Intermec Scanner SF51 User Manual

User's Guide  
SF51 Cordless  
Document Change Record  
This page records changes to this document. The document was  
originally released as version 001.  
Version Date  
Description of Change  
6/2005 Added information to support firmware version  
1.1 including these features:  
HID keyboard profile  
SF51 Firmware Upgrade Utility  
Removed references to the HID keyboard profile,  
which is currently not supported on the SF51.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Manual  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Manual  
Before You Begin.................................................................ix  
Safety Summary ....................................................ix  
Safety Icons............................................................x  
Global Services and Support..................................xi  
Who Should Read This Document? .....................xii  
Related Documents ..............................................xii  
Using the SF51................................................................. 1  
Introducing the SF51 Cordless Scanner ............................... 2  
What’s New? ....................................................................... 3  
How to Turn On the SF51.................................................. 3  
Using the Battery................................................................. 4  
Charging the Battery ............................................. 4  
Checking the Battery Status................................... 5  
Understanding the Lights .................................................... 5  
Understanding the Beeps ..................................................... 6  
Using Vibrate Alert.............................................................. 7  
Scanning Bar Codes............................................................. 8  
Collecting Data With Your SF51....................................... 10  
Configuring and Managing the SF51.......... 11  
How to Configure the SF51 Parameters............................. 12  
Configuring With EasySet................................... 12  
Configuring From Your Intermec Computer....... 13  
Restoring Default Settings................................... 14  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Configuring Bluetooth Communications........................... 15  
Configuring Security........................................... 15  
Configuring the Discoverable State of the SF51 .. 16  
Connecting the SF51 to a Host Device.............................. 16  
Upgrading Your SF51 ....................................................... 19  
Troubleshooting and Maintaining the  
SF51....................................................................................... 23  
Troubleshooting the SF51................................................. 24  
Getting Information About Your SF51 ............... 24  
Problems and Possible Solutions.......................... 25  
Locating the SF51 ............................................................. 28  
Resetting the SF51 ............................................................ 28  
Cleaning the SF51............................................................. 29  
Configuration Command Reference............ 31  
Using Configuration Commands....................................... 32  
Configuration Commands By Function............................. 33  
SF51 Configuration Commands........................................ 36  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults.................. 36  
Beep Duration .................................................... 36  
Beep Frequency................................................... 36  
Beep Volume ...................................................... 37  
Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect........................... 37  
Bluetooth Device Name...................................... 37  
Bluetooth Device Page ........................................ 37  
Bluetooth Discoverable ....................................... 38  
Bluetooth PIN .................................................... 38  
Bluetooth Profile................................................. 38  
Bluetooth Security............................................... 38  
Codabar.............................................................. 39  
Codablock A ....................................................... 39  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Codablock F........................................................ 39  
Code 11 .............................................................. 39  
Code 39 .............................................................. 39  
Code 93/93i........................................................ 40  
Code 128 / EAN 128 .......................................... 40  
Configuration Modes and Utilities ...................... 40  
Consecutive Same Read Data Validation ............. 41  
Disable All Symbologies ...................................... 41  
Error Beep........................................................... 41  
Good Read Beep Duration .................................. 41  
Good Read Beep Number ................................... 41  
Good Read Beep Timing..................................... 42  
Good Read LED Duration.................................. 42  
Interleaved 2 of 5................................................. 42  
Matrix 2 of 5....................................................... 42  
Micro PDF417.................................................... 42  
MSI..................................................................... 42  
PDF417 .............................................................. 43  
Plessey................................................................. 43  
Postamble............................................................ 43  
Preamble ............................................................. 43  
RSS 14 ................................................................ 44  
RSS Expanded..................................................... 44  
RSS Limited........................................................ 44  
Setup Beep .......................................................... 44  
Stacked Code Crackle.......................................... 44  
Standard 2 of 5.................................................... 44  
Symbology Identifier........................................... 45  
Telepen............................................................... 45  
Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes... 45  
Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes ... 46  
Trigger Mode...................................................... 46  
UPC/EAN .......................................................... 47  
User Reset Factory Defaults................................. 47  
Vibrate Alert........................................................ 47  
Vibrate Alert Duration ........................................ 47  
Appendix........................................................................... 49  
Specifications..................................................................... 50  
Accessories for the SF51..................................................... 51  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Manual  
Index..................................................................................... 53  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Before You Begin  
Before You Begin  
This section provides you with safety information, technical  
support information, and sources for additional product  
Safety Summary  
Your safety is extremely important. Read and follow all warnings  
and cautions in this document before handling and operating  
Intermec equipment. You can be seriously injured, and  
equipment and data can be damaged if you do not follow the  
safety warnings and cautions.  
Do not repair or adjust alone  
Do not repair or adjust energized equipment alone under any  
circumstances. Someone capable of providing first aid must  
always be present for your safety.  
First aid  
Always obtain first aid or medical attention immediately after an  
injury. Never neglect an injury, no matter how slight it seems.  
Begin resuscitation immediately if someone is injured and stops  
breathing. Any delay could result in death. To work on or near  
high voltage, you should be familiar with approved industrial  
first aid methods.  
Energized equipment  
Never work on energized equipment unless authorized by a  
responsible authority. Energized electrical equipment is  
dangerous. Electrical shock from energized equipment can cause  
death. If you must perform authorized emergency work on  
energized equipment, be sure that you comply strictly with  
approved safety regulations.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Before You Begin  
Safety Icons  
This section explains how to identify and understand dangers,  
warnings, cautions, and notes that are in this document. You  
may also see icons that tell you when to follow ESD procedures  
and when to take special precautions for handling optical parts.  
A warning alerts you of an operating procedure,  
practice, condition, or statement that must be  
strictly observed to avoid death or serious injury to  
the persons working on the equipment.  
Avertissement: Un avertissement vous avertit d’une  
procédure de fonctionnement, d’une méthode, d’un  
état ou d’un rapport qui doit être strictement  
respecté pour éviter l’occurrence de mort ou de  
blessures graves aux personnes manupulant  
A caution alerts you to an operating procedure,  
practice, condition, or statement that must be  
strictly observed to prevent equipment damage or  
destruction, or corruption or loss of data.  
Attention: Une précaution vous avertit d’une  
procédure de fonctionnement, d’une méthode, d’un  
état ou d’un rapport qui doit être strictement  
respecté pour empêcher l’endommagement ou la  
destruction de l’équipement, ou l’altération ou la  
perte de données.  
Note: Notes are statements that either provide extra  
information about a topic or contain special instructions  
for handling a particular condition or set of  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Before You Begin  
Global Services and Support  
Warranty Information  
To understand the warranty for your Intermec product, visit the  
Support. The Intermec Global Sales & Service page appears.  
From the Service & Support menu, move your pointer over  
Support, and then click Warranty.  
Disclaimer of warranties: The sample code included in this  
document is presented for reference only. The code does not  
necessarily represent complete, tested programs. The code is  
provided “as is with all faults.” All warranties are expressly  
disclaimed, including the implied warranties of merchantability  
and fitness for a particular purpose.  
Web Support  
our current documents as PDF files. To order printed versions  
of the Intermec manuals, contact your local Intermec  
representative or distributor.  
Visit the Intermec technical knowledge base (Knowledge  
Central) at to review technical  
information or to request technical support for your Intermec  
Telephone Support  
These services are available from Intermec Technologies  
In the U.S.A. and  
Canada call 1-800-  
755-5505 and  
choose this option  
Repair and  
Request a return  
authorization number for  
authorized service center  
repair, or request an on-site  
repair technician.  
Get technical support on  
your Intermec product.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Before You Begin  
Telephone Support (continued)  
In the U.S.A. and  
Canada call 1-800-  
755-5505 and  
choose this option  
Inquire about an existing  
contract, renew a contract,  
or ask invoicing questions.  
Schedule Site Schedule a site survey, or  
Surveys or  
request a product or system  
Talk to sales  
administration, place an  
order, or check the status of  
your order.  
Outside the U.S.A. and Canada, contact your local Intermec  
representative. To search for your local representative, from the  
Intermec web site, click Contact.  
Who Should Read This Document?  
The SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide provides you with  
information about the features of the SF51. This guide is written  
for the person who is responsible for installing, configuring,  
maintaining, and troubleshooting the SF51.  
Before you configure the SF51, you should be familiar with  
your network and general networking terms, such as IP address.  
You should also have a working knowledge of Bluetooth  
Related Documents  
current documents that you can download as PDF files.  
To order printed versions of the Intermec manuals, contact your  
local Intermec representative or distributor.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Using the SF51  
Use this chapter to familiarize yourself with the  
SF51 Cordless Scanner. This chapter covers these  
• Introducing the SF51 Cordless Scanner  
• How to Turn On the SF51  
• Using the Battery  
• Understanding the Lights  
• Understanding the Beeps  
• Using Vibrate Alert  
• Scanning Bar Codes  
• Collecting Data With Your SF51  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
Introducing the SF51 Cordless Scanner  
The SF51 Cordless Scanner is a small, rugged handheld scanner.  
It is a lightweight, ergonomically designed scanner that uses a  
Bluetoothradio for RF communications.  
The SF51 includes these features:  
Scan button  
Magnetic connector  
Status light  
SF51 Cordless Scanner  
This device contains permanent magnets that  
can generate magnetic fields of greater than 10  
gauss. Caution should be used by anyone with a  
Pacemaker, Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator  
(ICD), or Heart Failure Device. Check with your  
doctor for detailed information before using this  
Attention: Cet appareil contient des aimants  
permanents qui peuvent produire des champs  
magnétiques supérieurs à 10 gauss. Toute  
personne munie d’un stimulateur cardiaque,  
d’un défibrillateur-cardioverteur implantable  
ou d’un appareil visant à pallier les insuffisances  
cardiaques doit faire attention. Avant d’utiliser  
l’appareil, prenez vos renseignements auprès de  
votre médecin.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
How to Turn On the SF51  
You use the Scan button to turn on the SF51.  
To turn on the SF51  
• Press the Scan button.  
The first time you press the Scan button to turn on the SF51, it  
enters a discoverable state so that your host Bluetooth device can  
perform a device discovery and establish a Bluetooth connection.  
If the status light on the SF51 turns red when you try to turn  
on the scanner, you need to charge the battery. For help, see  
“Charging the Battery” on page 4.  
To turn off the SF51  
• Scan this bar code:  
Scanner Power Down  
Using the Battery  
The SF51 uses a lithium-ion battery as its main power source.  
You need to fully charge the battery before you can use the  
The lithium-ion battery pack that is used in this  
device may present a fire or chemical burn hazard  
if it is mistreated. Do not disassemble it, heat it  
above 100°C (212°F) or incinerate it.  
Avertissement: Le paquet de piles d’ions de  
lithium qui est utilisé dans cet appareil peut  
presenter un risque feu ou un risque chimique de  
brûlure s’il est maltraité. Il ne faut pas le  
désassembler, le réchauffer à une température plus  
élevée que 100°C (212°F) ou l’incinérer.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
Charging the Battery  
Make sure you fully charge the battery before you start using the  
To charge the battery  
• Place the SF51 in the 1-bay charger (P/N 074645) or the  
4-bay charger (P/N 074646). A fully discharged battery  
charges to 100% capacity in approximately 3 hours.  
It may take longer than 3 hours to charge the battery if the  
temperature is near the minimum (0°C, 32°F) or maximum  
(45°C, 113°F) charging temperature.  
Note: When you place the SF51 in the 1-bay or 4-  
bay charger, you reset the SF51 scanner control  
firmware. For more information, see “Resetting the  
SF51” on page 28.  
Checking the Battery Status  
• Press the Scan button.  
If the status light on the SF51 turns red, the battery is low  
(less than 20% battery capacity remaining). You need to  
charge the battery now.  
Understanding the Lights  
The lights on the SF51 turn on to indicate the status of the  
battery, a successful decode of a bar code, or the status of the  
Bluetooth connection.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
Status light  
SF51 Lights: The status light turns green or red to indicate the status of the  
battery and scanning. The blue Intermec Ready-to-Workindicator turns on  
to let you know that the SF51 is ready to send data to your host Bluetooth  
Status Light Description  
Light State  
What It Means  
Blinks green one time The SF51 successfully decoded a bar  
code and sent the data to the host.  
The SF51 successfully scanned a  
configuration bar code.  
Flashes red when you  
The battery is low. You need to place  
press the Scan button the SF51 in the 1-bay or 4-bay charger.  
Flashes red and stays  
on for 2 seconds  
You scanned a bar code, but the data  
was not sent to the host.  
You scanned a configuration bar code  
and the SF51 did not accept it.  
Note: When the SF51 is in the 1-bay or 4-bay  
charger, the status light indicates the battery  
charging status. For more information, see the  
instructions that ship with the charger.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
Intermec Ready-to-Work Indicator Description  
Light State What It Means  
A Bluetooth connection to the host computer is  
not established.  
The SF51 is trying to establish a Bluetooth  
connection with the host computer, or the SF51 is  
moving out of range of the host computer.  
A Bluetooth connection with the host computer  
has been established. The SF51 is ready to scan  
bar codes and send data to the host computer.  
Understanding the Beeps  
The SF51 uses beeps to give you audio feedback when it  
performs some functions. For example, you hear a beep each  
time you scan a valid bar code.  
SF51 Beeps Description  
Beep Sequence  
What It Means  
Single beep  
The SF51 successfully decoded a bar code  
or scanned a configuration bar code.  
Series of beeps from The SF51 connected to a Bluetooth host.  
low to high  
Series of beeps from A Bluetooth connection has been lost.  
high to low  
Three beeps  
Data was not successfully sent to the  
host. The SF51 is out of range of the  
A configuration bar code was not  
successfully scanned.  
beeping for 1  
The host PC is paging the SF51. After  
you find the SF51, press the Scan button  
to stop the beeps. For more information  
about paging the SF51, see “Locating the  
SF51” on page 28.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
You can change the beep volume for your needs and  
environment. You can set the beep volume to Low (quiet),  
Medium (loud), and High (very loud - default).  
Note: To turn off the beeper, you set the Beep  
Duration to 0. Turning off the beeper does not  
affect the beeps associated with Bluetooth  
Connect/Disconnect or Bluetooth Device Page.  
You can also change the beeper duration and beeper frequency.  
For more information about the beeper commands, see  
Chapter 4, “Configuration Command Reference.”  
Using Vibrate Alert  
You can configure the SF51 to vibrate when a bar code is  
successfully decoded. This feature can be useful in these  
• You are in a noisy environment, such as a busy warehouse,  
where it can be difficult to hear the beep.  
• You are working in a quiet environment, such as a library,  
where you do not want to make a lot of noise.  
To turn on vibrate alert  
• Scan this bar code:  
Turn On Vibrate Alert  
To turn off vibrate alert  
• Scan this bar code:  
Turn Off Vibrate Alert  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
Scanning Bar Codes  
The SF51 has a linear imager you can use to scan and enter bar  
code data. The linear imager can decode 1D and 2D stacked bar  
codes. When you unpack the SF51, these bar code symbologies  
are enabled:  
• Code 39  
• Code 128 / EAN 128  
• PDF417 (only available on the SF51 with PDF version)  
If you are using bar code labels that are encoded in a different  
symbology, you need to enable the symbology on the SF51. Use  
EasySet version 5.2 or later to enable and disable symbologies for  
your scanner. EasySet is available on the CD that ships with the  
SF51, or you can download it at no charge from the Intermec  
To scan a bar code label  
1 Establish a Bluetooth connection between the SF51 and your  
host device. For more information about establishing a  
Bluetooth connection, see “Connecting the SF51 to a Host  
Device” on page 16.  
2 Point the SF51 at the bar code label and hold the SF51 at a  
slight angle 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in) from the label.  
3 Press the Scan button. The scanner beam turns on. Scan this  
test bar code:  
Code 39 Test Bar Code  
Tip: Depending on your screen resolution, you may be able  
to scan bar codes displayed on your computer screen.  
4 If you are scanning a 1D bar code, direct the red scanner  
beam so that it falls across all bars in the bar code label.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
If you are scanning a 2D bar code, pass the beam over the bar  
code label in a steady sweeping motion. The scanner emits a  
crackle sound.  
Scanning With the SF51: There are two different ways to comfortably  
hold the SF51.  
When the SF51 successfully reads a bar code label, you hear a  
single beep and the status light briefly turns green. If Vibrate  
Alert is enabled, the SF51 briefly vibrates.  
5 Release the Scan button.  
Collecting Data With Your SF51  
After you connect your SF51 to your host device, you are ready  
to start collecting data. The method you use depends on whether  
you are using:  
• an Intermec computer.  
• a host PC.  
To collect data using an Intermec computer  
1 Establish a Bluetooth connection between the SF51 and your  
Intermec computer. For help, see “Connecting the SF51 to a  
Host Device” on page 16.  
2 Start your data collection application on your Intermec  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 1 — Using the SF51  
3 Scan a bar code with your SF51. The data is entered into  
your application.  
To collect data using a host PC  
1 Establish a Bluetooth connection between the SF51 and your  
host PC. For help, see “Connecting the SF51 to a Host  
Device” on page 16.  
2 Start your data collection application.  
3 Configure your data collection application to receive data  
from the incoming or outgoing COM port.  
4 Scan a bar code with your SF51. The data is entered into  
your application.  
For more information, see the USB Bluetooth Adapter  
Instructions (P/N 074479).  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Configuring and  
Managing the SF51  
Use this chapter to understand how to configure  
the SF51 to communicate with your application.  
This chapter covers these topics:  
• How to Configure the SF51 Parameters  
• Configuring Bluetooth Communications  
• Connecting the SF51 to a Host Device  
• Upgrading Your SF51  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
How to Configure the SF51 Parameters  
You can configure many parameters on the SF51, such as the bar  
code symbologies it decodes or the volume of the beeper. These  
characteristics are controlled by configuration commands. The  
values you set for these configuration commands determine how  
the scanner operates.  
You can configure the SF51:  
• using EasySet version 5.2 or later either online or offline.  
• remotely from your Intermec computer.  
Configuring With EasySet  
EasySet is an Intermec configuration application that provides  
you with two ways to configure the SF51:  
• Online: Send configuration commands directly to the SF51.  
• Offline: Send configuration commands to a bar code setup  
sheet. You can scan the bar codes onscreen with your SF51 or  
print the setup sheet and scan the bar codes. You do not need  
a Bluetooth connection to use this method.  
To configure the SF51 online with EasySet  
1 Establish a Bluetooth connection with your host PC. For  
help, see the For help, see the USB Bluetooth Adapter  
Instructions (P/N 074479).  
2 Start EasySet. The first time you start EasySet, the Select  
product dialog box appears.  
If the Select product dialog box does not appear, choose  
Product > Select.  
3 Select the SF51.  
4 Select the Online Setup check box, and click OK. The  
Online Setup dialog box appears.  
5 Select the COM port that your SF51 is using for Bluetooth  
communications, and click OK.  
EasySet connects to your SF51 and retrieves the current  
configuration of the SF51.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
6 In the Commands window, choose configuration command  
settings for your SF51.  
Your SF51 is updated with the new configuration command  
settings, and the settings are added to the bar code setup sheet.  
Note: The SF51 does not beep when you send  
configuration commands online from EasySet.  
To configure the SF51 offline with EasySet  
1 Start EasySet. The first time you start EasySet, the Select  
product dialog box appears.  
If the Select product dialog box does not appear, choose  
Product > Select.  
2 Select the SF51, and click OK.  
3 In the Commands window, choose configuration command  
settings for your SF51 and add them to the bar code setup  
4 Scan the bar codes onscreen with your SF51, or print the  
setup sheet and scan the commands. When you scan bar code  
configuration commands, the SF51 emits a series of beeps  
unless the volume is turned off.  
• One beep means you scanned a valid configuration  
• Three beeps means you scanned an invalid configuration  
For more information about EasySet, see the EasySet software.  
For descriptions of the configuration commands, see Chapter 4,  
“Configuration Command Reference.”  
Configuring From Your Intermec Computer  
You can configure many settings for the SF51 from your  
Intermec computer. For descriptions of the configuration  
commands, see Chapter 4, “Configuration Command  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
To configure the SF51 from your Intermec computer  
Note: When you connect to an Intermec computer,  
all SF51 settings that are common to the Intermec  
computer’s internal scanner settings are changed to  
the default settings of the internal scanner.  
1 Establish a Bluetooth connection with your Intermec  
computer. For help, see the procedure “To connect to an  
Intermec computer” on page 17.  
2 On your Intermec computer, start the Intermec Settings  
3 Select Data Collection > SF51 Scanner Bluetooth Address,  
where Bluetooth Address is the Bluetooth address of your SF51.  
4 Configure commands from the SF51 Scanner menu for your  
5 Select File > Save Settings. The SF51 is updated with the  
new configuration command settings.  
6 Close Intermec Settings.  
Restoring Default Settings  
You can restore the SF51 to its default settings by scanning the  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults command. For a list of the  
default settings, see “Configuration Commands by Function” on  
page 33.  
Note: Using the Administrator Reset Factory  
Defaults command resets all parameters. As a result,  
you will lose Bluetooth communications.  
To restore default settings  
• Scan this bar code:  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
Configuring Bluetooth Communications  
The SF51 can communicate with a host device through the  
Serial Port Profile (SPP) Bluetooth communications profile.  
SPP allows the SF51 to use the Bluetooth link as a serial port to  
communicate with the host device. You can send information  
from the SF51 to your serial application without having to  
modify your application.  
You can initiate a Bluetooth connection from either your SF51  
or host device:  
• If you initiate the connection from your SF51, you can only  
connect one SF51 to your host device. When you reset the  
SF51 by placing it in a charger, the SF51 automatically  
reestablishes the Bluetooth connection.  
• If you initiate the connection from a host device, you can  
connect more than one SF51 to the same host device. When  
you reset the SF51 by placing it in a charger, you need to  
reestablish the Bluetooth connection from your host device.  
Configuring Security  
The SF51 provides Bluetooth wireless security for transmitting  
data. By default, security is active on your SF51. For maximum  
security, you need to configure a Bluetooth PIN (personal  
identification number).  
This section assumes that you have already installed EasySet  
version 5.2 or later.  
To configure a Bluetooth PIN for your SF51  
1 Start EasySet version 5.2 or later.  
2 In the Commands window, select Data transmission  
settings > Bluetooth parameters > security.  
3 Select active.  
4 Select compose PIN and create a Bluetooth PIN that is up to  
16 characters in length. The default Bluetooth PIN is 0000.  
5 Scan both commands onscreen with your SF51, or print the  
bar code setup sheet and scan both commands.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
Note: For security reasons, you can only change  
the Bluetooth PIN by scanning a bar code.  
Configuring the Discoverable State of the SF51  
By default, the SF51 is always discoverable. For enhanced  
security, you should configure your SF51 for limited  
discoverability, which allows the SF51 to be discoverable by  
Bluetooth management applications for only 30 seconds. For  
more information, see “Bluetooth Discoverable” on page 38.  
To configure your SF51 for limited discoverability  
• Scan this bar code:  
Bluetooth parameters - discoverable - limited  
The SF51 is discoverable for 30 seconds.  
Connecting the SF51 to a Host Device  
You can use Bluetooth radio communications to connect the  
SF51 to these host devices:  
• Intermec computer with a Bluetooth radio, such as the 700  
Color Series (with Windows Mobile 2003 or later), CK30,  
and CK60  
• PC with a USB Bluetooth adapter (P/N 074892)  
• Other devices with a Bluetooth radio that support a Serial  
Port Profile (SPP)  
Before connecting the SF51 to a host device, note the Bluetooth  
address for the:  
• host Bluetooth device.  
• SF51.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
SF51 Bluetooth Address: The SF51 Bluetooth address is located in the upper  
right corner of the label on the back of the SF51.  
To connect to an Intermec computer  
Note: When you connect to an Intermec computer,  
all SF51 settings that are common to the Intermec  
computer’s internal scanner settings are changed to  
the default settings of the internal scanner.  
1 Install EasySet version 5.2 or later on a host PC. EasySet is  
available on the CD that shipped with the SF51 or from the  
2 Start EasySet. Make sure that SF51 is selected as your  
3 From the EasySet commands window, select Data  
transmission settings > Bluetooth parameters >  
4 Double-click compose BT address.  
5 Enter the Bluetooth address of your Intermec computer and  
click OK. The bar code appears on the setup sheet.  
6 Scan the bar code onscreen with the SF51, or print the bar  
code setup sheet and scan the bar code. The SF51 beeps once,  
the green status light flashes once, and the blue Intermec  
Ready-to-Work indicator starts blinking.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
When the SF51 connects to your Intermec computer, the  
SF51 emits a series of beeps from low to high, and the blue  
Intermec Ready-to-Work indicator turns on and stays on.  
The SF51 is ready to scan data.  
Note: To connect more than one SF51 to your  
Intermec computer, use the Bluetooth Device Utility  
or the Bluetooth control panel on the Intermec  
computer. For help, see the documentation for your  
Intermec computer.  
To connect to a host PC with the USB Bluetooth adapter  
1 Install EasySet version 5.2 or later. EasySet is available on the  
CD that shipped with the SF51 or from the Intermec web  
2 Install the USB Bluetooth adapter (P/N 074892) and  
software on your host PC.  
3 Connect and pair your SF51 with your host PC.  
For help, see the USB Bluetooth Adapter Instructions (P/N  
074479) that ship with the adapter.  
To disconnect from a host PC  
• Scan this bar code:  
Bluetooth Device Disconnect  
The SF51 disconnects from your host PC, emits a series of  
beeps from high to low, and the blue Intermec Ready-to-  
Work indicator turns off.  
Tip: Depending on your screen resolution, you may be able  
to scan bar codes displayed on your computer screen.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
Upgrading Your SF51  
When you upgrade your SF51, you update the SF51 processor  
firmware. The current settings are erased and replaced with the  
default settings for the SF51. You need to reestablish Bluetooth  
communications between your SF51 and other Bluetooth  
devices and applications in your data collection system.  
To upgrade the SF51, you need these items:  
• SF51 firmware upgrade package:  
• SF51Upgrade.exe (SF51 Firmware Upgrade Utility)  
• SF51_01_01.ldr (firmware upgrade file)  
• readme.txt (upgrade instructions)  
• USB Bluetooth adapter (P/N 074892)  
• PC running Microsoft Windows 2000/XP with SP1 or SP2  
To upgrade the SF51  
1 Download the latest upgrade package from the Intermec web  
a Go to Service & Support > Downloads.  
b From the Select A Product drop-down list, choose Bar  
Code Scanners: SF51 Cordless Scanner.  
c Click the link to download the upgrade package, and save  
it to your PC.  
2 Fully charge the SF51 battery. For help, see “Charging the  
Battery” on page 4.  
3 Remove the SF51 from the charger.  
4 If necessary, install the USB Bluetooth adapter (P/N 074892)  
and create a Bluetooth connection between your SF51 and  
your PC. For help, see the USB Bluetooth Adapter Instructions  
(P/N 074479) that ship with the adapter.  
Note: Make sure that all applications on your PC are  
5 Start the SF51 Firmware Upgrade Utility.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
6 Click Browse to browse to the location of the firmware (.ldr)  
7 Select the firmware file and click Open.  
8 From the COM Port drop-down list box, select the COM  
port that the SF51 is using for Bluetooth communications.  
9 Click Next. The upgrade utility gets the Bluetooth address  
and current version of firmware on your SF51.  
10 Click Upgrade. The status bar appears and the upgrade  
utility upgrades your SF51 with the latest firmware.  
Note: Do not place the SF51 in the 1-bay or 4-bay  
charger during the firmware upgrade, because the  
SF51 may lock up.  
11 The upgrade utility notifies you when the upgrade is  
Troubleshooting the Firmware Upgrade  
If the SF51 locks up during the upgrade procedure and does not  
respond when you press the Scan button or place it in a charger,  
you may still be able to connect to it from your PC and upgrade  
the firmware.  
To troubleshoot a locked up SF51  
1 Make sure that the SF51 is not seated in the 1-bay or 4-bay  
2 From your PC, use the Bluetooth application to search for  
Bluetooth devices.  
3 If your SF51 appears in the list, connect to it from the  
Bluetooth application.  
If your SF51 does not appear in the list, contact Intermec  
Support Services at 1-800-755-5505.  
4 When the Bluetooth PIN Code Request box appears, enter  
the following case-sensitive PIN in the Bluetooth PIN Code  
field, and click OK:  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
The Bluetooth application connects to the boot loader code  
on your SF51. “Intermec SF51 Boot Server” may appear in  
the Device Name list instead of the name of your SF51  
5 Use your Bluetooth application to connect to the Intermec  
SF51 Boot Server.  
6 Start the SF51 Firmware Upgrade Utility.  
7 Click Browse to browse to the location of the firmware (.ldr)  
file. Select the firmware file and click Open.  
8 From the COM Port drop-down list box, select the COM  
port that the Intermec SF51 Boot Server is using for  
Bluetooth communications.  
9 Click Next. The Bluetooth address of your SF51 appears, the  
status bar appears, and the upgrade utility upgrades your  
SF51 with the latest firmware.  
Note: The next time you connect to your PC, your  
SF51 device name may be “Intermec SF51 Boot  
Server.” When the Bluetooth PIN Code Request box  
appears, enter the default PIN, which is 0000. After  
you connect, the name and Bluetooth address of your  
SF51 should appear in your Bluetooth application.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 2 — Configuring and Managing the SF51  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
and Maintaining the  
Use this chapter to solve problems you may have  
while using the SF51. This chapter contains  
these topics:  
• Troubleshooting the SF51  
• Locating the SF51  
• Resetting the SF51  
• Cleaning the SF51  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
Troubleshooting the SF51  
If you have problems using the SF51, use this chapter to find a  
possible solution.  
Getting Information About Your SF51  
You can use Configuration Modes and Utilities commands to  
get the following product information about your SF51:  
• Product version  
• Sub-system versions  
• Bluetooth address of your SF51  
These commands can also be useful if you need to call Intermec  
Product Support.  
To get the product version, sub-system versions, or Bluetooth address  
1 If necessary, install the USB Bluetooth adapter (P/N 074892)  
and create a Bluetooth connection between your SF51 and  
your PC. For help, see the USB Bluetooth Adapter Instructions  
(P/N 074479) that ship with the adapter.  
2 Run an application that can accept bar code information  
from the SF51, such as HyperTerminal.  
3 Scan one of these bar codes:  
Get Product Version  
Get Sub-System Versions  
Get SF51 Bluetooth Device Address  
Tip: Depending on your screen resolution, you may be able  
to scan bar codes displayed on your computer screen.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
Problems and Possible Solutions  
Possible Solution  
Your SF51 has been  
misplaced, and you cannot  
find it.  
If your SF51 is within Bluetooth  
communication range of your host  
PC, you can send the Bluetooth  
Device Page command from EasySet  
to locate your SF51. For help, see  
“Locating the SF51” on page 28.  
You place the SF51 in a  
charger and lose Bluetooth  
When you place the SF51 in a 1-bay  
or 4-bay charger, you reset the SF51,  
and the scanner control firmware  
restarts. If you have a Bluetooth  
connection, the SF51 disconnects  
from the host device while the  
firmware resets. For more  
information, see “Resetting the  
SF51” on page 28.  
You cannot establish a  
Scan the following bar code to  
reset the scanner to its default  
configuration and try establishing  
a connection again.  
Bluetooth connection (the  
blue Intermec Ready-to-  
Work indicator is not on).  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
Note: Using the Administrator Reset  
Factory Defaults command resets all  
settings. As a result, you will lose  
Bluetooth communications.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
Problems and Possible Solution (continued)  
Possible Solution  
You are trying to establish a  
The SF51 may not be in a  
Bluetooth connection from a discoverable state. For help, see  
host device to your SF51, but “Bluetooth Discoverable” on  
the host device cannot find  
your SF51.  
page 38.  
The SF51 may be connected and  
paired to another Bluetooth device.  
Scan the following bar code to  
reset the SF51 to its default settings  
and disconnect Bluetooth  
communications. Try establishing a  
connection again.  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
Note: Using the Administrator Reset  
Factory Defaults command resets all  
settings. As a result, you will lose  
Bluetooth communications.  
You established a Bluetooth  
When you connect to an Intermec  
connection with an Intermec computer, all SF51 settings that are  
computer, and the settings  
on your SF51 were restored  
to their default values.  
common to the Intermec computer’s  
internal scanner settings are changed  
to the default settings of the internal  
scanner. Scan configuration bar  
codes, or use Intermec Settings on  
your Intermec computer to change  
your SF51 settings.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
Problems and Possible Solution (continued)  
Possible Solution  
You changed the Bluetooth  
Scan this bar code to reset the  
PIN from its default value of scanner to its default configuration  
0000, but you forgot your  
new PIN number.  
and default Bluetooth PIN of 0000.  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
When you press the Scan  
button, the Status light  
flashes red.  
The battery is low. Charge the  
battery immediately and try scanning  
When you press the Scan  
The battery is low. Charge the  
button, the red scanner beam battery immediately and try scanning  
does not turn on.  
You try to scan a bar code,  
and nothing happens.  
You may not have a Bluetooth  
connection. Make sure the blue  
Intermec Ready-to-Work indicator is  
on. For help, see “Connecting the  
SF51 to a Host Device” on page 16.  
The data may still be in the process  
of being sent to the host. Data  
transmission may be slow if there  
is interference with Bluetooth  
communications, or if the SF51 is  
too far from the host device. Try  
moving closer to the host device.  
You scan a bar code, the  
Status light flashes red for  
The SF51 may not be connected to a  
host. Make sure the blue Intermec  
two seconds, and the scanner Ready-to-Work indicator is on and  
beeps three times.  
the SF51 is connected to your host  
device. For help, see “Connecting  
the SF51 to a Host Device” on  
page 16.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
Locating the SF51  
If your SF51 is within Bluetooth communication range of your  
host PC, you can send the Bluetooth Device Page command  
from EasySet to locate the SF51.  
Note: If the SF51 is turned off, your host PC  
cannot connect to it and send the Bluetooth Device  
Page command.  
To page the SF51  
1 Start EasySet version 5.2 or later. Make sure that SF51 is  
selected as your product.  
2 Select Communication > Connect.  
3 Select the appropriate COM port, and click OK.  
4 Select the Send to product check box below the commands  
5 In the EasySet Commands window, select Configuration  
modes and utilities > Bluetooth device page.  
The SF51 beeps continuously for 1 minute or until you find  
the SF51 and press the Scan button.  
Resetting the SF51  
If the SF51 appears to be locked up, you can reset it. When you  
reset the SF51, the scanner control firmware is restarted.  
To reset the SF51  
• Place the SF51 in the 1-bay or 4-bay charger.  
If you have a Bluetooth connection, the SF51 disconnects from  
the host device.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
When you reset the SF51:  
• The SF51 tries to reestablish a Bluetooth connection with the  
host device if the SF51 initiated the Bluetooth connection.  
• The SF51 turns on and enters a discoverable state if the host  
device initiated the Bluetooth connection. You need to  
reestablish the Bluetooth connection from the host device.  
Cleaning the SF51  
To keep the SF51 in good working order, you may need to  
clean the scanner window. Clean the scanner window as often  
as needed for the environment in which you are using the SF51.  
To clean the scanner window, you can use soapy water, a  
solution of ammonia and water, or isopropyl alcohol.  
Opening the SF51 will void the warranty and may  
cause damage to the internal components.  
Attention: Le fait d’ouvrir le SF51 annule la garantie  
et peut endommager les pièces internes.  
To clean the scanner window  
1 Dip a clean towel or rag in soapy water, ammonia and water  
solution, or isopropyl alcohol and wring out the excess. Wipe  
the scanner window. Do not allow any abrasive material to  
touch the window.  
2 Wipe dry with a lint-free cloth.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 3 — Troubleshooting and Maintaining the SF51  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Command Reference  
Use this chapter to learn about the commands  
supported on the SF51. This chapter contains  
these topics:  
• Using Configuration Commands  
• Configuration Commands By Function  
• SF51 Configuration Commands  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Using Configuration Commands  
A configuration command changes the way the SF51 operates.  
For example, you can change the Beep Volume and make the  
SF51 beeper very quiet for a quiet environment.  
You can configure the SF51:  
• using EasySet online. Send commands to your SF51 from  
your PC using EasySet. For help, see the procedure “To  
configure the SF51 online with EasySet” on page 12.  
• using EasySet offline. Send commands to a bar code setup  
sheet. Then, scan the bar codes onscreen with your SF51, or  
print the setup sheet and scan the bar codes. You do not need  
a Bluetooth connection to use this method. For help, see the  
procedure “To configure the SF51 offline with EasySet” on  
page 13.  
• from your Intermec computer. Send commands to your SF51  
from your Intermec computer using Intermec Settings. For  
help, see the procedure “To configure the SF51 from your  
Intermec computer” on page 14.  
Note: When you connect to an Intermec computer,  
all SF51 settings that are common to the Intermec  
computer’s internal scanner settings are changed to  
the default settings of the internal scanner.  
For a list of all the commands and their default values as they are  
organized in EasySet, see the next section, “Configuration  
Commands By Function.”  
For descriptions of each command organized alphabetically, see  
“SF51 Configuration Commands” on page 36.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Configuration Commands By Function  
The configuration commands are grouped by function and  
reflect the organization of the Commands window in EasySet.  
Reset All Parameters  
Default Value  
See Page  
Administrator reset factory  
User reset factory defaults  
Data Transmission Settings  
Bluetooth Command  
Default Value  
See Page  
Bluetooth security  
Bluetooth PIN  
Bluetooth discoverable  
Bluetooth profile  
Fully discoverable  
Serial port profile  
Bluetooth device name  
SF51 Scanner  
<Bluetooth Address>  
Data Transmission  
Default Value  
See Page  
Symbology identifier  
Not transmitted  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Symbology Settings  
Default Value  
See Page  
Disable all symbologies  
Not active  
Codablock A  
Codablock F  
Not active  
Not active  
Code 11  
Not active  
Code 39  
Code 93/93i  
Not active  
Code 128 / EAN 128  
ISBT 128  
Not active  
GTIN processing  
Interleaved 2 of 5  
Matrix 2 of 5  
Micro PDF417  
Not active  
Not active  
Not active  
Not active  
Not active  
RSS 14  
RSS Expanded  
RSS Limited  
Not active  
Not active  
Not active  
Standard 2 of 5  
Not active  
Not active  
Not active  
Not active  
GTIN processing  
Note: Stacked 2D bar code symbologies are not  
available on the non-PDF version of the SF51. For  
more information about setting symbology options,  
see the EasySet software.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Operating Settings  
Trigger Activation  
Default Value  
See Page  
Trigger mode  
Data Decoding  
Security Command  
Default Value  
See Page  
Consecutive same read  
data validation  
Auto read count  
before transmission  
Timeout between identical  
consecutive codes  
300 ms  
Timeout between different  
consecutive codes  
Beeps/Green Indicator LED  
Default Value  
See Page  
Beep volume  
Note (Beep frequency)  
2610 Hz  
Good read beeps  
80 ms  
After transmission  
Good read LED duration  
2000 ms  
Error beep  
Setup beep  
2D symbologies  
Stacked code crackle  
Vibrate alert  
Vibrate alert  
300 ms  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Configuration Modes and Utilities  
Default Value  
See Page  
Configuration modes and  
Bluetooth device page  
SF51 Configuration Commands  
This section lists the configuration commands in alphabetical  
order and provides a description of each command. To  
configure your SF51 using these commands, see the EasySet  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
Causes the SF51 to perform a restart and restores all  
configuration commands to their default settings. When you  
restore all configuration commands to their default settings, you  
need to reestablish Bluetooth communications.  
Beep Duration  
Sets the length of the beeps. You can set Beep Duration to a  
value from 0 to 2550 ms. When Beep Duration is set to 0 ms,  
the beeper is off. Turning off the beeper does not affect the  
beeps associated with Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect or  
Bluetooth Device Page.  
Use Beep Duration in combination with Beep Frequency and  
Beep Volume to define beeps according to operator preference  
and work environment.  
Beep Frequency  
Sets the frequency, or pitch, of the beeps. You can set Beep  
Frequency to a value from 1000 to 5110 Hz.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Use Beep Frequency in combination with Beep Volume and  
Good Read Beep Duration to define beeps according to operator  
preference and work environment.  
Beep Volume  
Adjusts the volume of the beeps. You can set Beep Volume to  
Low, Medium, or High.  
Note: To turn off the beeper, you set the Beep  
Duration to 0. Turning off the beeper does not  
affect the beeps associated with Bluetooth  
Connect/Disconnect or Bluetooth Device Page.  
Use Beep Volume in combination with Beep Frequency and  
Good Read Beep Duration to define beeps according to operator  
preference and work environment.  
Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect  
Connects or disconnects Bluetooth communications between  
the SF51 and host computer if you are using Serial port profile.  
To connect to a host computer, enter the Bluetooth address  
of the computer and scan the bar code with the SF51. To  
disconnect, scan the disconnect bar code.  
Bluetooth Device Name  
Sets the name of the scanner. If the scanner is in a discoverable  
state, its Bluetooth device name is available to host computers  
during device discovery.  
Bluetooth Device Page  
If your SF51 is within Bluetooth communication range of your  
host PC, you can send this command from EasySet to locate the  
SF51. For help, see “Locating the SF51” on page 28.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Bluetooth Discoverable  
Determines the discoverable state of the SF51.  
Bluetooth Discoverable States  
The SF51 is discoverable to Bluetooth management  
The SF51 is discoverable to Bluetooth management  
applications for 30 seconds.  
The SF51 is not discoverable to Bluetooth management  
Note: The SF51 is not discoverable when it is  
connected to a host device.  
Bluetooth PIN  
When Bluetooth security is enabled, the Bluetooth PIN is  
used to authenticate the Bluetooth link and encrypt the data.  
Depending on the Bluetooth software on your host device, you  
should only need to enter the Bluetooth PIN the first time you  
connect and pair the SF51.  
For help configuring a Bluetooth PIN, see “Configuring  
Security” on page 15.  
Bluetooth Profile  
Configures the SF51 to connect to a host device through  
the Serial Port Profile (SPP) Bluetooth communications profiles.  
SPP allows the SF51 to use the Bluetooth link as a serial port to  
communicate with the host device.  
For more information, see “Configuring Bluetooth  
Communications” on page 15.  
Bluetooth Security  
Enables or disables Bluetooth security. When Bluetooth  
security is enabled, you need to enter the SF51 Bluetooth PIN  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
before you can use the scanner. For more information, see  
“Configuring Security” on page 15.  
Enables or disables decoding of Codabar symbology. Codabar  
is a self-checking, discrete symbology. The American Blood  
Commission (ABC) Codabar requires that you retain and  
transmit the start/stop code digits when processing a Codabar  
symbol. As a result, configuration CD10 is an illegal  
Codablock A  
Enables or disables decoding of Codablock A symbology.  
Codablock A is a 2D bar code that is an extension of Code 39.  
If Code 39 is enabled with check digit, you cannot enable  
Codablock A. For best results, disable Code 39 before you  
enable Codablock A. If Code 39 is enabled with check digit,  
Codablock A will not be decoded properly.  
Codablock F  
Enables or disables decoding of Codablock F symbology.  
Codablock F is a 2D bar code that is an extension of Code 128.  
If Code 128 is enabled with check digit, you cannot enable  
Codablock F. For best results, disable Code 128 before you  
enable Codablock F.  
Code 11  
Enables or disables decoding of Code 11 symbology. Code 11 is  
a very high-density, discrete numeric bar code. It is most  
extensively used in labeling telecommunications components  
and equipment.  
Code 39  
Enables or disables decoding of Code 39 symbology. Code 39 is  
discrete, variable length, and self-checking. The character set is  
uppercase A to Z, 0 to 9, dollar sign ($), period (.), slash (/),  
percent (%), space ( ), plus (+), and minus (-).  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Code 93/93i  
Enables or disables decoding of Code 93/93i symbology. Code  
93/93i is a variable length, continuous symbology that uses four  
element widths.  
Code 128 / EAN 128  
Enables or disables decoding of Code 128 / EAN 128  
symbology. Code 128 is a very high-density alphanumeric  
symbology that supports the extended ASCII character set. It is a  
variable length, continuous code that uses multiple element  
ISBT 128  
Enables and configures decoding of ISBT Code 128 symbology.  
ISBT Code 128 is the global bar code labeling standard for the  
blood banking industry. It is used to support the worldwide  
distribution, tracking, and handling of blood bags and blood  
GTIN Processing for EAN 128  
With GTIN processing enabled, a GTIN compliant EAN 128  
label will have the first two digits stripped and output 14 digits.  
A GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) compliant EAN 128  
• is 16 digits long.  
• has “01” as the first two digits of the label.  
Configuration Modes and Utilities  
Use Configuration Modes and Utilities to:  
• allow the SF51 to always accept configuration commands by  
scanning bar codes or to timeout 1 minute after the last  
configuration command is set by scanning a bar code.  
• get the product version, sub-system versions, and Bluetooth  
address of your SF51.  
• page the SF51 from your host PC or turn off the SF51.  
For more information and bar codes, see “Getting Information  
About Your SF51” on page 24.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Consecutive Same Read Data Validation  
To increase decode security, you can have the scanner scan a bar  
code multiple times to ensure you have a valid read before  
transmitting the data.  
You can set Consecutive Same Read Data Validation from 0 to  
10. The default value of 0 sets the scanner to automatically  
adapt the consecutive same read based on the bar code quality  
and the trust level of the bar code. For example, labels with a  
check digit require less reads than labels without a check digit.  
Disable All Symbologies  
This command disables all symbologies. Disabling all  
symbologies does not reset symbology parameters to their default  
values. To reset all symbology parameters to their default factory  
settings, use the Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
command. For more information, see “Administrator Reset  
Factory Defaults” on page 36.  
Error Beep  
Enables or disables the error beep. When you scan a  
configuration bar code that is damaged or unknown, you  
hear an error beep, and the configuration of the SF51 is not  
Good Read Beep Duration  
Sets the length of the SF51 good read beeps. You can set Good  
Read Beep Duration to a value from 0 (off) to 2550 ms.  
Use Good Read Beep Duration in combination with Beep  
Volume and Beep Frequency to define beeps according to  
operator preference and work environment.  
Good Read Beep Number  
Determines the number of beeps used for the good read beep: 1,  
2, or none.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Good Read Beep Timing  
Determines if the good read beep happens before or after  
successfully transmitting data.  
Good Read LED Duration  
Sets the amount of time the green Status light stays on after a  
good read. You can set Good Read LED Duration to a value  
from 0 (off) to 5110 ms. When the Status light is on due to a  
long duration time, the SF51 can still read new bar codes and  
receive commands.  
Interleaved 2 of 5  
Enables or disables decoding of Interleaved 2 of 5 symbology.  
Interleaved 2 of 5 is a high-density, self-checking, continuous  
numeric symbology. It is mainly used in inventory distribution  
and the automobile industry.  
Matrix 2 of 5  
Enables or disables decoding of Matrix 2 of 5 symbology. Matrix  
2 of 5 is a discrete bar code derived from Code 11.  
Micro PDF417  
Enables or disables decoding of Micro PDF417 symbology.  
Micro PDF417 is a multi-row symbology based on PDF417. It  
is designed to maximize area efficiency for applications that do  
not need the maximum data capacity of PDF417. Micro  
PDF417 contains a limited set of symbol sizes that each includes  
a fixed level of error correction.  
Enables or disables decoding of MSI symbology. MSI code is  
similar to Plessey code in that it includes a start pattern, data  
characters, one or two check digits, and a stop pattern.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
PDF417 is only supported on the SF51 with PDF version.  
Enables or disables decoding of PDF417 symbology. The  
PDF417 symbology is a stacked 2D symbology that allows you  
to scan across rows of code. Each row consists of start/stop  
characters, row identifiers, and symbol characters, which consist  
of four bars and four spaces each and contain the actual data.  
This symbology uses error correction symbol characters  
appended at the end to recover loss of data.  
Macro PDF417, a feature of PDF417, extends the capability of  
PDF417 by allowing up to 99,999 PDF417 symbols to be used  
to store data. The symbols are concatenated as they are scanned  
and can be scanned in any order.  
Enables or disables decoding of Plessey symbology. Plessey code  
is pulse-width modulated like most other bar codes. It includes a  
start character, data characters, an eight-bit cyclic check digit, a  
termination bar, and usually a reverse start character. The code is  
continuous and not self-checking. You need to configure two  
parameters for Plessey code: Start Code and Check Digit.  
Sets the postamble that is appended to any data you scan.  
Common postambles include cursor controls such as a tab  
or a carriage return line feed. You can set Postamble to up to 20  
ASCII characters.  
Sets the preamble that precedes any data you scan. Common  
preambles include a data location number or an operator  
number. You can set Preamble to up to 20 ASCII characters.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
RSS 14  
Enables or disables decoding of RSS 14 (Reduced Space  
Symbology 14) 1D or stacked 2D codes. RSS 14 is a numeric  
symbology that can read stacked omni-directional bar code  
labels. It is a member of the EAN.UCC RSS symbology family.  
Note: To read RSS 14 stacked 2D codes, RSS  
Expanded or RSS Limited must also be enabled.  
RSS Expanded  
Enables or disables decoding of RSS Expanded (Reduced Space  
Symbology Expanded). RSS Expanded is an alphanumeric  
symbology that can read RSS limited and stacked bar code  
labels. It is a member of the EAN.UCC RSS symbology family.  
RSS Limited  
Enables or disables decoding of RSS Limited (Reduced Space  
Symbology Limited). RSS Limited is a numeric symbology that  
does not read stacked bar code labels. It is a member of the  
EAN.UCC RSS symbology family.  
Setup Beep  
Enables or disables the setup beep. When you successfully scan a  
configuration bar code, you hear the setup beep, and the  
configuration of the SF51 is changed.  
Stacked Code Crackle  
Enables or disables the crackle sound when you scan a stacked  
(2D) bar code.  
Standard 2 of 5  
Enables or disables decoding of Standard 2 of 5 symbology.  
Standard 2 of 5 is a low-density numeric symbology. It encodes  
all information in the bars and uses the fixed-width spaces to  
separate the bars. Standard 2 of 5 is used in warehouse sorting,  
photofinishing, and airline tickets.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Symbology Identifier  
Symbology identifiers allow you to indicate what type of data is  
being sent by prepending an identifier to the data. You can  
prepend one of the following types of character strings to  
identify which symbology the data is using.  
Symbology Identifier Options  
The AIM Standard for symbology identifiers  
consists of a three-character structure indicating  
the symbology and the optional features of the  
symbology. For more information about the AIM  
Standard for symbology identifiers, refer to the  
AIM ISO/IEC Standard.  
The user-defined symbology identifier is one to  
four ASCII characters in length. You can configure  
character string user-defined symbology identifiers to assign  
custom identifier strings to the bar code  
Enables or disables decoding of Telepen symbology. Telepen is  
the only symbology to directly represent the full ASCII character  
set without shift characters. It is extremely secure as it has  
negligible risk of misreads and has a double density numeric  
only mode.  
Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes  
Use this command to invalidate a second bar code read that  
occurs before the timeout expires. Use this command when  
scanning bar codes that contain different data as opposed to the  
Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes command that  
you use when your bar codes contain identical data.  
You can set Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes to a  
value from 0 to 2550 ms.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes  
Use this command to invalidate a second bar code read that  
occurs before the timeout expires. Use this command when  
scanning bar codes with identical data as opposed to the  
Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes command that  
you use when your bar codes contain different data.  
You can set Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes to a  
value from 0 to 2550 ms.  
Trigger Mode  
Trigger mode allows you to set different types of triggering for  
the scanner.  
Trigger Mode Options  
When you press the Scan button, the scanner  
turns on and stays on. When you press the Scan  
button a second time, the scanner turns off.  
Simply releasing the button does not turn off the  
When you press the Scan button, the red scanner  
beam turns on and stays on until you release the  
Scan button or until the SF51 successfully  
decodes a bar code.  
Currently not supported.  
Currently not supported.  
Currently not supported.  
Aim triggering allows you to turn on the scanner  
and aim the red scanner beam without causing a  
decode. Releasing the Scan button enables the  
Note: EasySet contains a folder, predefined modes,  
in Operating settings > trigger activation. The  
commands in this folder are currently not supported  
on the SF51.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
Enables or disables decoding of Universal Product Code  
(UPC)/European Article Numbering (EAN) symbology.  
UPC/EAN are fixed-length, numeric, continuous symbologies  
that use four element widths. A scanner that is configured to  
decode EAN bar codes can decode UPC, but the reverse is not  
true. UPC code is a subset of EAN code.  
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a 10-digit  
symbology that uniquely identifies books for tracking and  
With ISBN enabled, the first three characters (978) are ignored,  
and the checksum is calculated on the remaining characters.  
GTIN Processing  
With GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) processing enabled,  
two zeros are padded to the beginning of UPC-A, and one zero  
is padded to the beginning of EAN-13 to expand the numbers to  
14 digits. To use GTIN processing you also need to enable the  
corresponding UPC/EAN symbology.  
User Reset Factory Defaults  
Causes the SF51 to perform a restart and restores all  
configuration commands to their default settings, only if no  
settings are locked. To reset all settings on the SF51, including  
locked settings, use the Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
command. For more information, see “Administrator Reset  
Factory Defaults” on page 36.  
When you restore all configuration commands to their default  
settings, you need to reestablish Bluetooth communications.  
Vibrate Alert  
Enables or disables the vibrate alert. When Vibrate Alert is  
enabled, the scanner vibrates when you scan a valid bar code.  
Vibrate Alert Duration  
Sets the amount of time that the vibrate alert remains on. You  
can set Vibrate Alert Duration to a value from 0 to 2550 ms.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Appendix A  
Use this section to find technical information about the SF51.  
Physical Dimensions  
15.7 cm (6.1 in)  
3.4 cm (1.3 in)  
4.6 cm (1.8 in) at the scanner, tapered  
to 3.2 cm (1.26 in) at the handle  
263 g (9.3 oz)  
Power and Electrical Specifications  
Rechargeable lithium-ion battery  
Electrical rating:  
x 5V; 1.5A  
Temperature and Environmental Specifications  
-20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)  
-20°C to 60°C (-4°F to 140°F)  
0°C to 45°C (32°F to 113°F)  
0 to 95% non-condensing  
Relative humidity:  
Environmental rating: IP52  
Bar Code Symbologies  
• Codabar  
• MSI  
• Codablock A  
• Codablock F  
• Code 11  
• PDF417  
• Plessey  
• RSS 14  
• Code 39  
• RSS 14 Stacked  
• RSS Limited  
• RSS Expanded  
• Standard 2 of 5  
• Telepen  
• Code 93/93i  
• Code 128 / EAN 128  
• Interleaved 2 of 5  
• Matrix 2 of 5  
• Micro PDF417  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Appendix A  
Note: PDF417 and Micro PDF417 are only available  
on the SF51 with PDF version.  
Bluetooth Radio  
Radio Type:  
Bluetooth Class 1 version 1.2  
2.4 GHz  
Radio Data Rate:  
721 Kbits per second  
Communication Range  
Host radio Class 1:  
30.5 m (100 ft)  
Host radio Class 2:  
10 m (32.8 ft)  
Adaptive Frequency Hopping (ADF)  
EV10 Scanner  
Scan rate:  
200 scans per second  
up to 50 cm (19.7 in)  
40 degrees  
Scan range:  
Scan angle:  
Minimum X dimension: 4 mils (0.1 mm)  
Accessories for the SF51  
You can use these accessories (sold and ordered separately) with  
the SF51. To order accessories, contact your local Intermec sales  
Accessories for the SF51  
1-Bay Charger  
The 1-bay charger (P/N 074645) charges the  
battery in the SF51 and is designed to be mounted  
on a horizontal or vertical surface.  
1-Bay Charger  
Power Supply  
The power supply for the 1-bay charger (P/N  
074749) provides AC power to the 1-bay charger.  
It comes with power supply adapters for Australia,  
Continental Europe, United Kingdom, North  
America, Central America, Mexico, and Japan. It  
also comes with a flat plate for use with an AC  
power cord. The AC power cord is not included.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Appendix A  
Accessories for the SF51 (continued)  
4-Bay Charger  
The 4-bay charger (P/N 074646) has the same  
functionality of the 1-bay charger, except it allows  
you to charge up to four SF51 scanners at the  
same time.  
4-Bay Charger  
Power Supply  
The power supply for the 4-bay charger (P/N  
074935) provides AC power to the 4-bay charger.  
USB Bluetooth The USB Bluetooth Adapter (P/N 074892)  
provides wireless communications to your host  
computer and data collection application.  
The forearm holster (P/N 074649) provides you  
with an easy way to carry the SF51 when you are  
not using it. The holster supports either right-  
handed or left-handed use.  
Chest Strap  
Use the chest strap holster (P/N 074648) to carry  
the SF51 when you are not using it.  
Industrial belt  
clip holder  
Use the belt clip (P/N 074811) to carry the SF51  
when you are not using it.  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
1-bay charger  
accessory, described, 51  
power supply, accessory, described, 51  
4-bay charger  
accessory, described, 52  
power supply, accessory, described, 52  
accessories, described, 51  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults  
bar code, 25  
command, 36  
audio feedback, See beeps  
bar code symbologies  
Codabar, 39  
Codablock A, 39  
Codablock F, 39  
Code 11, 39  
Code 128 / EAN 128, 40  
Code 39, 39  
Code 93/93i, 40  
Interleaved 2 of 5, 42  
ISBT 128, 40  
Matrix 2 of 5, 42  
Micro PDF417, 42  
MSI, 42  
PDF417, 43  
Plessey, 43  
RSS 14, 44  
RSS Expanded, 44  
RSS Limited, 44  
Standard 2 of 5, 44  
Telepen, 45  
UPC/EAN, 47  
bar codes  
how to, 8  
troubleshooting, 27  
setup sheet, described, 12  
supported symbologies, 50  
symbologies, default, 8  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
1-bay charger, described, 51  
4-bay charger, described, 52  
charging, 4  
checking status, 4  
using, 3  
Beep Duration command, 36  
Beep Frequency command, 36  
Beep Volume command, 37  
beeper, turning off, 7  
beeps, understanding, 6  
belt clip, accessory, described, 52  
blue light, See Intermec Ready-to-Work indicator  
accessory, described, 52  
installing, 18  
configuring, 15  
host PC, connecting to, 18  
troubleshooting, 25, 26  
Connect/Disconnect command, 37  
Device Name command, 37  
Device Page command  
described, 37  
how to locate your SF51, 28  
Discoverable command, 38  
host devices supported, 16  
command, 38  
forgot, troubleshooting, 27  
security, configuring, 15  
Profile command, 38  
configuring, 15  
range, 51  
specifications, 51  
Security command, 38  
SF51 Bluetooth address  
how to get, 24  
illustration, 17  
Bluetooth Device Disconnect, bar code, 18  
button, scan, illustration, 2  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
1-bay charger, described, 51  
4-bay charger, described, 52  
charging, battery, 4  
chest strap holster, accessory, described, 52  
cleaning, scanner window, 29  
Codabar command, 39  
Codablock A command, 39  
Codablock F command, 39  
Code 11 command, 39  
Code 128 / EAN 128 command, 40  
GTIN Processing for EAN 128, 40  
ISBT 128, 40  
Code 39 command, 39  
Code 93/93i command, 40  
collecting data, how to, 9  
commands, See configuration commands  
communication range, Bluetooth radio, 51  
computers, Bluetooth supported, 16  
configuration commands  
Administrator Reset Factory Defaults, 36  
Beep Duration, 36  
Beep Frequency, 36  
Beep Volume, 37  
Bluetooth Connect/Disconnect, 37  
Bluetooth Device Name, 37  
Bluetooth Device Page, 37  
Bluetooth Discoverable, 38  
Bluetooth PIN, 38  
Bluetooth Profile, 38  
Bluetooth Security, 38  
Codabar, 39  
Codablock A, 39  
Codablock F, 39  
Code 11, 39  
Code 128 / EAN 128, 40  
GTIN Processing for EAN 128, 40  
ISBT 128, 40  
Code 39, 39  
Code 93/93i, 40  
Configuration Modes and Utilities, 40  
Consecutive Same Read Data Validation, 41  
default values, 33 to 36  
Disable All Symbologies, 41  
Error Beep, 41  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
configuration commands (continued)  
Good Read Beep Duration, 41  
Good Read Beep Number, 41  
Good Read Beep Timing, 42  
Good Read LED Duration, 42  
Interleaved 2 of 5, 42  
ISBT 128, 40  
Matrix 2 of 5, 42  
Micro PDF417, 42  
MSI, 42  
PDF417, 43  
Plessey, 43  
Postamble, 43  
Preamble, 43  
RSS 14, 44  
RSS Expanded, 44  
RSS Limited, 44  
Setup Beep, 44  
Stacked Code Crackle, 44  
Standard 2 of 5, 44  
Symbology Identifier, 45  
Telepen, 45  
Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes, 45  
Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes, 46  
Trigger Mode, 46  
UPC/EAN, 47  
GTIN processing, 47  
ISBN, described, 47  
User Reset Factory Defaults, 47  
using to configure the SF51, 32  
Vibrate Alert, 47  
Vibrate Alert Duration, 47  
Configuration Modes and Utilities  
bar codes, 24  
command, 40  
Bluetooth communications, 15  
from Intermec computer, 13  
parameters, 12  
security, 15  
using EasySet, 12  
connecting to a host device, 16  
Consecutive Same Read Data Validation command, 41  
data transmission settings, configuration commands, list of, 33  
data, collecting, 9  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
default configuration  
restoring, 14  
values, 33 to 36  
dimensions, physical, 50  
Disable All Symbologies command, 41  
disconnecting, how to, 18  
discoverable state  
described, 38  
security, configuring, 16  
EAN 128, GTIN processing, 40  
using to configure SF51  
offline, 13  
online, 12  
where to download, 8  
electrical specifications, 50  
environmental specifications, 50  
Error Beep command, 41  
factory default settings, restoring, 14  
upgrading, 19  
version, how to get, 24  
forearm holster, accessory, described, 52  
forgot Bluetooth PIN, troubleshooting, 27  
Get Product Version bar code, 24  
Get SF51 Bluetooth Device Address bar code, 24  
Get Sub-System Versions bar code, 24  
Good Read  
Duration command, 41  
Number command, 41  
Timing command, 42  
LED Duration command, 42  
green light, See status light  
GTIN processing  
EAN 128, 40  
UPC/EAN, 47  
help, calling Intermec, xi  
holster, accessories, described, 52  
humidity, specifications, 50  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Interleaved 2 of 5 command, 42  
connecting to, 17  
supported, 16  
using to configure SF51, 13  
contact information, ii  
Ready-to-Work indicator  
described, 6  
illustration, 5  
telephone support, xi  
ISBT 128 command, 40  
.ldr, firmware upgrade file, 19  
labels, bar code, scanning, 8  
blue, See Intermec Ready-to-Work indicator  
Intermec Ready-to-Work indicator, described, 6  
status, described, 5  
understanding, 4  
limited discoverable  
bar code, 16  
described, 38  
Macro PDF417, described, 43  
magnetic connector, illustration, 2  
Matrix 2 of 5 command, 42  
Micro PDF417 command, 42  
MSI command, 42  
off, turning off the SF51, 3  
on, turning on the SF51, 3  
operating settings, list of, 35  
operating the SF51  
humidity range, 50  
temperature range, 50  
paging the SF51, how to, 28  
parameters, configuring SF51, 12  
PDF417 command, 43  
dimensions, 50  
specifications, 50  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Plessey command, 43  
Postamble command, 43  
power down bar code, 3  
power specifications, 50  
power supply  
1-bay charger, accessory, described, 51  
4-bay charger, accessory, described, 52  
Preamble command, 43  
problems, finding and solving, 25  
product version, how to get, 24  
communications, configuring, 15  
specifications, 51  
Ready-to-Work indicator  
described, 6  
illustration, 5  
red light, See status light  
resetting, SF51, 28  
restoring default settings, 14  
RSS 14 command, 44  
RSS Expanded command, 44  
RSS Limited command, 44  
Scan button  
illustration, 2  
troubleshooting, 27  
scanner, See SF51  
scanner window, cleaning, 29  
bar codes  
described, 8  
how to hold the SF51, 9  
troubleshooting, 27  
Bluetooth PIN, 15  
configuring, 15  
discoverable state, 16  
Serial port profile, Bluetooth  
configuring, 38  
described, 15  
disconnecting, 18  
resetting the SF51, 29  
settings, restoring default, 14  
Setup Beep command, 44  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Bluetooth address  
how to get, 24  
illustration, 17  
cleaning, 29  
configuring, 12  
connecting to a host device, 16  
description, 2  
firmware version, how to get, 24  
how to turn on, 3  
locating using Bluetooth Device Page command, 28  
paging using Bluetooth Device Page command, 28  
product version, how to get, 24  
resetting, 28  
scan engine, specifications, 51  
sub-system version, how to get, 24  
troubleshooting, 24  
turning off, 3  
turning on, 3  
upgrading, 19  
using to scan bar codes, 8  
with PDF version  
bar code symbologies supported, 51  
default bar code symbologies, 8  
sounds, See beeps  
electrical, 50  
humidity, 50  
power, 50  
radio, Bluetooth, 51  
scan engine, 51  
temperature, 50  
SPP, See Serial port profile  
Stacked Code Crackle command, 44  
Standard 2 of 5 command, 44  
beeps, 6  
checking battery, 4  
described, 5  
illustration, 5  
sub-system version, how to get, 24  
support, calling Intermec, xi  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
symbologies, bar code  
default, 8  
list of, 34  
supported, 50  
Symbology Identifier command, 45  
Telepen command, 45  
temperature, specifications, 50  
Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes command, 45  
Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes command, 46  
Trigger Mode command, 46  
Bluetooth PIN, forgot, 27  
cannot establish a Bluetooth connection, 25, 26  
guide to finding problems, 25  
lost Bluetooth connection, 25  
resetting the SF51, 28  
Scan button, 27  
scanning, 27  
using Configuration Modes and Utilities, 24  
turning off the SF51, 3  
turning on the SF51, 3  
beeps, 6  
lights, 4  
UPC/EAN command, 47  
GTIN processing, 47  
ISBN, 47  
upgrading, SF51, 19  
USB Bluetooth adapter, See Bluetooth adapter  
User Reset Factory Defaults command, 47  
V, W  
Vibrate Alert  
command, described, 47  
described, 7  
turning off, 7  
turning on, 7  
Vibrate Alert Duration command, 47  
volume, adjusting, 37  
wireless communications, configuring, 15  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide  
Corporate Headquarters  
6001 36th Avenue West  
Everett, Washington 98203  
tel 425.348.2600  
fax 425.355.9551  
SF51 Cordless Scanner User's Guide  
P/N 074474-003  

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