Madrigal Imaging Stereo Amplifier BPA 2 User Manual

BPA 2 & BPA 3 Power Amplifiers  
Important Safety Instructions  
Please read all instructions and precautions carefully and completely before operating your Proceed power  
1. ALWAYS disconnect your entire system from the AC mains before connecting or disconnecting  
any cables, or when cleaning any component.  
2. This product is equipped with a three-conductor AC mains power cord which includes an earth  
ground connection. To prevent shock hazard, all three connections must ALWAYS be used. If your  
electrical outlets will not accept this type of plug, an adapter may be purchased. If an adapter is  
necessary, be sure it is an approved type and is used properly, supplying an earth ground. If you  
are not sure of the integrity of your home electrical system, contact a licensed electrician for assis-  
3. AC extension cords are not recommended for use with this product. If an extension cord must be  
used, be sure it is an approved type and has sufficient current-carrying capacity to power this  
4. NEVER use flammable or combustible chemicals for cleaning audio components.  
5. NEVER operate this product with any covers removed.  
6. NEVER wet the inside of this product with any liquid.  
7. NEVER pour or spill liquids directly onto this unit.  
8. NEVER block air flow through ventilation slots or heatsinks.  
9. NEVER bypass any fuse.  
10. NEVER replace any fuse with a value or type other than those specified.  
11. NEVER attempt to repair this product. If a problem occurs, contact your Proceed® retailer.  
12. NEVER expose this product to extremely high or low temperatures.  
13. NEVER operate this product in an explosive atmosphere.  
14. ALWAYS keep electrical equipment out of the reach of children.  
15. ALWAYS unplug sensitive electronic equipment during lightning storms.  
From all of us at Madrigal Audio Laboratories, thank you for choosing this  
Proceed power amplifier.  
A great deal of effort went into the design and construction of this precision  
device. Used properly, it will give you many years of enjoyment.  
Table of Contents  
Unpacking and Placement ........................................................................ 6  
Unpacking .......................................................................................................... 6  
Placement .......................................................................................................... 6  
Ventilation ........................................................................................................... 6  
Operating Voltage ...................................................................................... 7  
A Quick Start................................................................................................ 8  
Special Design Features ............................................................................10  
Multiple monaural design ................................................................................ 10  
Low impedance power supply ....................................................................... 10  
Balanced inputs ............................................................................................... 10  
Robust output stage......................................................................................... 10  
Extensive protection ......................................................................................... 10  
Front Panel .................................................................................................. 11  
Rear Panel ..................................................................................................13  
Remote turn-on  
tip polarity .................................................................................................. 14  
Care & Maintenance .................................................................................16  
U.S. and Canadian Warranty ..................................................................... 17  
90-Day Limited Warranty...................................................................................17  
Five Year Extended Warranty ............................................................................17  
Obtaining Service ......................................................................................18  
Specifications .............................................................................................19  
Dimensions: BPA 2 & BPA 3 ........................................................................ 20  
Rack Mounting ...........................................................................................21  
Unpacking and Placement  
Unpacking Unpack your Proceed® BPA 2 or BPA 3 power amplifier and keep all packing  
materials for future transport. Shipment of the amplifier without the origi-  
nal packing material is not recommended. Locate and remove the heavy gauge  
AC power cord, which is tucked into a cardboard slot within the box.  
Placement Your Proceed BPA may be placed either near the preamplifier/control center or  
near the loudspeakers. It may be placed on a shelf or in a cabinet where it is  
convenient to operate.  
Note that adequate clearance for the AC cord and connecting  
cables must be left behind your BPA. We suggest leaving at least  
three inches of free space behind your BPA to allow all cables  
sufficient room to bend without crimping or undue strain.  
Ventilation Be sure to allow 2 to 3 inches of clearance above your BPA to allow heat dissipa-  
tion through air circulation. The vents on both the bottom and the top of the BPA  
must be kept free from any obstruction which would reduce the flow of air  
through the unit. The best rule of thumb is this: if the top of your BPA is too hot  
to touch when “idle,” it needs better ventilation. If so, consider drilling holes in  
the supporting shelf under the BPA to promote flow-through ventilation, or use  
fans to increase air circulation.  
Open equipment racks are generally best for power amplifiers, as they allow  
ample ventilation. If your amplifier must be located inside a cabinet which re-  
stricts airflow, consider using some fans to increase ventilation.  
Avoid placement on soft surfaces such as carpeting. If you prefer to have the BPA  
on the floor near your loudspeakers, be sure to place it on a firm surface. (A  
piece of tempered glass under the amplifier is aesthetically unobtrusive while  
providing firm support and allowing the required ventilation.)  
Mechanical drawings are included in this manual to facilitate special installations  
and custom cabinet work (see “Dimensions” at the end of this manual).  
For your protection, review “Important Safety Instructions”  
before you install your BPA.  
Operating Voltage  
The Proceed BPA 2 and BPA 3 are factory-set for 100V, 120V, 220V, 230 or 240V AC  
mains operation at either 50 or 60Hz, according to the country for which the unit  
was manufactured. (230V only in European Union countries, in compliance with  
CE regulations.) Make sure that the label on the rear of the BPA indicates the cor-  
rect AC operating voltage for your location. The operating voltage cannot be  
changed by the user, and any attempt to do so will void the warranty.  
If the voltage indicated does not match the service in your area, see your Pro-  
ceed dealer.  
A Quick Start  
We recognize that many people are understandably eager to begin listening to  
their new components, and that reading the manual is often done (if at all) at a  
later time—perhaps while listening to music through the new product itself. We  
strongly recommend that you read this manual thoroughly.  
Fortunately, we can help you get some music up and running on your system  
quickly, so that you may begin enjoying your new amplifier while reading more  
about it. The goal here is simply to make some music as quickly as possible.  
The following procedure assumes that the rest of your system is already con-  
nected (e.g., source components to preamplifier).  
Turning the volume on the preamp all the way down minimizes the oppor-  
tunity for unpleasant surprises when first powering up your new amplifier.  
It does not need to be turned off—merely turned down.  
Each channel of the Proceed BPA 2 and BPA 3 has both balanced (XLR)  
and single-ended (RCA) inputs, with a small switch between the two con-  
nectors to select between them. Using these switches, select the appropriate  
input for each channel, given your interconnecting cables and preamplifier’s  
Having selected the appropriate inputs in Step 2, now connect the outputs  
of your preamplifier to the corresponding inputs on the power amplifier.  
Connect speaker wire from the BPA output terminals to your loudspeakers.  
Be sure to maintain consistency in polarity, e.g., the red post on the ampli-  
fier to the red connector on the speaker, and likewise black to black. (Get-  
ting the wires mixed up won’t damage anything, but the sound will be  
lacking in bass and the imaging will be quite poor and unstable.)  
The AC receptacle for the power cord is located on the right side of the  
rear panel, as seen from the front. The BPA will initially power up in  
standby mode.  
Pressing the latching power button on the front panel of the BPA 2 and BPA  
3 will connect the amplifier to the AC mains. If the indicator light does not  
light, the amplifier is either not receiving AC power or its protection cir-  
cuitry has been engaged.  
Congratulations! You should now be able to enjoy your favorite music while  
reading the rest of this manual. (Please, do read the rest of this manual. It  
contains much valuable information about your new amplifier which we  
could not possibly fit onto these two pages.)  
Special Design Features  
Congratulations on your purchase of a Proceed BPA! While your new amplifier is  
straightforward in its use, it includes several design features which are responsible  
for its outstanding performance. A few of these are given below.  
Multiple monaural design Consistent with the finest amplifiers, your Proceed BPA is a true “multiple monau-  
ral” design. Each audio channel has its own, dedicated power supply—including a  
separate 300VA toroidal transformer for each channel. This approach reduces  
crosstalk between audio channels for superior imaging and reproduction of  
acoustic space. The demands placed on one channel have virtually no effect on  
the performance of the other channel(s).  
Low impedance power supply A critical factor in the ultimate performance of an amplifier is its “power supply  
impedance,” which can be loosely thought of as the freedom with which the au-  
dio circuitry has access to the power it needs, when it needs it. The design of  
your Proceed BPA has addressed this important characteristic in a comprehensive  
fashion. For example, the power supply capacitors (which act as “reservoirs” of  
power for the amplifier circuitry) are mounted directly to the printed circuit  
board, immediately adjacent to the output transistors (which require the greatest  
amount of current). The layout of the circuitry uses short, thick traces for high  
current paths. Internal current capability is further enhanced with high purity  
copper buss bars. This attention to detail yields an optimal environment in which  
the amplifier may operate to its maximum potential.  
Balanced inputs Each channel of your BPA is individually configurable to receive either balanced  
or single-ended inputs. This approach allows you to take full advantage of the  
greater immunity from noise, RFI, and EMI which balanced transmission of audio  
signals offers on any preamp-to-amplifier connection where it is supported. At  
the same time, any or all channels of the amplifier may be configured for single-  
ended inputs to maintain compatibility with the majority of preamplifiers avail-  
able today. The gain structure of the BPA adjusts automatically when you select  
different inputs to facilitate this “mix and match” approach.  
Robust output stage Each channel of your Proceed BPA uses eight 150 watt power transistors. These  
transistors are all individually tested and sorted, and are used in matched sets to  
ensure that no one transistor bears a disproportionate part of the overall load.  
The combination of an “overbuilt” design specification and extraordinary attention  
to detail in manufacturing improves performance, reliability, and longevity.  
Extensive protection Your Proceed amplifier will shut itself down if it senses either the presence of  
DC (direct current) at the output or an unsafe operating temperature. In either  
case, a power relay will cause the amplifier to be disconnected from the AC  
mains. In addition, the AC input to each transformer is fused to protect against  
excessive current conditions such as driving shorted outputs. Finally, inrush limit-  
ing prevents premature aging of power supply components during power-up, and  
switches off-line once the power supply has been charged.  
Front Panel  
Pressing the latching power button connects the amplifier to the AC mains,  
turning it on. Power consumption when fully on and at idle is approxi-  
mately 140 watts for the BPA 2 and 210 watts for the BPA 3.  
At your option, you may also toggle the BPA between a standby mode and  
fully on by connecting its remote turn on jack to the corresponding remote  
turn on output on a Proceed control unit such as the AVP.  
When first powered up, the BPA will always go to fully on, regardless of the  
signal present at its remote turn-on jack. If the control unit then turns on,  
the amplifier will remain on; thereafter, the two will remain in sync. If  
power is removed from the BPA, it will automatically re-sync with the con-  
trol unit in the course of normal operation. No user intervention is re-  
quired, beyond simply turning the system on and off from the control unit.  
Power consumption in standby mode is significantly reduced from fully  
“on”—just a few watts for the circuitry which controls the turn-on proce-  
Note that if the amplifier has been disconnected from the AC mains power  
by depressing the front panel power button, it cannot respond to a remote  
turn-on command from a control unit.  
The indicator light glows either amber or red, depending on the opera-  
tional status of your BPA. Amber indicates that the BPA is on and ready to  
be used. When the indicator light is glowing red, the unit is in standby  
(see 1 above). If the indicator light is completely off, the amplifier is not re-  
ceiving power. Check your AC connections and the rear-panel AC fuse.  
Rear Panel  
Turn the volume on your preamplifier all the way down  
before attempting to connect anything to your Proceed  
BPA 2 or BPA 3.  
Connect the AC power cord (included in the accessory pack) to the I.E.C.-  
standard AC receptacle on the rear panel of the BPA, then to the AC mains  
The Proceed BPA has been safety-tested and is designed  
for operation with a three-conductor power cord. Do not  
defeat the “third pin” or earth ground of the AC power cord.  
A 18" “mini” jack above the AC mains receptacle on the rear panel allows  
remote-controlled turn-on (that is, toggling between on and standby) of  
the Proceed BPA. This remote “trigger” will be operated by 3–12 volts DC  
level signal, with tip polarity as shown below:  
Remote turn-on  
tip polarity  
Your Proceed dealer can help you take advantage of these design features  
to maximize your system’s versatility.  
One fast-blow fuse is located on the rear panel of the BPA. If it should be-  
come necessary, replace the fuse with the same type only. Refer to the fol-  
lowing table for replacement values.  
BPA 2  
8 amp  
4 amp  
BPA 3  
12 amp  
6 amp  
100V to 120VAC  
200V to 240VAC  
ALWAYS remove the AC cord before removing the fuse!  
The Proceed BPA is equipped with gold-plated, high-current binding posts  
for output termination to a loudspeaker system. To take full advantage of  
the AMPs sonic quality, we recommend using high-quality speaker cable;  
we suggest you see your Proceed dealer for specific recommendations.  
NEVER connect the Proceed BPA output terminals to any  
device other than a loudspeaker.  
NEVER short-circuit the amplifiers output terminals.  
NEVER connect the left-channel output terminals to the right-  
channel output terminals.  
There are two recommended methods for connecting speaker cables to the  
Proceed BPA. A high-quality spade lug or hook lug, soldered to the cable  
(or crimped with extremely high pressure, or both) is best.  
Connect the left-channel + (positive or red) output post of the Proceed BPA  
to the + (positive or red) input terminal of the appropriate loudspeaker.  
Connect the left-channel (negative or black) output post of the BPA to the  
(negative or black) input terminal of the appropriate loudspeaker.  
Repeat this procedure for the remaining channel(s).  
Accepts right-channel and left-channel signals from preamplifiers with bal-  
anced outputs via high quality XLR connectors.  
The pin assignments of these XLR-type female input connectors are:  
Pin 1: Signal ground  
Pin 2: Signal + (non-inverting)  
Pin 3: Signal (inverting)  
Connector ground lug: chassis ground  
These pin assignments are consistent with the standards adopted by the  
Audio Engineering Society. Refer to the operating manual of your balanced-  
output preamplifier to verify that the pin assignments of its output connec-  
tors correspond to your Proceed BPA. If not, wire the cables so that the ap-  
propriate output pin connects to the equivalent input pin.  
If you are planning to use balanced connections between your preamplifier  
and any particular channel of the BPA, select the balanced input by sliding  
the input select switch (see Item 6, below) toward the XLR input. Then  
connect the balanced outputs of your preamplifier to the corresponding  
balanced inputs on the BPA.  
This small switch is found between the balanced XLR input and the single-  
ended RCA input on each channel of the BPA. Use it to select which of the  
two inputs you plan to use.  
The input select switch disables the unselected input in order to avoid any  
pickup of stray noise from an open input. It also causes the effective gain  
of that channel to be adjusted (either 23 dB balanced or 29 dB single-  
ended, to compensate for the 6 dB difference in signal level in these two  
connection standards). Should you use your BPA in a home theater system,  
this adjustment allows you to use any combination of balanced and single-  
ended connections without having to worry about going outside the adjust-  
ment range of your controllers output calibration circuitry.  
These RCA connectors accept single-ended inputs from preamplifiers with  
single-ended (RCA) outputs.  
Connect the left-channel single-ended outputs of your preamplifier to the  
left-channel single-ended input on the BPA. Repeat for the remaining  
Care & Maintenance  
To remove dust from the cabinet of your amplifier, use a feather duster or a lint-  
free soft cloth. To remove dirt and fingerprints, we recommend isopropyl alcohol  
and a soft cloth. Dampen the cloth with alcohol first and then lightly clean the  
surface of the amplifier with the cloth. Do not use excessive amounts of alcohol  
that might drip off the cloth and into the amplifier.  
At no time should liquid cleaners be applied directly to the  
amplifier, as direct application of liquids may result in  
damage to electronic components within the unit.  
U.S. and Canadian Warranty  
90-Day Limited Warranty This Proceed® product is warranted to be free from defects in material and work-  
manship under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of pur-  
chase. To extend the warranty of this Proceed product, return the warranty registra-  
tion card along with a copy of the original receipt of purchase to Madrigal Audio  
Laboratories, Inc., P. O. Box 781, Middletown, CT 06457.  
Five Year Extended Warranty The extended warranty for this Proceed product is five (5) years from the date of  
purchase. During the warranty period, any Proceed component exhibiting defects  
in materials and/or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, at our option,  
without charge for either parts or labor, at our factory. The warranty will not apply  
to any Proceed component that has been misused, abused or altered.  
Any Proceed component not performing satisfactorily may be returned to the fac-  
tory for evaluation. Return authorization must first be obtained by either calling  
or writing the factory prior to shipping the component. The factory will pay for  
return shipping charges only in the event that the component is found to be de-  
fective as mentioned above. There are other stipulations that may apply to ship-  
ping charges.  
There is no other express warranty on this component. Neither this warranty nor  
any other warranty, express or implied, including any implied warranties of mer-  
chantability or fitness, shall extend beyond the warranty period. No responsibility  
is assumed for any incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not al-  
low limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and other states do not  
allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so that  
the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.  
This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights  
which vary from state to state. This warranty is applicable in the United States and  
Canada only. Outside of the U.S. and Canada, please contact your local, autho-  
rized Proceed distributor for warranty and service information.  
Obtaining Service  
We take great pride in our dealers. Experience, dedication, and integrity make  
these professionals ideally suited to assist with our customers’ service needs.  
If your Proceed component must be serviced, please contact your dealer. Your  
dealer will then decide whether the problem can be remedied locally, or whether  
to contact Madrigal for further service information or parts, or to obtain a Return  
Authorization. The Madrigal Technical Services Department works closely with  
your dealer to solve your service needs expediently.  
Return authorization must be obtained from Madrigal’s  
Technical Services Department BEFORE a unit is shipped for  
It is extremely important that information about a problem be explicit and com-  
plete. A specific, comprehensive description of the problem helps your dealer and  
the Madrigal Technical Services Department locate and repair the difficulty as  
quickly as possible.  
A copy of the original bill of sale will serve to verify warranty status. Please in-  
clude it with the unit when it is brought in for warranty service.  
All returned units must be properly packaged (preferably in  
their original packing material), and the proper return  
authorization numbers must be marked on the outer carton  
for identification. If the packaging to protect the unit is, in our  
opinion or that of our dealer, inadequate to protect the unit,  
we reserve the right to repackage it for return shipment at the  
owner’s expense. Neither Madrigal nor your dealer can be  
responsible for shipping damage due to improper (that is,  
non-original) packaging.  
Your dealer can order a new set of shipping materials for you if you need to ship  
your component and no longer have the original materials. There will be a  
charge for this service. We strongly recommend saving all packing materials in  
case you need to ship your unit some day.  
The correlation between published specifications and performance is unreliable. A  
list of numbers reveals virtually nothing. All technical measurements must be sub-  
ject to qualitative as well as quantitative interpretation. Measurements of the Pro-  
ceed BPA yield excellent results by any standards. However, only those specifica-  
tions that apply to its actual operation are included here. All specifications are  
subject to change at any time, in order to improve the product.  
Rated power output:  
125 w/ch rms @ 8, all channels driven,  
20 Hz–20 kHz with no more than 0.1% THD  
250 w/ch into 4Ω  
Frequency response:  
within 0.1 dB from 20 Hz to 20 kHz  
Signal to Noise ratio (main outputs):  
Input impedance:  
better than –80 dB (ref. 1 w)  
Voltage gain:  
23 dB (balanced)  
29 dB (single-ended)  
Input sensitivity:  
2.4 V for full rated output (balanced)  
1.2 V for full rated output (single-ended)  
typically 140 W at idle (BPA 2)  
Power consumption:  
typically 210 W at idle (BPA 3)  
Mains voltage:  
determined by the needs of country for which  
the unit was manufactured; cannot be reset by dealer or user  
Overall dimensions:  
Shipping weight:  
See “Dimensions”  
47 lbs. (21.4 kg) for BPA 2  
61 lbs. (27.7 kg) for BPA 3  
two binding posts per channel  
Connector Complement:  
one 3-pin XLR balanced input connector per channel  
1 RCA input connector per channel  
1 18" mini-jack for remote turn-on  
one IEC AC mains connector  
Output impedance:  
less than 0.05Ω  
For more information, see your Proceed dealer, or contact:  
Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Inc.  
P.O. Box 781  
2081 South Main Street (Route 17)  
Middletown, Connecticut 06457 USA  
Telephone (860) 346-0896  
(860) 346-1540  
Madrigal provides an owner-transferable, five year extended warranty on all  
Proceed products within the U. S. and Canada ONLY. Warranty and service  
policies outside the U. S. and Canada are set by the local, authorized  
distributor and are applicable in the country of purchase ONLY. Madrigal  
products are designed to operate at set voltages appropriate for the country  
of sale and may be damaged if operated at the wrong your  
local dealer or distributor.  
Dimensions: BPA 2 & BPA 3  
(Note that the BPA 2 and the BPA 3 have the same external dimensions. The BPA 3  
is shown below.)  
43.84 cm  
t r  
p l e m o n a u r a l a m p l i i e r  
13.3 cm  
44.73 cm  
1.77 cm  
39.29 cm  
49.66 cm  
3.56 cm  
42.85 cm  
PR O  
in u.s.a.  
b made  
mains fuse  
T8A 250V (slo-blo) 3AB  
T4A 250V (slo-blo) 3AG  
100- 20VAC:  
input select  
input select  
input select  
channel 1(right)  
channel 2(center)  
channel 3(left)  
w e w e r o r o  
~ ac mains  
e w e  
r o  
r o  
e w e  
r o  
r o  
44.35 cm  
Rack Mounting  
If you need or prefer to rack mount your amplifier, contact your Proceed dealer  
about the optional rack mount kit. This purpose-designed assembly provides the  
needed ventilation for the heatsink “chimneys” of the amplifier as well as the sup-  
port required for this heavy component.  
To use the rack mount kit, simply bolt the shelf securely to the rack, slide the am-  
plifier into place, and then mount the provided trim ring around the faceplate of  
the amplifier (which will protrude from the rack by approximately one inch or  
2.5 cm). The drawing below will help you visualize the assembly (the Proceed  
Five Channel Amplifier is illustrated below, but the assembly is the same for the  
BPA amplifiers).  
The mounted amplifier and rack mount kit occupies 5 standard rack units of  
Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Inc.  
2081 South Main Street, P.O. Box 781  
Middletown, Connecticut 06457 USA  
Telephone: (860) 346-0896  
Fax: (860) 346-1540  
PR O C E E D  
is a registered trademark of Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Inc.  
a Harman International company  
© 5/1999 Madrigal Audio Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved.  
Printed in U.S.A.  

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