Microsoft Computer Accessories IC693CPU364 User Manual

July 15, 1999  
Product: IC693CPU364 CPU Module with Ethernet Interface  
IC693CPU364-AC with Firmware Release 9.10  
This document contains information that is not available in any other publication; therefore, we recommend you save it  
for future reference. This document discusses the features of the CPU module IC693CPU364. This module provides  
two functions in one module: (1) it serves as a High Performance CPU, and (2) it provides Ethernet communications  
capability with its embedded (built-in) Ethernet Interface. This release provides Ethernet Global Data (EGD) and  
configurable Name Resolution for the 364 module.  
CPU364 Feature Highlights (Release 9.10)  
CPU Features  
Ethernet Global Data and Name Resolution are supported in this release. Version 2.2 or later of the Windows  
based PLC programming software or version 1.0 or later of the VersaPro Windows-based programming software is  
required for configuration of these features. For details, refer to the software online help, the TCP/IP Ethernet  
Communications for the IC69* User's Manual, and the TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* Station  
Manager's Manual.  
The following features were introduced in release 9.00.  
Software Floating-Point. The CPU364 supports all of the floating-point function blocks that are currently  
supported by the CPU352. They are implemented in firmware using floating point emulation in the CPU364.  
These Floating-Point math function blocks are described in the IC693 PLC Reference Manual.  
User memory totals 240K bytes. %R, %AI, and %AQ references are configurable up to 16K of %R, 8K of %AI  
and 8K of %AQ memory using the MS-DOS PLC programming software, version 9.02 or later. These three  
references are configurable up to 32K in release 1.0 of the VersaPro software and release 2.2 of the Windows-based  
PLC programming software. Configuration instructions for this feature are described in the MS-DOS IC693  
Programming Software User’s Manual, and is included in on-line help in both of the Windows PLC Programming  
Software packages.  
Sequential Event Recorder. The Sequential Event Recorder can be used to record up to 1024 samples of 32  
individual discrete (bit) references. This function block is described in the IC693 PLC Reference Manual and in  
online help in the Windows PLC Programming Software.  
Break-free SNP. The SNP protocol no longer requires a break to operate. This allows SNP to work over a wider  
variety of modems.  
Ethernet Features  
The CPU364 supports connection to an Ethernet network via either (but not both) of two built-in Ethernet network  
AAUI: Capability is provided for connection to various types of Ethernet LANs via an external AAUI  
transceiver connected to the AAUI port. The IC649AEA103 AAUI transceiver may be used, or the user may  
supply a different model that meets AAUI standards.  
10Base T: The CPU364 provides direct connection to a 10BaseT (twisted pair) Ethernet LAN from its  
10BaseT port.  
MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation  
Important Product Information  
Firmware Upgrade Procedure  
The Model 364 CPU operating firmware is stored in flash memory. The firmware upgrade is provided on a diskette and  
must be serially downloaded from a Personal Computer. An IBM AT personal computer or better PC with a minimum  
640K of RAM, one 3.5” diskette drive, MS-DOS version 3.3 or later (or Windows 95 or later), and one RS-232 serial  
port is required. In addition, two serial cables are required. The following serial cable kit is available:  
IC690ACC901, Mini Converter Kit with cable (RS-232/RS-485)  
This cable can be assembled from the following parts:  
IC690ACC900, RS-232 to RS-485/422 Converter Unit  
IC693CBL303, 15 Pin RS-485 Serial Cable  
IC690CBL705, 25 Pin RS-232 Serial Cable or IC690CBL702, 9 Pin RS-232 Serial Cable (Only one  
of these cables is required. Selection depends on PC Serial Port Connector.)  
An additional diskette and an additional cable, IC693CBL316, is required to serially download the Ethernet  
firmware from the PC to the CPU.  
Option Module Revision Requirements  
All IC693 Ethernet Interface (IC693CMM321) modules used with this CPU should be updated to IC693CMM321  
firmware release 1.10 or later. This is also a requirement of the TCP/IP Ethernet version of the MS-DOS  
programming software.  
FBC version 3 or later is required for this CPU.  
Writing Flash Using a Serial Programmer  
When writing very large programs to flash memory, it may be necessary to increase the Windows programming  
software request timeout value to avoid receiving a request timeout message. An upper bound of 25 seconds is typically  
satisfactory. For further details, see the item “Store of Program or Reference Tables to Flash may Cause Loss of  
Ethernet Communications” later in this section.  
Power Supply Requirements  
The CPU364 requires one of the three following PLC power supplies: IC693PWR321 (Rev. K or later),  
IC693PWR322, IC693PWR330, or IC693PWR331. Power consumption of the CPU364 and its supporting devices are  
listed below:  
CPU364 requires 1.1A @ +5VDC (= 5.5 Watts).  
If used, the external AAUI transceiver will require a maximum of 400 mA, or 2.0 Watts (limited by the AAUI  
standard). Consult the transceiver documentation to obtain its exact power requirements. The IC649AEA103  
transceiver requires 380 mA at 5 VDC (=1.9 Watts).  
If used, the converter in the IC690ACC901 serial cable assembly requires 100 mA at 5 VDC (=0.5 Watts).  
If used, the IC690ACC900 RS-422/RS-485 to RS-232 converter requires 170 mA at 5 VDC (=0.85 Watts).  
Unreliable AAUI 10Base2 Ethernet Transceiver (IC649AEA101A)  
The external AAUI 10Base2 Ethernet transceiver, available as catalog number IC649AEA101A, has been discovered to  
operate unreliably under some conditions. This part is no longer offered. Instead, please use catalog number  
Configuration via Serial Port is Required Before Using Ethernet Communications  
The Ethernet Interface within the CPU module cannot operate on a network until a valid IP address is configured. The  
necessary Ethernet addressing information must be configured prior to actual network operation. Two methods are  
1. Perform the initial configuration using a PLC Programmer connected through the PLC power supply serial  
Important Product Information  
2. Connect a serial terminal to the station manager port (port 1) of the CPU364. Then use the CHSOSW  
command to enter a temporary IP address. The Ethernet Interface can then be accessed over the network (such  
as by an Ethernet PLC Programmer). See TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* Station Manager  
Manual for details.  
Proper IP Addressing is Always Essential  
The CPU364’s embedded Ethernet Interface must be configured with the correct IP Address for proper operation in a  
TCP/IP Ethernet network. Use of incorrect IP addresses can disrupt network operation. Refer to TCP/IP Ethernet  
Communications for the IC69* User’s Manual for important information on IP addressing.  
AAUI Cable Attachment  
Power to the PLC must be turned off whenever the transceiver (AAUI) cable is connected or disconnected at the  
CPU364 or at the transceiver. Sudden changes in power supply loading caused by connecting or disconnecting the  
transceiver with power on may result in unexpected operation of the CPU364 or other modules.  
Connecting the transceiver with power on may also blow the protective Ethernet interface fuse. A blown fuse can be  
replaced in the field. Refer to TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* User’s Manual for instructions.  
SQE Enable  
The Ethernet Interface within the CPU364 requires that the SQE test signal be enabled on the transceiver connecting it  
to the Ethernet LAN. If you are using an external transceiver, make sure your transceiver has SQE enabled.  
COMMREQ Operation  
The CPU364 receives Ethernet Communications Request (COMMREQ) function blocks at a unique Rack/Slot and Task  
address. Each COMMREQ sent to the CPU364 must be addressed to SYSID = 0001 (= Rack 00 / Slot 01, the location  
of the CPU364) and to TASK = 21 decimal (Note: TASK = 0 is used in COMMREQs sent to the IC693CMM321  
Ethernet module). Please refer to the TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* User’s Manual for further  
COMMREQ function block details.  
Serial Load/Store of Register Table Causes Loss of Communications to Ethernet Programmers  
A load or store of the PLC Register (%R) table from a PLC Programmer connected through the CPU serial port (using  
the connector on the PLC Power Supply) can cause Ethernet applications that use the PLC programmer communications  
window to lose communications. This condition occurs when the load/store operation requires more than 10 seconds to  
complete (called a “timeout”). For example, transferring a large %R table to the CPU (even at 19,200 baud) may cause  
a timeout. If this occurs, the Ethernet Interface will post two or more PLC faults with the text “LAN system-software  
fault; resuming”, and fault-specific data starting with 080008 and/or 080042. In addition, faults with text “Bad remote  
application request; discarded request” (1B0021) and “Local request to send rejected; discarded request” (110005) may  
occur. When these faults occur, the STAT LED on the CPU364 will be turned off to indicate posting of faults to the  
PLC fault tables. Normal operation will resume once the transfer completes. The STAT LED can be reset using the  
Station Manager OK command.  
Ethernet Programmer May Briefly Lose Communications When Configuration Stored  
Storing a PLC configuration containing Ethernet configuration values may require the Ethernet Interface to restart itself  
in order to use any changed configuration values. When the Ethernet Interface restarts, an Ethernet PLC Programmer  
will briefly report a loss of communications. PLC faults similar to those listed under “Serial Load/Store of Register  
Table Causes Loss of Communications to Ethernet Programmers” above will occur; and the STAT LED on the CPU364  
will be turned off to indicate posting of faults to the PLC fault tables. In some cases, a ten second delay may occur  
before loss of communications is detected. Normal operation will resume once the Ethernet Interface restarts. The  
STAT LED can be reset using the Station Manager OK command.  
Important Product Information  
When the PLC configuration is stored from an Ethernet PLC Programmer, the communications loss occurs immediately  
after successful completion of the store. Attempts to store configuration plus logic and/or reference tables in one  
operation can fail. However, storing configuration separately from logic or reference tables will always succeed.  
Store of Program or Reference Tables to Flash May Cause Loss of Ethernet Communications  
While storing the PLC program, configuration, and/or reference tables from PLC RAM memory into Flash memory,  
Ethernet data communications may be lost. Normal data transfers are temporarily suspended during the Flash store  
operation. Ethernet data transfers (such as used by an Ethernet PLC Programmer connection) during a Flash store  
operation will fail when the Flash store exceeds the 10-second maximum period allowed for completion. Upon  
completion of the store to Flash operation, normal operation will resume.  
RUN Mode Program Store  
A store of a folder containing large (greater than 14kb) program blocks from a PLC Programmer connected through the  
Ethernet port on the CPU364, or through an IC693CMM321 Ethernet module, may fail and result in momentary loss of  
communications. This condition has been observed only when attempting to store a large program to a PLC which is in  
RUN mode, and which is configured to use a limited communications window. These conditions cause the store  
operation to take the maximum possible period to complete. The failure may occur if this period exceeds 10 seconds for  
an individual program block. If this problem does occur, one of the following options may be used to complete the  
store operation successfully:  
1. Change the PLC configuration to use Run-to-Completion mode instead of a Limited Communications Window for  
the store operation.  
2. Change the PLC from RUN to STOP mode to complete the store.  
3. Structure the folder being stored to eliminate large program blocks or subroutine blocks. This will minimize the  
chance that any single block will take longer than the maximum 10-second period allowed for storage of that block.  
Store of Large Program Blocks from Older Ethernet Programmers  
If an attempt is made to store a folder which contains large (greater than 14kb) program blocks or subroutine blocks  
using the IC693 MS-DOS programming software, Ethernet Version 6.6 or earlier, the store attempt may fail with the  
message “(S83) Program size too large for PLC or invalid user program” displayed. If this problem is observed, the  
following options may be used to complete the store operation successfully:  
1. Update the IC693 MS-DOS programming software, Ethernet Version, to a more recent version that can be run in a  
DOS box under the Microsoft Windows NT/95 operating system. IC693 MS-DOS programming software,  
Ethernet Version 9.02 or later is recommended. (Note: In order to configure the CPU364, Version 9.02 or later is  
required.) This option requires Microsoft Windows NT or Microsoft Windows 95 to be installed on the PC that  
executes the programming software.  
2. If the ladder contains large (greater than 14kb) program blocks or subroutine blocks, then restructure the ladder to  
use smaller blocks, either by simplifying the program or by making use of more subroutine blocks that are each  
smaller than 14kb in size.  
3. If neither of the previous options is practical, the following work-around for the problem may be successful.  
Modify the CONFIG.SYS file on the MS-DOS programmer PC to decrease the maximum TCP segment size used  
by the Beame & Whiteside driver. This may be accomplished by changing the values used on the line containing  
the following:  
DEVICE=C:\BWTCP\TCPIP.SYS 1460 2920 20  
Change the value 1460 to 1024, and change the value 2920 to 2048.  
Managing Channels and TCP Connections  
In certain conditions, the supply of TCP connections can be totally exhausted. When you issue a COMMREQ to  
establish a read or write channel, a TCP connection is created, the transfer(s) are made, then upon completion of all the  
Important Product Information  
transfers, the TCP connection is terminated. If an application is constructed so that it rapidly and repeatedly establishes  
a channel with only one repetition (one transfer), the available TCP connections for the Ethernet Interface may be  
totally exhausted.  
Specifically, if your ladder program for issuing COMMREQs is constructed so it does the following, all available TCP  
connections can quickly be used up: The number of repetitions (Word 9) in an Establish Read or Write Channel  
COMMREQ is set to 1, and a new COMMREQ is issued repeatedly and immediately upon completion of the prior one.  
It is recommended you use “Channel Re-tasking” to avoid exhausting TCP connections. Re-tasking is described in the  
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* User’s Manual.  
Instructions for using the IC693CPU364 module can be found in the latest version of the following manuals:  
General Configuration Instructions: IC693 PLC Programming Software User’s Manual.  
Ladder Logic Programming: IC693 PLC Reference Manual.  
Ethernet-Specific Instructions: TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* PLC User’s Manual. Also see the  
TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for the IC69* Station Manager Manual  
Important Product Information  
Problems Resolved in Firmware Version 9.10 (Ethernet Version 1.10)  
AI & AQ Above Default Values  
Release 9.00 provided support for configuring %AI and %AQ above their default values. These new references would  
previously only work as extra program memory, and could not be used as actual inputs or outputs on physical modules  
in the configuration. This has been corrected in release 9.10 so that these higher references now work the same as the  
lower references.  
Load File of Size 1528 Bytes  
Loads of a user program where the file was of this specific size would fail. This has been corrected in release 9.10.  
C Program with Code Area Greater Than 64K Bytes  
Before release 9.10, C Program blocks with code areas greater than 64k bytes would not store. In release 9.10 and later,  
‘C’ program blocks code sizes are limited only by available memory.  
Ethernet Status Bits  
If the Ethernet portion of the 364 module had a watchdog or flash checksum failure, its status bits would be held in the  
previous state. In release 9.10 the status bits are cleared in this case.  
Handling of heavy network loading conditions  
Handling of three types of network errors under temporary heavy network load conditions has been improved.  
Error Condition  
Lost Carrier  
Recorded as MAC Tally  
Exception Log Event  
event c, entry 2 = 102H  
event c, entry 2 = 10aH  
event c, entry 2 = 10bH  
Maximum Retries Exceeded  
Late Collision  
For all these errors, the LLC will tolerate up to four consecutive occurrences of an error before restarting the LLC.  
During an LLC restart, the Ethernet Interface cannot communicate on the network, so fewer LLC restarts result in less  
disruption to communications.  
Also, the Maximum Retries Exceeded condition is now logged in the Ethernet Interface’s exception log and the PLC’s  
fault table only after a fourth consecutive occurrence, thus reducing nuisance fault reports.  
SRTP channel management  
An SRTP Channel will now be properly retasked while in the AWAIT_DRSP or AWAIT_CRSP states.  
Large PING  
PINGing the Ethernet Interface with more than 32739 data bytes no longer causes the Interface to restart.  
Time of day clock  
The time of day clock maintained by the Ethernet Interface no longer runs about 15 seconds fast per day  
%S32 & %S20 in Periodic Subroutine  
These status bits could be changed if used in a periodic subroutine. This has been corrected in release 9.10.  
Update Mode  
When the Ethernet (daughterboard) firmware is in update mode, no fault is logged on the PLC to indicate this. The  
firmware update mode is indicated by the flashing of the EOK, LAN, and STAT LEDs. The LEDs flash in unison.  
Important Product Information  
Problems Resolved in Firmware Version 9.01  
SNP Master mode on CPU Ports  
With some very large configurations and version 9.00 firmware, after a power-cycle, CPU ports set up for SNP Master  
would need to have their configuration re-stored for the protocol to accept COMM_REQs. This is corrected in version  
Online Changes to Reference Tables  
Making online changes with the programmer to reference tables could result in a watchdog timeout. This has been  
corrected in version 9.01.  
Read from Flash  
In version 9.00, reading a folder from flash memory could result in the PLC going into a faulted state. This is corrected  
in version 9.01.  
CPU364 Restrictions and Open Problems  
Multiple Log Events  
The Ethernet Interface sometimes generates multiple exception log events and PLC Fault Table entries when a single  
error condition occurs. Under repetitive error conditions, the exception log and/or PLC Fault Table can be completely  
filled with repetitive error messages.  
DDP2 Name Not Used  
In systems using more than 75 Ethernet Global Data exchanges, the Ethernet Interface may not initialize with the user-  
configured DDP name (if any), but rather use the default DDP name. Attempts by remote stations to communicate with  
the Interface using the user-configured name will fail. Possible workarounds include:  
1. Reconfigure the application to use less than 75 exchanges, or  
2. Have remote stations refer to the Interface by its default DDP name  
Same IP Address  
Use of the same IP Address by the CPU364 and by another device on the same network results in the PLC Fault Table  
message “Bad remote application request; discarded request”. This condition should be identified more precisely.  
Trace LZ  
While a local Station Manager “TRACE LZ” troubleshooting command is in effect at an Ethernet Interface, do not issue  
Station Manager “REM <node> TEST” commands to it from a remote Interface. Doing so can cause errant behavior,  
including module lockup and loss-of-module in the PLC fault table.  
EGD status code  
The status code of an EGD exchange is not updated to “16” while performing Name Resolution as described in the  
manual. The first status code update occurs when the Name Resolution is complete, either “0” if successful or “4” if  
Write Channel Retasking Error  
When retasking a Write Channel, the Ethernet Interface may very intermittently generate exception log event 1c, entry  
2 = 5. The channel stops with status code 9590 (= internal error). The application program may issue another Write  
Channel COMMREQ to start this channel.  
Important Product Information  
Intermittent SNTP Loss Of Synchronization  
Under moderately heavy EGD traffic load, the Ethernet Interface may occasionally lose synchronization with its SNTP  
time server and generate exception log event 29, entry 2=bH.  
Timing Issue With ALG220/221 Modules May Result in Incorrect %AI Values Read by CPU  
A problem was found with the IC693ALG220/221 where the actual %AI values reported by the card may exhibit erratic  
behavior (catalog module revisions F and earlier may show this problem; revision G has fixed this problem). Certain  
current or voltage levels within the input range applied to the card could cause the %AI values to report incorrectly.  
The problem stems from the use of particular optocouplers, which may exhibit timing issues with these CPU35x/36x  
CPUs 341, 331, 321, 313, and 311 have not exhibited this timing problem reading %AI values.  
Important Product Information  
IC693CPU364 Data  
CPU Type  
Single slot CPU module with embedded Ethernet Interface  
Total Baseplates per System  
Load Required from Power Supply  
Processor Speed  
8 (CPU baseplate + 7 expansion and/or remote)  
1.1 Amps from +5 VDC supply  
CPU 364  
CPU 364  
25 MegaHertz  
Processor Type  
Ethernet fuse, replaceable  
Operating temperature  
Typical Scan Rate  
2.69x2.69x6.1 mm, 125V, 1A, slow acting  
0 to 60 degrees C (32 to 140 degrees F) ambient  
.22 milliseconds per 1K of logic (Boolean contacts)  
User Memory (total)  
240K (245,760) Bytes. Note: Actual size of available user  
program memory depends on the amounts configured for the  
%R, %AI, and %AQ configurable word memory types  
(described below).  
PORT 1  
Discrete Input Points - %I  
Discrete Output Points - %Q  
Discrete Global Memory - %G  
Internal Coils - %M  
1,280 bits  
4,096 bits  
Output (Temporary) Coils - %T  
System Status References - %S  
Register Memory - %R  
256 bits  
128 bits (%S, %SA, %SB, %SC - 32 bits each)  
Configurable in 128 word increments, from 128 to 16,384  
words with DOS programmer, and from 128 to 32,640 words  
with Windows programmer Ver. 2.2 or VersaPro version 1.0.  
Analog Inputs - %AI  
Configurable in 128 word increments, from 128 to 8,192  
words with DOS programmer, and from 128 to 32,640 words  
with Windows programmer Ver 2.2 when available.  
10BASE T  
Analog Outputs - %AQ  
Configurable in 128 word increments, from 128 to 8,192  
words with DOS programmer, and from 128 to 32,640 words  
with Windows programmer Ver. 2.2 when available.  
System Registers (  
28 words (%SR)  
for reference table  
viewing only; cannot be referenced in user  
logic program)  
Shift Registers  
>2,000 (depends on available user memory)  
Built-in Serial Ports  
(uses connector on PLC Power Supply). Supports  
SNP/SNPX. Requires option modules for RTU and CCM.  
Ethernet (internal) – AAUI or 10Base T. AAUI requires  
external transceiver. 10Base T is direct.  
Ethernet (additional) – Supports Ethernet option modules.  
LAN – Requires option modules for Genius, Profibus, FIP.  
Battery Backed Clock  
Interrupt Support  
Supports the periodic subroutine feature.  
RAM and Flash  
Type of Memory Storage  
PCM/CCM Compatibility  
Floating Point Math Support  
Yes, firmware-based  
Note: On some modules the LED labeled “PS PORT” may say “SNP” instead; otherwise, the modules are  

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