
Frequency response  
Dynamic range  
50 Hz - 16 KHz, - 3 dB  
120 dB  
Total Harmonic Distortion  
rF Carrier Frequency range  
UHF, choice of single frequencies on separate bands,  
902-928MHz and 944-952MHz  
+/- 0.005%, crystal controlled  
FM +/-20KHz normal  
Frequency stability  
Operating range  
Up to 250 ft. typical (depending on site conditions);  
up to 500+ feet optimum line-of-sight  
reception Mode  
Mono antenna reception  
Volume Control  
DC In: (2.1mm barrel), Unbalanced Out :1/4” (6.3mm) jack  
Power ON, Signal, AF LEDs  
60dB image and spurious  
DC 14V @ 400 mA, DC adapter included  
6.88” x 4.0” x 1.5” (17.5 x 10.2 x 3.8 cm)  
7.6 oz (0.22 kg)  
leD Indicators  
unwanted signal rejection  
Power requirements  
Dimensions (Max.)  
4” (9.5 cm), Single section telescopic  
audio Inputs  
BT-8u Bodypack  
3.5mm locking mini-jack, internally switchable inputs:  
instrument, headworn mic, or lavalier mic  
HT-8u Handheld  
Integral Nady DM-10D neodymium dynamic cartridge  
internal GT/HM/LT switches  
rF Power Out  
Harmonic and spurs  
antennas HT-8u/BT-8u  
Indicators HT-8u/BT-8u  
20mW normal (50mW Maximum allowed by FCC)  
< -50 dB  
Internal antennas  
Single LED, flash once “ON”, LOW BAT “Steady ON”  
Battery life  
2xAA Alkaline or NiMH batteries  
Single 9V Alkaline or NiMH battery  
8-10 Hours (Alkaline)  
BT-8u Bodypack  
HT-8u Handheld  
4.25” x 2.5”x 1.0” (10.8 cm x 6.4 cm x 2.5 cm)  
10.5”x 1.875” (26.7 cm x 4.8 cm)  
BT-8u Bodypack  
HT-8u Handheld  
3.1 oz (88 g) without battery  
7.5 oz (213 g) without battery  
Specifications subject to change at any time without prior notice for purposes of product improvement  
One Year Limited Warranty  
Nady Systems, Inc. warrants to the original consumer purchaser (U.S.A. only) that the unit is free from  
any defects in material or workmanship for a period of one year from the date of original retail purchase.  
If any such defect is discovered within the warranty period, Nady Systems, Inc. will repair or replace the  
unit free of charge, subject to verification of the defect or malfunction upon return to Nady Systems.  
Please do not return your Nady product to the store where it was purchased as Nady Systems handles  
your warranty service directly. Communication with our Service Department is the most efficient means  
of servicing your unit and we are dedicated to keeping you a satisfied customer.  
To the extent permitted by law, any applicable implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability  
and fitness are hereby limited to one year from the date of purchase. Consequential or incidental  
damages resulting from a breach of any applicable express or implied warranties are hereby excluded.  
This warranty is in lieu of all other agreements and warranties, general or special, express or implied  
and no representative or person including a Nady dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to assume  
for us any other liability in connection with the sale or use of this Nady Systems’ product.  
Whereas some states do not allow limitations on how long implied warranties last, and do not allow  
exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, the above limitations and exclusions may not apply  
to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which may vary  
from state to state.  
This warranty is subject to the following conditions:  
1) This system must have been purchased from an authorized Nady dealer and all warranty  
service must be performed by Nady’s service department. Any service not performed by Nady  
will automatically void this warranty.  
2) Items not covered: physical damage resulting from improper handling of the unit in transit from the  
factory by the shipper (Nady Systems is not responsible for such damage and all such claims must be  
made against the shipping company by the consignee); defects caused by normal wear of the product  
(expendable parts are typically connectors, cables, potentiometers, switches and similar components);  
damage or defects caused by abuse, neglect, accident, failure to connect or operate the unit in any way  
that does not comply with applicable technical or safety regulations, or improper repair, excessive heat  
or humidity, alteration or unreasonable use of the unit, causing cracks, broken cases/housings or parts;  
damage caused by leaking batteries; finish or appearance items; items damaged in shipment en route to  
Nady Systems, Inc. for repair. The warranty is null and void if any Nady serial number has been removed  
or defaced.  
How To Obtain service:  
1) If factory service is required, please contact our Service Department at (510) 652-2411 for a return  
authorization (R/A) number. Make sure the R/A number is clearly marked on the outside of your package.  
(Please note: if an R/A number is not included, our Shipping Department cannot accept your package.)  
2) Send the unit back to Nady Systems, 6701 Shellmound Street, Emeryville, CA, 94608, freight pre-paid.  
You must include proof of date and place of purchase (i.e., photocopy of your bill of sale) or Nady cannot  
be responsible for repair or replacement. Nady Systems, Inc. will not repair, nor be held responsible,  
for any units returned without proper identification, return address, and R/A number clearly marked  
on the package.  
3) Per the above, Nady will perform all warranty service and return the unit to you at no charge.  
Nady Systems will inform the buyer if product sent in does not meet the terms of this warranty  
and will provide a quote for fixing the unit and/or shipping it back exclusively at the buyer’s expense.  
Service Information  
In the u.s. If you are experiencing operational problems with your system, please refer to  
service, please contact the Nady Service Department at (510) 652-2411 to obtain a Return  
Authorization (R/A) Number and service quote (if out of warranty). Make sure the R/A  
Number is clearly marked on the outside of the package that you are returning.  
If your unit is out of warranty, please enclose a cashier’s check or money order (or pay  
by credit card) per instructions by the Nady Service Department. Ship your unit prepaid  
to: Nady Systems, Service Department, 6701 Shellmound Street, Emeryville, CA 94608.  
Include a brief description of the problem you are experiencing. For service of a unit under  
warranty, please follow the instructions in the following section.  
Outside the u.s. For service or warranty matters please contact the Nady distributor in your  
country through the dealer/store from which you purchased this product.  
Do not attempt to service this unit yourself as  
it can be dangerous and will also void the warranty.  
6701 Shellmound Street Emeryville, CA USA 94608  
T 510.652.2411 F 510.652.5075  

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