Macsense Connectivity Switch FDH 608 616 User Manual

User’s Manual  
Dynamic Dual Speed Hub  
Congratulations on your purchase of this Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub!!  
The Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub consists of 8XRJ-45 ports for 10Mbps or  
100Mbps Ethernet connection (determined by autosensing). This Dual-Speed hub  
contains two internal repeaters - one for 10Mbps and another for 100Mbps traffic.  
An internal Ethernet switch, consisting of a 10Mbps and a 100Mbps switching port,  
is used to link the repeater buses. Data will be forwarded to the other internal  
repeater bus under these three conditions: 1) when traffic has to be passed  
between a 10Mbps and a 100Mbps device; 2) if the destination address is not  
found in the address table; 3) when broadcast traffic is sent.  
This hub is capable of storing the node address and the corresponding seg-  
ment of each incoming packet in a routing table. The information on this routing  
table helps to identify the traffic and directs fast (100BASE-TX) or slow (10BASE-  
traffic to the proper repeater buses. By separating the two repeater buses into dif-  
ferent collision domains, the overall collisions that might occur are reduced relative  
to the number that might occur if two traffic flows were to coexist in a singular colli-  
sion domain.  
Migration from 10Mbps Ethernet to 100Mbps Fast Ethernet environment usually  
involves total abandonment of 10Mbps equipment and requires replacing upgrad-  
ing to 100Mbps equipment. In contrast, Dual-Speed Hubs allow gradual migration  
from one speed to another without throwing out 10Mbps network hardware.  
This manual will introduce you to the main features of your hub, as well offer as  
a brief introduction on networking terminology and topography. Tips for installation  
and for everyday management of your network (including troubleshooting) are also  
included to help you get started.  
Quick installation  
This hub provides an ideal bridge between 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet net-  
works, all for a price thatÕs comparable to a standard Ethernet or Fast Ethernet  
hub. Moreover, the smart design built into the display panel provides a friendly  
interface that simplifies installation and network troubleshooting. If you are already  
familiar with basic network operations, you should be able to install this hub by fol-  
lowing these steps:  
Unpack the Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub.  
Find a location near an electrical outlet.  
Set the Hub on a stable horizontal surface that is clear of electromag-  
netic interference. Make sure to turn the power off of the hub and any  
other device that will be connected while installing network components.  
Connect PCs or other network devices to the RJ-45 ports using  
Category 5 UTP (UTP-5), Category 1 STP (STP-1) for 100BASE-TX, or  
Category 3, 4, 5 UTP (UTP-3, 4, 5), Category 1 STP (STP-1), or equiva-  
lent cables for 10BASE-T. We recommend starting from the highest-  
numbered jack. All devices that will be connected to the hub have to be  
equipped with Fast Ethernet adapters. The maximum cable length  
between any end node in the network and the hub is 100 meters (328  
feet) for Fast Ethernet.  
Turn the power on the Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub and all PCs and  
network devices.  
Verify network communication by observing the LED activities of power,  
connection speed, and each individual nodes. The hub will indicate con-  
nections of ports by blinking the corresponding port indicator LEDs.  
If problems arises while installing this Dual-Speed Hub, please refer to the  
ÒInstallation ChapterÓ for more information of installation procedures, the ÒUplink  
ChapterÓ for strategies on connecting networking devices together, or ÒTrouble  
ShootingÓ for further references.  
General Features of a Dual-Speed Hub  
Chapter 1 - General Features of a Dual-Speed Hub  
General Features of FDH-608 8-Port Dual-Speed Stackable Hub  
Compliant with the IEEE802.3 10Mbps repeater specification (10BASE-T)  
Compliant with the IEEE802.3u 100Mbps repeater specification (100BASE-TX)  
8-port 10BASE-T for Ethernet connectivity  
Supports Category 3, 4, 5 Unshielded Twisted-pair cabling (UTP-3,4,5)  
Supports Category 1 Shielded Twisted-pair cabling (STP-1)  
8-port 100BASE-TX for Fast Ethernet connectivity  
Supports Category 5 Unshielded Twisted-pair cabling (UTP-5)  
Supports Category 1 Shielded Twisted-pair cabling (STP-1)  
One uplink port on the rear panel for connectivity to another Switch/Repeater hub  
Individual port status LEDs for LINK, RX, 10/100, PAR and 10/100 Collision status  
General Features of FDH-616 16-Port Dual-Speed Stackable Hub  
Compliant with the IEEE802.3 10Mbps repeater specification (10BASE-T)  
Compliant with the IEEE802.3u 100Mbps repeater specification (100BASE-TX)  
16-port 10BASE-T for Ethernet connectivity  
Supports Category 3, 4, 5 Unshielded Twisted-pair cabling (UTP-3,4,5)  
Supports Category 1 Shielded Twisted-pair cabling (STP-1) 16-port  
16-port 100BASE-TX for Fast Ethernet connectivity  
Supports Category 5 Unshielded Twisted-pair cabling (UTP-5)  
Supports Category 1 Shielded Twisted-pair cabling (STP-1)  
One uplink port on the rear panel connectivity to another Switch/Repeater hub  
Individual port status LEDs for LINK/ACTIVITY and Collision status LEDs  
Chapter 1 - continued  
Front panel  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PWR 10M 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PWR 10M 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
PART 100M  
The Dual-Speed hubÕs front panel display features LED (light emitting diode)  
Rear panel  
The rear panel of the hub contains the power socket and Ethernet cable con-  
nectors. The hub's cable connectors are RJ-45 type cable jacks. RJ-45 stands for  
Recommended Jack No. 45, an Electronic Industries Association (EIA) designation.  
Each jack serves to connect a cable to the network device.  
The jack label 1X is designated as an uplink jack. Uplink jacks are designed  
for connections to other network devices.  
General Features of a Dual-Speed Hub  
NOTE: The jack adjacent to 1X must never be used at the same time.  
LED indicators allow users to check each port's status and network traffic at a  
glance. Extensive LEDs are displayed on the hub to allow easy network manage-  
The power socket accepts AC power of 115~230V at 50~60 Hz.  
Cost-Effective Stackable Hubs  
These Dual-Speed Stackable Hubs provide the quickest method of upgrading  
your network to Fast Ethernet. There's no need to replace an existing network  
infrastructure. Just add a Dual-Speed hub to link any new Fast Ethernet devices  
into your current network. These Dual-Speed hubs bring you the immediate perfor-  
mance advantages of Fast Ethernet at an incremental cost. WhatÕs more, these  
stackable hubs break Fast Ethernet's two-hub cascade barrier, allowing you to link  
up to three hubs via the built-in stack ports (using any combination of these hub  
These Dual-Speed Hubs provide an effective solution for expanding Ethernet  
and Fast Ethernet networks at a modest price. Up to three units can be stacked  
together, supporting up to 24 (8-Port Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub) or 48 users  
(16-Port Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub). To interconnect the 10 Mbps and  
100Mbps segments, just add an FDH-608 or FDH-616 unit to the stack. However,  
a single Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub stack of only two units can easily meet the  
networking needs of most small to medium-sized workgroups. As your workgroups  
gradually expand, just add more hubs to your stack, or uplink to another hub or  
switch using ordinary straight-through cable.  
A Quick Overview of Networking Terminology  
Chapter 2 - A Quick Overview of Networking Terminology  
Network Terminology  
A network is comprised of multiple interconnected nodes. A node can be a  
computer, a server (that is, a computer dedicated to storing network data or appli-  
cations), a shared peripheral (such as a printer or modem) or other networking  
devices (such as repeaters or switches, routers, transceivers, etc.).  
A Fast Ethernet network operates at a 100Mbps (Megabits per second) transfer  
speed, as opposed to Ethernet networks, which operate at speeds of 10Mbps.  
To be connected to a Fast Ethernet network, a node must be equipped with a  
Fast Ethernet adapter or a network interface card (NIC). A twisted-pair cable con-  
nects the node to a hub. Each node is connected to one port on the hub. The port  
possesses the abilities of a repeater, a transceiver and an adapter in a Fast  
Ethernet network. Ports and cables are connected through a fixed jack.  
Multiple segments can be connected by repeaters. All segments connect  
together through switches (but not by routers, or bridges) to form a collision  
Collisions occur when two or more nodes accidentally attempt to transmit data  
across the network at the same time. This happens more often with increased traf-  
fic. Naturally, when you have more packets traveling across the network, the occur-  
rence of collisions will increase. Although collisions do not cause any serious  
harm, they can affect the speed at which all nodes on the network receive data.  
Moreover, collisions prohibit twisted-pair cabling from being fully utilized, since one  
of the cableÕs two twisted pairs must resolve collision conflicts instead of transmit-  
ting data.  
What is a Hub?  
In data communications, a hub is a place of convergence where data arrives  
from one or more directions and is forwarded out in one or more other directions.  
A port is comprised of an input/output circuit and any associated circuit. A jack,  
on the other hand, is an external connector linked to a port. According to a hubÕs  
design, one or more jacks can be connected to a single port.  
Your hub displays different jacks on its external panel. One or more jacks are  
connected to one internal port. The uplink jack features two jacks. One of them  
acts as a regular port for data transferring while the other (X) serves to uplink the  
Chapter 2 - continued  
hub to another hub or switch. By uplinking different hubs or switches together, the  
number of nodes in a network can be increased. Expanding a network is neces-  
sary when planning to increase the number of computers connected, or when plan-  
ning to offer new services, such as printing capabilities or Internet access.  
Each port of a Dual-Speed Hub acts as an adapter (to conform to the network  
environment), a transceiver (to carry data) and a repeater (to connect different seg-  
ments together).  
Four standard functions are performed by a Dual-Speed Stackable Hub:  
- Repeating any signal that it receives from a connected node to another des-  
ignated node by referencing the physical address number in the Address  
- Checking the validity of each signal it receives and discarding invalid signals.  
- Checking for collisions on the network and partitioning the collisioned nodes  
to prevent further disruption of the network.  
- Showing whether each network node is currently connected and idle, trans-  
mitting data, or in 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX mode.  
However, according to the type of device that is connected to a hub, different  
applications are supported. Typical applications performed by a hub are:  
- Establishing peer-to-peer relations between workstations.  
- Interconnecting users' workstations with a server for a stand-alone client-  
server network.  
- Interconnecting different users' workstations, servers, or other devices, and  
uplinking with another Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed hub to form a larger net-  
- Interconnecting different users' workstations or servers, or uplinking the hub  
with another network device and providing a connection with another network  
expansion device, such as a router, switch or bridge.  
A hub thus acts as a central piece in a network topology and configuration. It is  
necessary to carefully study its physical placement within the configuration of the  
network for maximum efficiency.  
What Is Fast Ethernet?  
Chapter 3 - What is Fast Ethernet?  
Historical Background  
Fast Ethernet was developed in the early nineties as an answer to the bottle-  
necking problems encountered by older Ethernet networks. Ethernet is a network-  
ing technology that was developed in the early seventies.  
Ethernet networks carried data signals through thick passive cables at a  
10Mbps speed. However, signals were delivered to all nodes in the network at the  
same time, which resulted in frequent collisions and a lag in general network per-  
Fast Ethernet, in contrast, transmits data at a rate of 100Mbps. This perfor-  
mance boost is needed for users of CAD/CAM applications, videoconferencing,  
and the exchange of large files.  
Apart from increasing available bandwidth, Fast Ethernet systems also bring  
the advantage of using the same network operating system as do Ethernet net-  
works. Moreover, it is backwards compatible with Ethernet equipment.  
Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Standards  
Standards for Ethernet and Fast Ethernet systems are issued by the Institute of  
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). The standard for Ethernet twisted-pair  
networks is known as the IEEE802.3 standard, or 10BASE-T.  
Its successor, Fast Ethernet, is governed by the IEEE802.3u standard or  
100BASE-TX. Your hub complies with the 100BASE-TX standard.  
To set up a network with a Fast Ethernet Dual-Speed Hub, all nodes have to be  
connected to the hub through 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX compliant adapters (built-in  
or plug-in versions) or network interface cards (NIC).  
As for the network operating system, any Ethernet-compatible system can be  
used as well as NICs' drivers.  
Cable Required  
Twisted-pair cabling is ordinary copper wire that connects home and (some)  
business computers to the network. To reduce crosstalk or electromagnetic induc-  
tion between pairs of wires, two insulated copper wires are twisted around each  
other. Each signal on twisted-pair wiring requires both wires. For some business  
locations, the twisted-pair is enclosed in a shield that functions as a ground. This is  
Chapter 3 - continued  
known as a shielded twisted-pair (STP). Ordinary wire to the home is unshield-  
ed twisted-pair (UTP).  
Use unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) or shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable for  
Ethernet and Fast Ethernet networks.  
10BASE-T :  
requires Category 3, 4, 5 unshielded twisted-pair  
(UTP-3, 4, 5) or Category 1 shielded twisted-pair (STP-1),  
or any equivalent cable to transmit data.  
100BASE-TX :  
requires Category 5 unshielded twisted-pair (UTP-5) or  
Category 1 shielded twisted-pair (STP-1), or any equiva-  
lent cable to transmit data.  
Either UTP-5, STP-1 or equivalent cable must be used with a Fast Ethernet.  
Those cables are easy to find as they are widely sold in retail stores and are pre-  
installed in many buildings.  
How to Configure a Fast Ethernet Network  
Chapter 4 - How to Configure a Fast Ethernet Network  
Cable Length  
In a Fast Ethernet network, twisted-pair cables have a length limit. No UTP or  
STP cable can be more than 100 meters (328 feet) long. A signal cannot be sent  
between two end nodes through more than 200 meters of twisted-pair cable.  
In a non-uplinked network, all end nodes are thus connected to a hub through  
cables that do not exceed 100 meters (328 feet) in length.  
For this reason, a non-uplinked network is said to have a maximum diameter of  
200 meters (656 feet), as a signal first sent from one end node to the hub where it  
is then re-broadcast to another end node.  
When configuring a network, users must pay attention to each cable, ensuring  
that no cable exceeds the length limit and that this length is well-managed between  
end nodes and the hub.  
Uplinking a hub with another network expansion device, such as a router,  
switch, bridge, or repeater hub allows users to increase the number of ports on a  
network. A 100BASE-TX hub can be uplinked with another 10BASE-TX/100BASE-  
TX hub through a twisted-pair cable. This is an easy and inexpensive way to  
increase the number of interconnected nodes on a network.  
Uplinking hubs, however, adds additional network constraints.  
The maximum diameter of an uplinked network must not exceed 205 meters  
(672.4 feet). Of course, no cable can exceed 100 meters (328 feet) and the total  
length between two end nodes must be no longer than 205 meters. Thus, there  
can thus be five meters between the uplinked hubs.  
Chapter 4 - continued  
Apart from the length limit, users have to pay attention to three other special  
regulations when uplinking two hubs together:  
1. When uplinking two network devices together, one jack on each hub must  
be used.  
2. The uplink cable used between both hubs must be a straight-through  
UTP-5, STP-1 or equivalent twisted-pair cable.  
3. If using the uplink jack to uplink with another switch or hub, regular port  
adjacent to the uplink port must be left free. If the regular port is being  
used, the uplink jack must be left free. Both jacks must not be used at  
the same time.  
Apart from expanding a network, uplinking hubs together can allow users to  
adopt different types of network topologies to manage their needs.  
Different Network Topologies  
Depending on users' needs, the hub can be used either as a standalone device  
or it can used in a multiple-device environment.  
- Standalone device  
When just one hub is being used in a network, the hub is said to be a stand-  
alone hub. The hub can only be connected to users' workstations. In this case, the  
network's main function will be to exchange data in peer-to-peer relationships.  
If users not only want to exchange data between end nodes, but also want to  
give all connected workstations access to a common pool of data, it will be neces-  
sary to connect a server to the network. A server is a central workstation that  
stores either data, applications or both. It connects to a hub just like any other net-  
work workstation.  
Other devices can also be connected to a hub to increase the number of ser-  
vices available to users. A central printer eliminates the need to connect each  
workstation to a dedicated printer. An IP sharing device can allow all network users  
to have access to the Internet through only one modem, ISP account and IP  
How to Configure a Fast Ethernet Network  
- Multiple-device environment  
Increasing the size of a network through uplinking will allow a greater number  
of users to have access to a greater number of services. As explained previously  
in this manual, two hubs may be uplinked together. While uplinked, each hub's reg-  
ular jack must be kept free whenever its corresponding uplink jack is being used.  
For this reason, it is recommended that users start connecting workstations or  
other devices from the higher numbered jack so that Jack 1 can be left free. This  
method allows users to avoid having to re-configure their network when expanding  
the network.  
Finally, remember that no more than five meters of UTP-5 or STP-1 cable can  
be used to connect two uplinked hubs.  
Other Ways to Expand Your Network  
Even if the uplink function of the hub can increase the size of a 10BASE-T/  
100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet network, users may want to expand further, improve  
network capabilities, or integrate other networks. Here is a brief introduction to the  
different ways of optimizing a network.  
- Dual-Speed hubs: Dual-speed devices allow users to integrate 10BASE-T  
devices to a Fast Ethernet network. If you already have an  
Ethernet network, a dual speed hub may allow you to pro-  
tect previous investments in Ethernet technology while  
upgrading to faster 100BASE-TX speeds. Dual-speed  
hubs automatically recognize adapters or NICs using  
Ethernet or Fast Ethernet systems and are able to adjust  
and integrate themselves into the existing network.  
- Routers : Routers decide which path a data packet will travel based on the  
data's transmission protocol. Routers are thus used to regulate and  
organize the traffic in a network.  
- Bridges : Bridges are used to connect two networks that have the same  
physical characteristics, such as two Ethernet or two Fast Ethernet  
- Gateway : A gateway is a device used to connect networks with different pro-  
Installing a Dual-Speed Hub  
Chapter 5 - Installing Dual-Speed Hub  
Before the Installation  
Before installing a hub, users must make sure that they can provide their net-  
work with a proper operating environment.  
An optimal environment for a network must have these features:  
- Power :  
The hub must be provided with a power voltage ranging from  
100 to 230 VAC (with an error margin of 10%) at 50 to 60Hz  
(± 3Hz). The hub's power supply will automatically adjust itself  
to the power available.  
- Humidity :  
The hub and indeed the entire network should be located in  
the driest area possible. Humid places should be avoided, as  
humidity can damage the equipment. The non-condensed  
degree of humidity in which the hub can operate ranges from  
5 to 95 percent.  
- Temperature : While the hub can be stored in places with temperatures  
ranging from 0ûC to 40ûC (32ûF to 104ûF), it should be operat-  
ed only in areas with temperatures ranging from -25ûC to  
70ûC (-13ûF to 158ûF). Make sure that the hub is not located  
near a heat source.  
Chapter 5 - continued  
Physical Installation  
The physical location of the hub should be carefully planned. When planning  
the hub's location, users should pay attention to the following factors:  
- Ventilation : When installing the hub, users should make sure there are  
open spaces of at least 10 centimeters both in front and behind the hub.  
- Light : Like any other electronic device, keep the hub away from direct sun-  
light or intense light sources.  
- Interference : A Fast Ethernet hub should be kept away from any heat  
source or electromagnetic interference to avoid malfunctions.  
- Power source : The hub should be installed near a power outlet, preferably  
one located in a position that is central to all network end  
- Hardware : The availability of all connectors and cables required to install  
the hub and network should be checked.  
- Distance from wall adapter : Direct connection between the wall adapters  
and the hub is preferable.  
- Airflow : This is crucial. Nothing should press against the hub's left or right  
sides. Also, the square ventilation holes located on the hub's sides  
must not be blocked in any way. Constant cool air is needed by  
the hub to ensure top performance.  
Users should also remember that the network diameter of an uplinked Fast  
Ethernet network must not exceed 205 meters. For this reason, the path of cables  
and the hub's location have to be studied carefully.  
Installing a Dual-Speed Hub  
Connecting Hubs or Other Devices  
To make a hub-to-hub connection, do the following:  
1. Make sure you have the proper cables:  
¥ Use UTP-3, 4, 5 (Unshielded Twisted-Pair) cables or better for  
10BASE-T connections  
¥ Use UTP-5 or STP-1 cables for 100BASE-TX connections.  
2. Connect UTP Cable to the uplink port of the Hub, then to a regular port on  
the Dual-Speed Stackable Hub (FDH-608 or FDH-616).  
The figure below illustrates an example of an expanded network segment.  
This is an example of uplinking  
FDH-608 to FDH-608.  
This is an example of uplinking  
FDH-616 to FDH-616.  
Chapter 5 - continued  
Stacking Dual-Speed Hubs  
These Dual-Speed Hubs provide an effective solution for combining Ethernet  
and Fast Ethernet networks at a affordable price. Up to three units can be stacked  
together, supporting up to either 24 or 48 users. To interconnect the 10 Mbps and  
100 Mbps segments, just add an FDH-608 or FDH-616 unit to the stack. For criti-  
cal applications, an additional hub that supports the switching function can be  
included in the stack for backup purposes. However, a single Fast Ethernet Dual-  
Speed Hub stack of only two units can easily meet the networking needs of most  
small to medium-sized workgroups. As your workgroups gradually expand, just add  
more hubs to your stack, or cascade to another hub or switch using ordinary  
straight-through cable.  
To make a hub-to-hub connection, do the following:  
1. Locate the MII Port on the right side of the hub. After removing the protec-  
tive cover, you will see two male socket ports available:  
Note : The port that face upward is the Input Port  
The port that face sideways is the Output Port  
2. Make sure you have the proper cables:  
¥ Use the MII Cable bundled with your FDH-608/FDH-616  
3. Connect the MII Cable to the Output port of the first hub, then to the Input  
port of the second hub (FDH-608 or FDH-616).  
Installing a Dual-Speed Hub  
Removing the Protective Cover  
This protective cover, on the right side of the hub, is designed to shield the unit  
from potentially damaging agents that might cause this unit to malfunction or  
behave erratically if the MII port is exposed. However, when a Dual-Speed Fast  
Ethernet Hub cascades to another Dual-Speed Fast Ethernet Hub, this protective  
cover cannot close properly. Therefore, this cover is designed with a brake-away  
part to provide space for the MII cable to pass through.  
Locate the MII Port on the right side of the hub.  
Remove the cover from the hub chassis.  
Fold and brake away the extra part of the cover.  
Note: There is a cutter on the protective cover and it will break into two pieces  
when forces are applied to the cover.  
Replace the protective cover back onto the hub chassis.  
Chapter 5 - continued  
Cable Connections  
Once the hub has been correctly mounted as explained before, cables linked to  
end nodes can be connected to the ports.  
Caution: While connecting cables to the hub, make sure both the hub and the  
equipment being connected are turned off.  
- Connecting end nodes with a cable : To connect a cable to an end node,  
users must first shut off the end node's  
power. If the end node is switched on  
while connecting it to the hub, a loose  
connection might result in opening an  
internal contact inside the node, thus  
damaging both the adapter and the end  
- Connecting a cable to the hub : To connect a cable to the hub, an RJ-45 jack  
on the hubÕs rear panel should be selected.  
Once the cable is being plugged into the end  
node's adapter, it should be plugged into the  
hub's selected jack.  
The following cable requirements should be remembered before proceeding with  
- Cables must be of a UTP-5 or STP-1 or equivalent cable type in order to be  
used in a Fast Ethernet network. Such cables must feature RJ-45 plugs at  
both ends, and straight-through wiring.  
- In a Fast Ethernet network, cable lengths must not exceed 100 meters (328  
feet) between network end nodes and the hub.  
- All end nodes connected to a Dual-Speed Stackable Hub must be equipped  
with Fast Ethernet adapters complying with the IEEE802.3u standard.  
- Cables should be kept as far as possible from any electrical source, motor or  
fluorescent light.  
When uplinking two hubs together, users must make sure that the uplink ports  
of both hubs are free, then one end of the uplink cable has to be plugged into the  
Installing a Dual-Speed Hub  
first hub's uplink jack. Next, the other end of the cable should be plugged in the  
other hub's regular jack.  
To uplink the hub, users should pay attention to the following requirements:  
- The cable used to uplink both hubs must be a UTP-5, UTP-1 or any equiva-  
lent cable.  
- The maximum length of the uplink cable must not exceed five meters.  
The hub can now be connected to the power cord.  
Checking Port Status  
Once the hub is connected to the power cord, the power indicator will shine  
The hub will then automatically test each port connection. The end node must  
be turned on for the test to succeed. If the end node is not turned on, the port will  
indicate a connection failure.  
All ports connected to an end node should show a lighted link/activity indicator.  
If the test fails and the end node is turned on, the cable connection should be  
checked, then the power connection should be verified too. If both are correctly set  
up and there are still problems, we recommend contacting your dealer.  
If a port, indicator, or any other part of the hub fails to work as described earlier,  
the dealer should be contacted.  
Network Management  
Chapter 6 - Network Management  
LED Indicators  
The hub's front panel contains indicators called light emitting diodes or LEDs.  
LEDs are used to make a quick diagnostic of the network's status. They allow  
users to know, at a glance, what problems the network is encountering.  
Various LEDs, related to different functions, are displayed on the front panel.  
There are five types of LEDs:  
- PWR indicator:  
Color : Green  
Label : Power  
(For FDH-608/FDH-616)  
This indicator lights up in green whenever the hub is connected to the wall  
adapter. If the green light fails to shine steadily, contact your dealer.  
- 10M COL indicator:  
Color : Yellow  
(For FDH-608/FDH-616)  
Label : Collision  
- 100M COL indicator: (For FDH-608/FDH-616)  
Color : Yellow  
Label : Collision  
A collision occurs whenever two end nodes are sending data at the same time  
on the network. Collisions are frequent in a Fast Ethernet network. When a colli-  
sion occurs, the two end nodes that are attempting to transmit data simultaneously  
back off and try again at different time intervals.  
However, if collisions are too frequent, this may be a sign of:  
- Network overload  
- Device malfunction  
- Cabling problems  
Chapter 6 - continued  
- LINK indicators:  
Color : Green  
(For FDH-608)  
Label : Link  
One link LED is displayed for each port on the hub.  
If a device is properly connected to one of the hub's ports, this port's link LED  
shines steadily. This steady green color indicates the device is connected but idle.  
Each time the device connected to the hub receives information, the light winks  
off briefly to show activity on the line. Only data received by a port is shown by the  
LED. Data sent out by a port is not displayed by the LEDs, as it is sent to all nodes  
on the network.  
- RX indicator  
Color : Green  
Label : Link  
(For FDH-608)  
One link LED is displayed for each port on the hub.  
This indicator shows whenever the hub is receiving information. When data is  
reaching the hub, this indicator flashes.  
- LK/RX indicator  
Color : Green  
(For FDH-616)  
Label : Receive  
The hub possesses one such LED on its front panel. This indicator shows  
whenever the hub is receiving information. When the port is connected, this indica-  
tor shines in a steady green, and when data is reaching the hub, this indicator  
- 10/100 indicator  
Color : Green  
(For FDH-608/FDH-616)  
Label : 100BASE-TX  
The hub possesses one such LED on its front panel. This indicator shines in a  
steady green when the port is transmitting data at 100BASE-TX speed.  
Network Management  
- PAR indicator  
Color : Green  
Label : Activity  
(For FDH-608/FDH-616)  
The hub possesses one such LED on its front panel. This indicator shines in a  
steady green when the two nodes are transmitting data at the same time. When a  
collision occurs, the two end nodes that are attempting to transmit data simultane-  
ously back off and try again at different time intervals.  
The different LEDs displayed on the hub's front panel help users manage their  
network. It can happen, though, that some of them may not function properly or  
alert users to certain types of problems. A list of common problems is included  
here to help users diagnose whether their network difficulties are related to the hub  
or to external factors.  
The link LED of a connected port does not shine: If a front panel's link LED  
does not shine when a device is connected, users should check the following to  
make sure the connection has been established properly:  
- Check that the connected device is turned on. Also, the adapter used to  
power the end node device should be checked to see if it is defective.  
- Length limits. Remember that the length limit for a connection between an  
end node and a hub cannot exceed 100 meters.  
- Cable being used for the connection. Straight-through cables are used to  
interconnect a hub to another hub (via an uplink port), a station or a server.  
- Quality of the cable being used. The cable begin used for the connection  
should be checked for defects.  
- The plug at both ends of the cable should be checked. A loose plug can  
result in a faulty connection.  
If none of these conditions are occurring, the malfunction may be related to the  
hub itself. In this case, the hub should be brought back to the retailer for a com-  
plete hardware diagnostic.  
The power indicator does not shine when the hub is turned on. In this  
case, it is recommended that both the cable and the power outlet should be tested  
with another functioning device to make sure that the problem does not come from  
the hub itself.  
If either the connection cable or the power outlet is defective, they should be  
replaced. The hub's location should be changed if the power outlet cannot be  
If, however, the problem comes from the hub itself, it should be brought back to  
the retailer for a professional diagnosis.  
Chapter 6 - continued  
Many problems can also be avoided by:  
- Leaving a free space (10cm at least) in front of the hub's lateral fan.  
- Keeping the hub away from any electromagnetic interference, light  
sources, or direct sunlight.  
- Making sure that all cables, from node to node, do not exceed the recom-  
mended maximum length of 100 meters.  
- Checking the quality of the cables and outlets used to connect the hub to  
end nodes and to the wall adapter.  
- Choosing a location that fits the network's configuration and ensures the  
hub's safety.  
- Paying attention to the cables' physical path and keeping them clear of any  
Standards :  
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T  
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX  
Ports :  
8 x 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX ports and 1 x Uplink port  
STP-1/UTP-3, 4, 5 cabling  
Network Media :  
Communication Rate :  
10Mbps/100Mbps Half-Duplex  
1792 Entries  
Address Table  
Input Voltage :  
115 VAC~230 VAC Universal Input, 50 to 60 Hz  
15W (Normal) to 25W (Max)  
Power Consumption :  
Dimensions(W x H x L) : 124 mm x 53 mm x 320 mm  
4.88Ó x 2.09Ó x 12.60Ó  
Environmental Temperature :  
Operating :  
0ûC to 40ûC (32ûF to 104ûF)  
Storage :  
-25ûC to 70ûC (-13ûF to 158ûF)  
5% to 95% (non-condensing)  
Humidity :  
Net Weight :  
Standards :  
IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T  
IEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TX  
Ports :  
16 x 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX ports and 1 x Uplink port  
STP-1/UTP-3, 4, 5 cabling  
Network Media :  
Communication Rate :  
Address Table  
10Mbps/100Mbps Half-Duplex  
1792 Entries  
Input Voltage :  
115 VAC~230 VAC Universal Input, 50 to 60 Hz  
15W (Normal) to 25W (Max)  
Power Consumption :  
Dimensions(W x H x L) : 124 mm x 53 mm x 320 mm  
4.88Ó x 2.09Ó x 12.60Ó  
Environmental Temperature :  
Operating :  
0ûC to 40ûC (32ûF to 104ûF)  
Storage :  
-25ûC to 70ûC (-13ûF to 158ûF)  
5% to 95% (non-condensing)  
Humidity :  
Net Weight :  
Copyright © 1998 by Macsense. All rights reserved. No part of this documenta-  
tion may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any direc-  
tive work (such as translation or transformation) without permission from Macsense  
Connectivity, Inc. Macsense Connectivity, Inc. reserves the right to revise this doc-  
umentation and to make changes in the content without obligation to provide notifi-  
cation of such revision or change.  
FCC Warning  
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class  
A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed  
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential instal-  
lation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy  
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harm-  
ful interference to radio communications. However, there is no promise that inter-  
ference will not happen in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause  
harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by  
turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the inter-  
ference by any of the following measures:  
¥ Reorient or move the receiving antenna.  
¥ Increase the distance between the equipment and receiver.  
¥ Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from the one to  
which the receiver is connected.  
¥ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
You may use unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) or shielded twisted-pair (STP)  
cable for RJ-45 connections.  
CE Declaration of Conformance  
This is to certify that this device is shielded against the generation of radio  
interference in accordance with the application of Council Directive 89/339/EEC on  
the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic  
compatibility. Conformity is declared by the application of EN50081-1 and  
EN50082-1, Class A.  
All companies, brands, and product names are trademarks or registered trade-  
marks of their respective companies.  
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.  

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